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UGX-Mods Delta's 10 year anniversary + Contest

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Created 2 years ago
by Delta
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changed one line of code, bug is fixed

Coming to work on monday morning.
When a bug mysteriously disappears.

:ugxmods: Developer ;)
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So it has been exactly 10 years since I registered on UGX-Mods. In September 2012 I joined the team officially. I thought it was time to celebrate my 10 years anniversary and throw in one nostalgic gem I wrote for UGX-Mods a long time ago. And to round it up, I’ll throw in some steam gift cards which you can win (more information below).
So, let’s start with some history.
I was modding for World at War and wanted to join the best modding team. I was working on an ambitious project (which in the end was discontinued due to engine limits). Nevertheless with UGX-Mods I could do much more than “just” modding. I’m a generalist and a good web developer (I do this as a living btw). Over the last 10 years I could extend my knowledge in so many areas thanks to UGX and of course the awesome UGX-Mods community!
Without UGX and you - the community - I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish this all. I went from PHP5, JavaScript, HTML4 and CSS2 into a Full-Stack developer who is fluid in HTML5, CSS3 (and SCSS), JavaScript / TypeScript, PHP+7. I even learned and mastered C++ thanks to UGX-Mods (but that is for another time). I learned a lot about linux servers. I did all of this before UGX, but with UGX I could keep working on it with a large user base and learn just sooo much.
Again, I can’t thank all of you enough for your support, kind words and simply staying with us.

UGX Chat *nostalgic version*

To celebrate this anniversary I’ll revive the UGX Chat. You can enther it through this link:
It’s a nostalgic version with a few fixes and improvements, but it has all the quirks and features you love and hate.
I have no idea how well it goes and how long I will keep it up and running, but just for the good old times it’s worth it. :)

CONTEST: 20€ Steam Gift Cards (over!)

@johndoe , @djluvorng , @RealVenomModz , @John_Banana and @cpt_johnson1
Congratulations! :partying_face:
  ​ I also want to give something back and we haven’t had a contest in a while.I’ll throw in 5x20€ Steam Gift Cards. What do you need to do to win one of those cards?
  • Post a message in this thread and leave some kind words. (Would love to hear why you registered on UGX-Mods, what you like/dislike, etc.)
  • Ensure your UGX-Mods Account is linked with your Discord Account
  • Write at least one message in the UGX Chat *nostalgic edition* [img](=
The winners will be picked randomly once the event ends (28 Aug 2022 - 8 PM UTC+2).They must meet all requirements.Winners will be excluded if any harmful, disrespectful or other content was posted which is against our rules.Winners will be contacted via Discord / UGX-Mods pm system (in case Discord doesn't work). If the winner doesn’t respond within 48 hours another one will be randomly picked.UGX Staff members are excluded from this contest as well as users who registered after 27 Aug 2022)  
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galal mehrez's Groups
The reason I joined ugx is cuz of the amazing mods/maps that were here for waw and bo1 zombies,I had a really weak pc at the time so I couldn't play much or play bo3 custom zombies,so ugx filled me with join with the very large amount of mods/maps there were for waw
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There's a Hero in all of us.
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Community Mapper Has released one or more maps to the UGX-Mods community which have been added to the UGX Map Manager.
It must have been 2014 or 2015 when I first joined UGX so I can meet fellow COD modders and discuss mods. I can say it was a better time. Good old days... I've met lots of people who stood by me when I needed help. And I met people who I could help myself. Lot's of good, and less than good xD memories. It's all part of the experience. Peace!
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Community Mapper Has released one or more maps to the UGX-Mods community which have been added to the UGX Map Manager.
cpt_johnson1's Contact & Social Links
Hello :) I joined ugx in 2018 (late, I know lol) because I wanted to start making maps for cod waw. I instantly fell in love with this site because of the helpful and (mostly) friendly community. This site has greatly helped me get better at mapping/modding. I am glad to be apart of this community :coolsmiley:
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Community Mapper Has released one or more maps to the UGX-Mods community which have been added to the UGX Map Manager.
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Numan's Contact & Social LinksProfileNaem
Gratz man. Joined UGX back in 2013 when the teamspeak was still active and discord wasn't even a thing yet. Feels like a while ago. Took a large break but been back for a few years now and was welcomed back to new faces. Place had seemingly only gotten friendlier. Now that UGX chat is back we demand the red theme is returned.
Cheers for keeping it running for almost a decade even when others had practically given in to boredom. Getting all soppy over here now.
UGX 9/10 - Best source for original boxmaps and unique 4 walls, ceiling and a floor.
Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 06:22:32 pm by Numan
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when i got waw i was instantly into zombies, and as soon as i figured out how to mod stuff, i joined this quite great community who has both helped me and ive tried helping back, even though i havent worked on my map in months at this point (and plan to finish it eventually lmao), still glad to be part of this great community, and glad i found out about it, here to another 10 years of this great modding community
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Caw caw caw
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Community Mapper Has released one or more maps to the UGX-Mods community which have been added to the UGX Map Manager.
2015 Contest Winner
johndoe's Contact & Social Links-johndoemyc153
I remember that dreaded midnight when I first came here while trying to fix a map I was trying to compile. I was so surprised how friendly the community was and I was also amazed by what can be done with the power of modding. Modding Call of Duty opened my mind in a lot of ways and it gave me the motivation to improve my skills in programming and gamedev, and I also made a lot of good friends thanks to it, so it wouldn't be an understatement to say that joining UGX is an important turning point in my life. I'd like to thank everyone on this site who helped me improve myself and grow as a person. I hope UGX will bring about more cool things in the future and I'm looking forward to contributing to it when that happens :)
Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 06:30:13 pm by johndoe
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Community Mapper Has released one or more maps to the UGX-Mods community which have been added to the UGX Map Manager.
NGcaudle's Contact & Social LinksNGcaudle
I remember joining UGX bakc in 2014 and I just need to say THANK YOU! UGX has been a major part of my life for the past 8 years and it truly is my passion to make custom maps for Call Of Duty Zombies. The Members and Fourms have been incrediable useful and understanding over the years and it's great to have a site that still gets a wide variety for maps posted to the site constantly.
Also thanks for bringing the UGX Chat back it is going to be very enjoyable to enter back to where this journey all begun.
Keep up the good work I will diffenetly be hanging around much longer.
- NGcaudle AKA Billy Herrington <3
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djluvorng's Contact & Social Linksdjluvorng
I joined in 2013 it seems. I was just a kid when I made this account. I have always liked picking things apart and seeing how they work (even if I couldn't figure it out xD). WaW was the first game I knew had modding support. I had no idea what a script was or how to code. All I cared about was making a map. Slowly I came to realise you can only go so far with stock assets and community addons. I "released" a lot of "maps" in that time. Never anything remotely good, however. I kind of got in a bad place for a while after that. All is good now and I am really getting into scripting again so I'll be around. Off the top of my head, I don't like you can't change your name on the site.
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No code is bug free
My published cod maps:

