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Realism Mod 3.0 WIP

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by tomikaze
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Zombie Realism Mod 3.0

The first Realism Mod 3.0 map has been released, here is the announcement video

Realism Announcements 1-12 below
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Hey guys, I wanted to make an announcment that I have been in talks with Bluntstuffy about creating a brand new Realism Mod. For those who are unfamiliar with Realism it is a Mod that once applied to a map players could choose a class such as Support, Engineer, Soldier or Medic and then level their character up by gaining XP through killing zombies and completing challenges. Here is a picture of the old Realism mod loadout menu.

Bluntstuffy is going to do his best to rebuild it from the ground up and make many needful changes along the way. I have rewritten the character classes and have made plans for more modern weaponry and perks. This is going to be quite a project but Blunt is a freakin' scripting Jiu Jitsu grandmaster and we think that we can make this a mod that everyone will enjoy.

What we need from the community though is ideas; not that every idea will be used, but they will all be considered. If you think that you have an serious idea that would make a better Realism experience then please comment below and let us know.

This is in the VERY early stages right now where Blunt and I are outlining all of our ideas, moving the pieces around, figuring out what will and won't work and really racking our brains to make this mod as fun as we can make it, so please be patient, but feel free to ask questions and offer suggestions. Thanks : )


Update #1
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- There are about 38 guns in the mod at the moment, not including WWs. All of the guns have anywhere from 3-6 attachment options which have already been implemented in the Mod and are functional.
- The Character Class system is getting its wrinkles ironed out but is looking good.
- Each gun can be given 15 damage upgrades similar to Advanced Warfare.
- Stats: there will be a menu that you can access I believe anytime which will keep track of almost any stat you can think of: Kills, headshots, zombies gibbed, time played, melee kills, times prestiged, points spent, # of perks bought, doors bought, how many powerups you've picked up, how many times you've upgraded a gun, how many times you've used the mystery box, etc. We love our stat tracking : )

Update #2
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This video addresses:
-Difficulty settings
-Character classes
-Stat tracking for both the player and guns
-Supply drops
-Weapon attachments

Update #3
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Alpha Testers Needed

The mod has reached a size and scale that has become too big for just a couple people to test. So what we need are people who have the time and energy to dedicate themselves to testing everything that this mod offers and report back to myself or BluntStuffy the problems that you find, or if something is not clear enough and you need help understanding it then let us know as well.

If you are selected as a tester we ask you to do these things:
-Try out each difficulty setting and play around with the different enemy types and give us feedback on how they feel.
-Try out each character class and try to prestige with each one or at least get as close as you can.
-Try out as many different weapons as you can and focus on completing the challenges that are assigned to each gun.
-As you unlock them use different gun attachment to get a feel for how they change the experience.
-How does the the in-game menu feel to upgrade your weapons, buy perks & buy attachments?
-Do you have any issues when trying to make purchases from the menu? Example: It's not letting me add an attachment even after I've completed the necessary challenge. OR It's not letting me upgrade my gun even though I have the money.
-Please do NOT record footage of the mod/map and upload it to YouTube or any other service like that. Please do not livestream it either or take screenshots and show people; I think you get the idea. Despite what you might think of me BluntStuffy is a good guy and is working very hard on making this project a success and any leaks would be very discouraging for both of us.

Please PM me if you are good at testing these things and have the time to devote to it. I may not get back with you right away but I will put your name on a list and get you a copy of the mod as soon as I am able.

Thank you to everyone who is supporting this map, we need all the encouragement we can get  :D


Update #4
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Character Classes:
Here are the character classes that will be in the upcoming mod. Each class has a unique class specific perk that they will start with and cannot lose.

With the Sniper he's a master of not only long range combat but he's proficient with his sidearm as well as being deadly with his knife. Your knife will be cutting throats like butter for a long time.
-Starts with Mele Mixture: Upgradable Knife
-Gets additional XP for reviving teamates as well as for pistol and sniper rifle kills.

