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Messages - HitmanVere

The rains fall again in the renovated, yet abandoned town. Fight never-ending waves of infected in this feature-rich sequel of the World at War custom zombies map: Rainy Death.

Download Link:
Steam Workshop Page

  • Original layout with new pathways created, fast travels added to few dead ends and some areas redone completely and added to make gameplay flow better
  • A completely new cast of characters to play as (an SAS Unit) that reacts to the environment, as well as few new additions that bring unique flair to their parts
  • About 40 weapons from various non-CoD games, including Killing Floor 2, Payday 2, Battlefield 4, Dirty Bomb, Apex Legends and more (All of them are custom animated, fitted with new sounds and are also inspectable)
  • Fully revisited Main Quest with same idea as original's, now includes story elements that were missing completely in original and some extra added parts such as a proper finale
  • Few Side Quests sprinkled around that are going to be harder to find compared to the objective-oriented Main Quest
  • A new way of acquiring Shield, Specialist weapon and other items through a feature inspired by Killing Floor 2's Trader system
  • New AI mixed in with the regular zombies, one being upgrade from the original and one being an enemy that was cut from original WaW version
  • 10 perks (original nine + one new custom perk) with perk limit raised to 5
  • Old features revisited such as intro firing range, way to get back there, unlocking Pack-A-Punch etc.
  • Fully translated experience when it comes to text, no more confusion when English is not your primary language


  • Partisan Executioner - 99% of the weapon audio, some extra assets
  • Ege115 - Some of the weapon animations, idea approver
  • lilrobot - Inspecting and Nullcrawler scripts, script advice, FX assistance
  • Scobalula - Tools, rain filter, Gas Zombie rerig, MWR characters
  • DTZxPorter - Tools, L3akMod
  • Vice Squad - FX enhancements, BOCW PaP
  • ConnorSivley - IW Zombies conversion rig
  • Lethal Peelz - Commando model
  • lilrifa/JariK - Lua help
  • ZeRoY/Ardivee - Tutorials
  • Luna - Animation rig
  • Rollonmath42 - CS:GO model help
  • SoiDev - Side Quest weapon model
  • Adams Archive/Gildor/ p3dm(dot)ru / freepbr(dot)com - Assets

Voice Actors:
  • TrentVO as Captain Ross
  • ScottJZim as Lieutenant Gray
  • Medz as Sergeant Perry
  • JackisJack as Private Collins
  • Nosaudio_VO as Project Tyrant
  • SmoothTalk as Broadcaster/The Passenger

  • ch33zy200 - Round transitions, Game Over and ambient stings
  • Paul Christoforakos - Fire/Bonfire Sale music, misc SFX, envelop fix
  • metaloul - Easter Egg song, Shadow Cider jingle
  • azharfr7 - Project Tyrant/Boss Fight themes
  • Isehgal - Safe Room theme
  • himanshugoya242 - Weapon Chest jingle, Main Quest completion SFX
  • Holo Bass - Credits theme

  • ClixMods/ZeRoY - French
  • Planet - Italian
  • ElTitoPricus - Spanish
  • SneakerStreet - German
  • NexusBR - Portuguese
  • IronAlex(Alex_Five) - Russian
  • Zi0 - Polish
  • JustForFun119 - Traditional Chinese
  • スミラー(thmiller)- Japanese

Alpha/Beta Testers:
  • raptroes
  • Mr. Von
  • Cameron
  • Uk_ViiPeR
  • mr_moonie
3 years ago
I'm really looking forward to this. I loved RD on WaW. Any new updates my friend?
 Completely forgot to check here once in a while, lmao. OP updated with new pics and shizz
5 years ago
Yo I've been hearing around town that there's a...... how'd you say it..... UPDATE?! Yeah, that sounds right, and Update goin around.

I happen to be talkin bout the Perish 1.1.2 Update, one of my pals said they heard about it or whatever. Anyone got any details or news?
 As Clippy mentioned, there are no more updates coming out, 1.1.1 is the final version of the map as I've moved onto BO3 fully now. Person who's been saying there was going to be one must really like the map to want more :99:

Excuse me, is "Albtraume" your product?
(Image removed from quote.)
It is not, but that's hilarious, wtf happened and how
6 years ago
Good news: Launcher is finally fixed, now it properly again installs Game_Mod for easier time installing and playing the map.
Bad news: BO1 servers are dead atm (unless they are already fixed), so only way to play currently is solo and it is through opening console and doing console command "map zombie_perish" Hopefully the issue gets fixed.
That is all, as I've said almost a year ago, there are no more updates to the map
6 years ago
Updated most of the stuff with the HUD, now has proper alignments, colors, transparencies and glow. Well, as close as I can get at least without having ripped textures and such, lmao (Also using Giant as test map, hence why screenshot is taken in that)

6 years ago

One comment that has stuck with me for a while is someone calling Rainy Death "campaign-styled" just cos of intro and how linear the map was. This time I am taking that one step further where a lot of basics are rewritten to give more cinematic experience. Here's an animation I did yesterday for a simple button press which will be used as a minor detail on a "new" feature (new in map, very old in zombies):
6 years ago
Time to pound lolis and kill zombies
6 years ago

The rain season has returned to the renovated but now abandoned town. Fight the ever-increasing power of the undead in this remaster/remake of World at War custom zombies map Rainy Death.

Rough Estimate on Progress

Notes: I am busy with Uni and other modding related projects so been slowed down, but yeah, trying to finish this map someday.
I started on this remaster in like 2017, but there has been so many things in between that, that I've only worked on it for total of few months basically.
Reason for making this topic is having a main place to showcase/check out the overall progress and hopefully gives me reason to work on it more.

Features So Far/Planned:
  • Original layout with new pathways created, transportations added to few dead ends and some areas redone completely to make gameplay flow better
  • Approx. +30 weapons from various non-CoD games, including Killing Floor 2, Payday 2, Battlefield 4, Dirty Bomb, Apex Legends and more
    • All of the guns are custom animated, fitted with new sounds and are also inspectable
  • Fully revisited Main Quest with same idea as original's, now includes story elements that were lacking/missing completely in original
  • Buildable Zombie Shield and buildable Specialist weapon added due to change of gameplay elements that Black Ops 3 brings
  • Recreation of Killing Floor 2 HUD with few things changed around to fit with Black Ops 3-mechanics
  • New level boss that is basically an upgrade to Napalm Zombie from the original
  • Original 9 perks, including PHD Flopper and Electric Cherry
  • Power off environment where lights turn on with power (some lights are turned on always via generators to not make map too dark)
  • Old features revisited such as intro firing range, way to get back there, unlocking Pack-A-Punch etc.


Made it this far? Here's a parrot :love_parrot:
6 years ago
I only get the Update installer not the main mod
 Update installer includes whole map
6 years ago
I would love to play this map but all I get when I try to select Zombies is an infinite connecting screen
BO1 server issue sucks so much ass. One way that works sometimes is waiting 60s, then closing the game and restarting, that sometimes works. If you can't get inside the game, just open console and type /map zombie_perish and that starts the map solo 
6 years ago
how to install and play this mod?
Run installer, go to GitHub page shown in topic and install game_mod, then run shortcut
How can I solve the problem of Missing Shortcut???

Is Windows Defender deleting it? Check in case it is 
6 years ago
Code Snippet
6 years ago

when I try to enter my friend's room the game made me out, what can it be?  (sorry for my English but I have no fucking idea to speak it)
 Do you mean joining friend's lobby just kicks you out? Make sure both have 1.1.1 version of map installed and 1.3.2 version of Game_Mod, otherwise issue could just be in your connection
6 years ago
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