Enclosed (a.k.a baconcube)

Black Ops Perks:
gympie6's Groups
Community Scripter Has shown effort and knowledge in the area of scripting while being a part of the UGX-Mods community.
gympie6's Contact & Social LinksTeffrieGympie5#5971TheRevenantSkullTeffrie
Congratulations! Yeah it was a very long time ago I joined UGX. It seems it was in 2013! :)
Its very cool it's still standing. UGX-MODS won the lastman standing contest against CustomCod, MODME and Zombiemodding.
I want to thank you very much for all the effort and time you put keeping the site alive!
The forum, topics and the UGX Discord community is what kept me going releasing new stuff.
Without this website, COD-WAW could become an over and over Nacht der Untoten style experience.
The UGX-Standalone, WeaponEditor, Custom launcher, Scriptplacer, all very good applications that can reduce the time creating a custom map.
Thank you again Delta for everything and I wish you a very nice anniversary!
Last Edit: August 23, 2022, 04:12:18 pm by gympie6
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The year was 2012 and I was super broke. I needed a hobby to take my mind off of my recent layoff from McDonalds and the fact that my mom was going to be demanding rent soon. I was smoking the cigarette filters that people would toss out their car windows and I was drinking out of discarded glass 40s that homeless people would piss in, because...well, that's where I was at in life. After visiting, and immediatly leaving because of airborn aids, I found UGX and could tell right away that this place was different. Trem was the MAN! and the way these guys were able to keep the conversations fun without being disrespectful was really great to see. The contributions these guys made to WAW zombies with the UGX Mod was amazing! I am very happy that UGX is still around and like some of these other fine gentlemen have said, will be excited to see what the future holds.
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If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.
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I just wanted to drop a comment saying I was happy to read about everyone's memories and experiences for UGX-Mods so far in this thread. I look back on my time in this community very fondly and I miss everyone I used to talk to regularly. Hope everyone is doing well and I'm happy we are still here to provide a space for people to discuss & release maps and mods for COD.
Here's to 10 years with one of the best and smartest people I've ever had the pleasure of working with. If it weren't for Delta, UGX-Mods probably wouldn't be online anymore :)
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Yee_21's Contact & Social LinksYee#1058
Congratulations, I have not been here for a long time but you have 10 Years.
I just started playing costume zombies last week and I instantly loved UGX, The hundred of thousands of maps, and the active and friendly community.
But I am pretty late to the party.
So one more time congratulations.:)
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Congrats on 10 years Man! I've been revisiting the site since 2015 constantly looking for new maps to play with friends.
Things like DayZ and Especially Custom Zombies were what pushed me to get a Gaming PC back in 2013. I used a Dell Optiplex 745 with a HD 6670 to play Zombies back in the day and it got me by.  Myself and some friends had to use cracked copies and Tunngle at the time as we were only kids at the time and we had no money ( And yes, I did purchase it on Steam eventually :D ).
UGX was a massive part of the Custom Zombies Experience for finding new maps, and even just chatting to the creators of maps was always great weather it was either criticism/suggestions, or just complementing the creators on how much I enjoyed their maps . The Hype I had for some maps on this page ( Like Raganrok and Malibu Drive for Example )  has yet to beaten by other games honestly.
Thanks to the people who still keep this site going. It still fills me with massive nostalgia whenever I open up this page again.
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Community Mapper Has released one or more maps to the UGX-Mods community which have been added to the UGX Map Manager.
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I joined in 2013 to publish my Asylum map, had no idea there was actuallty a community, I thought it was just a publishing site for maps lol. Had a lot of good times over the years

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