People often stay away from shotguns because you can't earn as many points with them. Well, we wanted to remove some of that stigma and encourage people to wield the shotgun without fear by reducing the cost of debris. Now go core out some chest cavities!
-Starts with Sale Ale: All doors and debris cost 25% less for this class
-Extra XP for shotgun kills

The Assault class gets from place to place quickly. Don't worry about saving up for a speed upgrade, with this guy speed kills right NOW!
-Starts with Lightweight - faster sprinting and longer sprint time than any other class.
-Extra XP for SMG & Assault Rifle kills

Nothing feels better than dealing out punishment to a horde of zombies, but punishing them for even touching you feels pretty damn good too.
-Starts with Self-defense - enemies take damage when they hit him and the zombie is dazed for a few seconds as well. Self-defense takes 10 seconds to recharge.
-Extra XP for LMG kills

At the end of the day it's just more fun to watch things go BOOM! With the Demolitionist you'll be loaded down with explosives and without any fear of being too close to the action; so get in there and make some noise!
-Starts with Flack Jacket: Does not take explosive damage from any of his own weapons, does not take any fall damage.
-Extra XP for kills with all explosive weaponry and can carry extra explosives.

BluntStuffy is currently working on the map that the Realism Mod will release on and things are going very well. The map is looking very cool with lots of unique features and things that are just flat out fun to do. After we're happy with the way the map is looking he will finish up the Mod. No timetable on when it all is going to be released but we will keep you all informed and try to drop pics of the map now and then too.

Thank you to everyone who've been following this topic and is excited as we are to see this thing happen. I want to thank everyone who has helped alpha test the mod, it has helped tremendously. Also, a REALLY big thank you to JiffyNoodles and Nathiri as well as a guy named killerthekiller without your help this mod would have released with around 10 thousand bugs. You guys are awesome.
Stay tuned for more!

Update #5 Fully developed character classes  September 28th, 2016
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Here are some pictures of what will most likely be the final versions to the character classes. If you look off to the right side of the screen you will see the perks that become available to the players as they level up their character. Each class will have two perks that are specific to that class which will make playing each class feel unique and exciting.
The 3rd Attachment & 4th Perk Slot aren't buyable perks merely features that unlock for the player once he reaches that level.

Once you select your character you will be able to choose your starting weapon based on your characters level. This screen will also allow you to see which attachments are available for each gun and what you must do to unlock them.

I am planning on releasing a video of some gameplay footage within the next day or two so stay tuned for more. This is happening guys and we're getting closer every day. Things are really coming together nicely and BluntStuffy and I are giggling like school girls each time a new feature makes it into the mod/map and it actually works  ;D Thanks for your continued patience and support as we try to bring this freaking HUGE project to a close....god of these days  ;)

Oh, one more thing. Regarding this Realism mod and the Greenhouse map as well I have thrown every idea and the kitchen sink at Blunt and he has some-freaking-how made it all happen (or else told me the idea was too stupid). So please throw some encouragement, even monetary encouragement, his way if you get the chance.

Update #6  Class specific perks video - 11/09/16

Update #7  Ingame Menu, Stat Tracking & Gun Attachments - 11/20/16

Update #8 Game Modes & Special Achievements - 11/27/16

Update #9 LZ-52 Limbo

Update #10 - Special Guns - Merry Christmas!!!

Update #11 Nuketown & Gameplay January 2017
Here are some pics & a video of the Realism Mod 3.0 Running on MikeVLC's map NUK37OWN.

