It's best to bring a Bazooka rocket launcher, otherwise you will be educated by Black Panther tanks in church.
Yeah you can use a mix of panzerschrecks and the flak 88 in the church
4 days ago
Thank you guys
4 days ago
Short story, but the map details are incredible, and the gameplay is highly satisfying.
It perfectly captures the vibe of golden-era campaigns.
Thank you for the release!
Thank you
4 days ago
Singleplayer/co-op campaign mission
Please note:
If you have t4m installed, I recommend temporarily removing it befo...
If you have t4m installed, I recommend temporarily removing it befo...
4 days ago
Excellent work, enjoyed the level - the end is hardcore until I started spamming nades - wish we would see more of these!
Thank you Im glad you like it!
2 years ago
Amazing work, I like the sound switch between combat mod this is amazing! Well designed, well optimised map !
Thanks you very much for this map! :+1:
2 years ago