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[RELEASE] Der Riese - New Realism mod

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Created 5 years ago
by BluntStuffy
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Der Riese
New Realism version

Not really a Der Riese remake, but more a reimagination of the old classic. The layout is very similar, but there are a few twists and new areas to explore as well!
Follow the quest to dive into an adventure traveling between different dimensions, finding yourself at the gates of hell fighting off the evil horde!
Travel between the normal and the hell dimension, playing in two completely different looking maps in the same game!

This map requires T4M and it runs the Realism 3.0 mod, allowing you to level up your character and weapons and upgrade them while you progress.
T4M download:,8092.0.html

After installing the map, run the mod named 'New Realism' to load the map!
( You can also play any of the other New Realism maps and continue leveling up your character in those. All your progress transfers between New Realism maps: )
Available New Realism maps:
NUK37OWN -by MikeVLC- : NUK37OWN download
Industrial Estate -by StevieWonder87- : Industrial Estate download
Greenhouse -by BluntStuffy- : Greenhouse download

Super special thanks to:
Tomikaze  -  The evil mastermind himself!  <3 ​​ None of these Realism maps, or even the new-realism mod itself would not have existed without you! It was insanely fun comming up with all the ideas and maps, and talking everything through.

Google Drive:

Solo Objectives Playthrough Video

Realism mod explanation and credits:
You can fully customize the game settings from easy to insane, and turn special features on/off to play the game the way you want to! Choose between 5 different character classes (Medic, Assault, Tank, Breacher & Demolitionist), pick a starting weapon and unlock achievements to earn ways to customize your weapon and or character!The mod features about 50 guns, and each weapon has attachments for you to unlock by getting kills with that weapon. Other features of the mod are:

-BO3 panzer soldat

-Nova Crawlers

-Special zombies ( Kamikaze and Acid )

-Supply drops ( going from just points to OP special weapons, sentry guns and guard dogs )

-Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane and Realism difficulty ( last two are unlocked by prestiging ). Realism mode has no health regeneration, and plays more like an old fashionate shooter like Doom or Quake.

-Stat tracking: The Zombie Realism Mod 3.0 keeps track of just about every stat you can think of allowing you to know exactly how you are doing at all times. Wanna know how many headshots you got this game, how many times you've hit the mystery box, how many explosive kills you got, perks bought, downs, revives, boss kills, and many more...we keep track of all of it for you.

-Lots of smaller features like a viewmodel ammo-counter for some guns, dual wield guns (sync fire) with 3rd person anims, 4 different grenade types, custom wall buys, bo3 style pause menu, zombies can spawn in gibbed and where WaW models allow it multiple gibbing is possible and lots, lots more!!

(pretty much the Realism Mod 3.0 credits, as i did most of the mapping work myself)

MOD Credits:

Treminaor – thanks for a custom version of the UGX installer! As well as scripting help in the past and the use of the UGX-style points HUD.

UGX in general

ElTitoPricus – the player models and viewhands and also responsible for doing 90% of the weapons for this mod. Huge thanks!

MAKECENTS – tons of scripting help/advice and being an awesome and helpful guy in general!

Offthewall – dual wield viewmodel-fx, dual wield Deagle's, some scripting help and helping out with 3rd person animations.

Whippytrout – superhero model, maya/rigging help and again being an incredibly good guy and helpful person in general!

StevieWonder87 – weapons, help and ideas and allowing us to use his map Industrial Estate for the Realism Mod! Also, going through all the pain of adapting the map for us while not even being actively modding (waw) anymore. Thanks dude!

RadimaX – made the custom menu backgrounds.

CHN – made the walking animation script, and again always being willing to help out.

DUKIP – Helped with better understanding menu scripting.

DTZxPorter and Modme and it's tools

Aiden, Ray1235 and Scobalula for the Maya 2012 tools.

Zeroy – for the good old scripting reference.

Tudark – acid-zombie model

Mod testers:

JiffyNoodles & Nathiri – These guys are freakin’ heroes; they have tested so many versions of this mod that I am happy they still wanna talk to me : ) Their feedback was absolutely crucial to the success of this mod.

Rutenguten – mod testing

PSNtoonjuice – mod testing

ZE~Skullcrusher – mod testing

Match-Maker – mod testing

Mann – mod testing

MajorPwnege01 – mod testing

NateTheGreat987 – mod testing

MZslayer11 – mod testing

Conn6orsuper117 – mod testing

Hensot – Mod testing

Mxtxm – mod testing

TTjay123 - mod testing

Last Edit: October 27, 2019, 01:42:02 pm by BluntStuffy
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I was just wondering when you were gonna upload this :D Very nice work!
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I got unhandled exception caught when i load the map
 i reinstalled the map and downloaded the map again.

any suggestions?
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I got unhandled exception caught when i load the map
 i reinstalled the map and downloaded the map again.

any suggestions?
 I set the texture settings to manual HIGH and set the anistropy to triliniar, that seemed to fix the crashing. 
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An absolute amazing mod. its nice to see a 4th map released with this mod, it really brings in something new to the table of zombies.