Update #12
New Realism Nuketown pics compliments of MikeVLC

See even more pics by following this link:
Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 01:34:02 pm by tomikaze
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I suggest looking up what different grenade types are in BO2 MP, for example. Would be nice to see something like up-to-date bouncing betties and Black Hat
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If you want scripts / features made for you, then contact me by PM or email / skype etc
it will cost you tho so if you have no intention of reciprocating don't even waste my time ;)
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souonds cool, if you need any help PM me ;)
Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 10:35:46 pm by Harry Bo21
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Nice one Tom! I was always a fan of the original mod it added so much replay value but it is very outdated now. It's really cool you guys are recreate your own version can't wait to see what you two nut jobs deliver to us.
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You... you're not kidding? I really loved realism, BUT AS @MrSwagovich said, it's outdated now. Cannot wait for this!
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I suggest looking up what different grenade types are in BO2 MP, for example. Would be nice to see something like up-to-date bouncing betties and Black Hat
I am planning on having a "Demolitionist" class, so yea having a variety of grenade and other explosive options would be cool.

Nice one Tom! I was always a fan of the original mod it added so much replay value but it is very outdated now. It's really cool you guys are recreate your own version can't wait to see what you two nut jobs deliver to us.
Thanks man, we're trying to make something that feels a little like Zombie RPG where you get frequent rewards while also keeping the challenge high.

You... you're not kidding? I really loved realism, BUT AS @MrSwagovich said, it's outdated now. Cannot wait for this!
I can't for the life of me understand why this hasn't been done sooner. One of my biggest complaints with the current state of custom zombies is that after I have a zombie playing session for an hour or 2 I have nothing to show for it. With Realism you get to have the fun and your character is better than he was when you started.
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Maybe each character class could have its own unique skill that need to be "recharged" after being used. Sorta like exo abilities from AW or the skills from Borderlands. I'm not sure what character classes you are planning on making but here are some examples:

Demolitionist Character skill: Nuke-like shock-waves that come outward from the character and kill anything in a certain radius for 5 secconds and takes 1 minute to recharge.

Marksman Character Skill: Auto aims on all enemies for 10 seconds and takes 1 minute to recharge.

Combat medic Character skill: A large bubble forms around the player that protects the player from zombies. Any Downed players that are enclosed in the bubble are instantly revived. Other players may enter the bubble and also be protected from zombies. Zombies group up around the bubble and when the skill ends, it "Pops" and kills the zombies close to the bubble. Lasts 15 seconds and takes 1 and a half minutes to recharge.

Assault Character skill: When activated, your weapon becomes full auto if it is not already. Weapons that are already full auto gain double damage. You also have a bottomless clip. This lasts for 15 seconds and takes 1 and a half minute to recharge.

You could even go even deeper and have skill trees like in borderlands. You unlock skill points somehow and can be used to make yourself more powerful.

This is just an idea, you can take it or leave it.  ;)

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Have a disc copy of W@W, which is why steam doesn't display it
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I really cant wait for this. I have spent hours upon hours playing realism(got rank 65 on final prestige). My only hopes for this one are that more custom weapons are added and said custom weapons are upgradable.
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Good fucking shit man!  :o
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I'm already super hyped about this idea! I hope it doesn't get dropped!

As for suggestions, I think it would be cool for each class to get a special piece of equipment (along with a special ability MZslayer mentioned above), say like a sentry or trap for the Engineer, or a medigun for the Medic. Just an idea! I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!
Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 08:24:27 pm by PSNtoonjuice
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looks swag  :D
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Original post updated!
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I think it would be cool if the characters wheren't just stat changes and acualy looked different. Maybe even have there own quotes and personallity.
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I think it would be cool if the characters wheren't just stat changes and acualy looked different. Maybe even have there own quotes and personallity.
There will be 5 different player/character models but as far as quotes...I doubt it. Maybe Blunt can weigh in on this.
Last Edit: September 06, 2015, 11:01:08 pm by tomikaze
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There will be 5 different player/character models but as far as quotes...I doubt it. Maybe Blunt can weigh in on this.
if your happy to reduce the "quality" of the quotes, you can really ( and i mean REALLY ) reduce their size, giving you room to add a ton more in. Maybe something to consider

you could make it like they are talking through radios, to cover the lower quality

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