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UGX-Mods Delta's 10 year anniversary + Contest

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Created 2 years ago
by Delta
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Donator ♥ Benevolent Soul who has our eternal gratitude and exclusive access to betas and the donator section of the forum.
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I joined UGX in 2012 as someone who came on here to just download maps. Late 2012/2013 I started making my own maps... who would of thought 10 years later id still be doing it? What I loved about UGX and miss the most of the WAW custom zombies days were the sense of community we had on here. I met so many people and made so many friends (and the old me enemies lol) over the years. All the years of talking in the chat, the mapping contests and just enjoying the waw custom zombies experience that you guys provided. Thanks UGX!
~ Andy "Gunoftruth"
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I joined the day before my 16th birthday in 2019 cuz I had just gotten World at War and I was like "ay, cool maps bro". BUT THEN, I was like "what if I made my OWN maps :cheesy:" And so, I started watching vids on YouTube and I was "WHERE DO THEY GET ALL THESE COOL PERKS AND STUFF???"... And then... The Heavens opened up... The answer had been in front of my face. The. Whole. TIME. And now I've been using UGX for years for perks, models, guns, and other lit stuff that people have huge enough brains to port to this fossil of a game (shoutout those guys). So, yeah UGX is kinda my mainstay for getting stuff like that and also for all of the amazing tutorials that have helped me learn how to code for myself. Also, the UGX community has been a great source of assistance as people have helped me along my mapping journey (most of these people I have given weapons in my map "Hypothesis" so you should go check it out :thumbsup-smiley:)... (jk don't go check that map out it's broken af just wait for Retrograde to come out lol). So yeah, UGX is a fantastic place and Delta is a fantastic dev so shoutout dude! Thanks for 10 great years!
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Venom is here, bay bay.
Real JustVenomModz. Anyone else is a fake looking to start false propaganda and misinformation.

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Even though I'm still fresh in UGX-Mods, I was very aware of the scene back a few years ago in 2015 when I first started watching TheRelaxingEnd and VanossGaming playing custom maps having a good time (Ahh, good days)
I really loved the people around the community when I first joined. Made some friends, and honestly, we had a lot of fun in the voice chats. They taught me a few things that I didn't know. I remember when NG dragged me from my server into UGX-Mods so we can all mess around. :P
I would like to see more in UGX-Mods in regards to Black Ops 1 and World at War, considering one of these games are past their mod tools prime, its safe to say, that some people have forgotten about where they came from in regards to how they started modding back then.
UGX-Mods is the place where I learned by looking up most of the forum topics for World at War, and have applied some techniques to Black Ops 1, and I hope to see this site still up for the years to come.
We as a community, thank you a lot, Delta. You, and everyone else, are the real OGs of the site. :muscle:
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I joined in 2016 so I could get past the hidden link restriction :sunglass-smiley: which I think used to be a thing idk, but then I started modding in 2020 during the pandemic because it seemed like a fun idea. Had 0 coding experience,  luckily Cristian from the discord (not active anymore) helped me get started, and then I met many other amazing people who helped me and worked with me, Numan, Phil, Jayden, Gympie, etc. Now after all that help and taking a coding class I can finally work on my projects without spamming modding-help every day :thumbsup-smiley:
Like Venom said some of us would love to keep Bo1 and WaW modding alive. Once in a while I'll use the forum search to find old posts for various errors/common features, very happy that it's all still online to use as a resource. I hope to keep my series of mods going for WaW, thanks Delta for keeping UGX alive
Last Edit: August 25, 2022, 05:36:31 am by John_Banana
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I joined in 2015 as I was interested the many amazing maps that I could access from this site. After a few years of inactivity, I decided I wanted to try my hand at modding and this forum proved very useful for solving nearly every problem I encountered during the modding process. This site makes it possible for people to more easily channel their creativity through this extremely niche medium by bypassing the headaches of the many problems solved in the forums. It is truly amazing what a group of passionate gamers can accomplish through collaboration and pooling knowledge.
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I joined  and discovered ugx mods around 2013 after from zombiemodding, to look for more custom zombie maps that i've never seen or played before. I did have an account back then with a different name, but the account was not active, so i recreated an account again  in 2015. Anyway this place and the community is friendy. Amazing mappers/modders/ scripters helping each other out together with cod waw modding to make maps, script, and give other tutorial tips to help new people make custom maps for this game and also people looking for other people to play custom zombie maps with each other to keep this website alive too.
 I want to say thank u Delta for reviving  ugx chat back, that i remembered the nostalgia of it back in the day and  helping on the ugx mods website with Treminaor all these years of hard work and also  bringing new people into the ugx community with lots of joy over the years. Both u and Treminaor are cool and amazing, talented, outstanding programmers
Treminaor the founder of ugx mods, thx for creating the website and without him it wouldnt exist and all of us would be on different custom zombie map websites, dont also forget bout the rest of the ugx mods team that were apart of it too, that were here formerly, such as W1NG3D, CoDMapper, Cold, SajeOne, and Mr. Slagovich. Those guys were here before and left back in the day, we will all miss them  tremendously. Never forgotton and always will be remembered that helped with the website too and being with the ugx team with Treminaor and Delta, u are all amazing people.
 Other former Mappers/Modders/scripters like Hitmanvere, AmazingPieman, Redspace200, HexZombies, Death_Reaper, Chromastone10, Bluntstuffy, Xjimmy33, Offthewall, RollonMath42, TomBMX etc and other amazing cod waw modders that were here before  created really cool maps and mods back in the day, so i thank them too. They moved on and will be all missed tremendously. Never forgotten and always be remembered as well too
so yea thx for everything Treminaor, Delta, and the rest of the ugx mods team that helped created and helped with the ugx mods website together +  the nostalgia of the  mappers/modders/scripters that were all here formerly too that we all missed , true dedication, hard working, and also everybody here is  phenomenal overall
 Happy 10 year anniversary  Delta
P.S   Lets keep ugx mods alive as much as possible till the end, we will never ever forget bout this cool phenomenal place
Last Edit: August 30, 2022, 10:52:39 am by LIGHTNING
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I think I joined these forums...3 - 4 years ago? I'm not quite sure when I joined but I do remember coming over to UGX because UGX had a better layout than other websites I'm talking directly to you Zombie Modding ;).  + UGX kept up maintainence with broken zombie map files LOL. I believe there was a time where UGX also didn't require a account for downloading files, which was another reason why I didn't join officially alot sooner.
Man big shout outs to UGX, to all the modders and scripters. The community here is just crazy. I've known some of you for YEARS like we've all grown up together in a way. I must say this community helped me get over my mothers passing in a way, getting busy with the boys and killing zombies, creating shitty YouTube content and having these people by your side helped quite a bit. So, I can't help but thank all of you <3
Special Mentions:
Gympie; My boy I'm still rocking the VICE
Lightning; Brother on the other side of the world
NG; Memist dankist modder
Chasr34; Don't come to school tomorrow (I had to)
CptJohnson; Detail my
BEAR; Maps make me sweat
MidgetBlaster; Hair you could die for
Cristian; Doing shit others wouldn't dare think of
Delta; For changing my UGX Password
Numan; Helping me mod my own maps
Many many others, but just to name a few peeps.
Thanks to all who keep this website alive, to the founders and moderators.
Happy 10 Years UGX community!
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Congrats on the 10 years! This forum and custom maps are why I built a PC in the first place back in 2015. Loved UGX then and now and I hope to see more things to come!

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