Though sadly this mod greatly suffers from a graphical bug where the map and models would glitch out with stretched textures from off them. Or just random bits of glitched models that would appear and dissapear. Even zombies having this orange texture on them. This issue can be reduced by turning off specular maps and shadows but it doesnt fix it.

Unless this cant be fixed and preferred settings are requirel, then please inform me ^^
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An absolute amazing mod. its nice to see a 4th map released with this mod, it really brings in something new to the table of zombies.

Though sadly this mod greatly suffers from a graphical bug where the map and models would glitch out with stretched textures from off them. Or just random bits of glitched models that would appear and dissapear. Even zombies having this orange texture on them. This issue can be reduced by turning off specular maps and shadows but it doesnt fix it.

Unless this cant be fixed and preferred settings are requirel, then please inform me ^^
Thanks for the nice words, it took a lot of time and effort putting all the maps and the mod together, so it's always nice to hear if people enjoy it!

The texture glitching comes from T4m, i think in combination with some hardware but i'm not sure tbh. Only thing you can try is mess around with the texture settings.
Try setting the quality to manual, and then lowering them until the issue's are gone
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Even i have T4M it gives me this Unhandled exception caught
Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 12:10:39 pm by dadadodo
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Even i have T4M it gives me this Unhandled exception caught
I set the texture settings to manual HIGH and set the anistropy to triliniar, that seemed to fix the crashing.
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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how do I switch what map I play? I downloaded Der Riese first, and then got Estate and Nuketown but when I load the mod it's just Nuketown.
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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how do I switch what map I play? I downloaded Der Riese first, and then got Estate and Nuketown but when I load the mod it's just Nuketown.
 You have to run the other installer, it will always install in the New_Realism mod folder do it will overwrite the other map ( not your progress! ). 
Close the game, run the installer for the map you want to play, and just restart the game..

It's a bit clumsy, but it works. and installing a map shouldn't take more then 1 or 2 minutes once you got it downloaded.
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The hell part of this map remind me of Urk, scary place men!
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You have to run the other installer, it will always install in the New_Realism mod folder do it will overwrite the other map ( not your progress! ).
Close the game, run the installer for the map you want to play, and just restart the game..

It's a bit clumsy, but it works. and installing a map shouldn't take more then 1 or 2 minutes once you got it downloaded.
 I found a way to fix it before my comment went through, but I couldn't figure out how to delete it before it was approved (These are the first comments I've made on this site) but I just renamed the folder to have the map name in it and now I can just load whatever, I don't need to use the installer constantly.
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Nice edition to new realism!

I would normally write a review but I feel I've not yet gotten close to everything the map has, or as if I'm missing something which ties into my only real complaint.
There is no real explaination given about what to do besides what is normally done like turn on power and survive for as many waves
After the 3 teles are linked what next? is that it?

Other than that a few minor bugs
Their is a room that will glitch out the zombies, a door that can be walked through but I don't think should even be there since its an empty room
Got stuck on the window where quick rev is in normal der riese and died there :(
Also almost forgot to mention there is a window in what would be the trench hall (in normal der riese) the window at the end of hall breaks and won't repair when pressing f, it makes the welding sound and sparks even when not pressing f (edit: this happens to I think all the windows something to do with killing a zombie that is in the window when repairing it)

Now for some surprising changes I noticed
The panzer is fixed! he now will hurt demo's flak jacket, for long time demo was the strongest class and best grinding class hands down (being 10th prestige max level and did that back in 2017 when nuketown was only nr map, I used demo for almost all of it and can conclude it was broken and still is)
Also the panzer is a hell of alot more durable than before, like holy shit man, either the panzer got buffed up or everything else got nerfed, like railgun used to 1 shot anything now it still does but the panzer just takes it over and over
 What happened to dark matter? why is it gray?
(actually maybe I should be happy that the panzer is just tanky and doesn't infintly spawn like it does in beta of nr nuketown on easy lol)
Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 03:30:19 am by mindcraftvic1
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There's objectives in the map, but it's more of an old school search-and-find ee then for example a MOTD 'objectives style ee'. There's very few hints, you just have to look around and be alert to changes. I have a vid on my channel with the a playthrough of the objectives if you want some help:

ee playthrough

As for the map, i'm aware of some small bugs and the map isn't perfect but i was strugling to finish it and was close to giving up a few times. At some point we decided to just release the map 'as is' otherwise it might have never seen daylight at all..

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