Hi! been working on this for a while, and finally feel confident enough to release it (DM me with any and all bugs bc I am sure there are some).
This script tutorial and prefab combo is bacically a drag and drop adaptation the teleporters from the map "five" albeit modified for...
2 years ago
I joined in 2013 it seems. I was just a kid when I made this account. I have always liked picking things apart and seeing how they work (even if I couldn't figure it out xD). WaW was the first game I knew had modding support. I had no idea what a script was or how to code. All I cared about was...
2 years ago
wow, thanks!
8 years ago
I need help with a script I am writing for playing a sound when a specific gun is out of ammo. The script gives no errors but The sound does not play. Any help would be appreciated.
[code]#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_util...
[code]#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_util...
8 years ago
Yeah, It is actually not pulling it from the wall that does the sound, it is the sound of the first raise animation.
8 years ago