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Messages - cristian_morales

WaW has some buggy randomizer codes. if you add alot of weapons into the mysterybox weapon pool the box keeps choosing the same weapons, what i did in some maps is lowering the chances of getting the same weapon if it keeps appearing.
4 weeks ago
this mod seems promising, just wanted to inform you that air base has some spawning issues, some zombies just stand there
also, what the plan for the new menu features for the mod?
that and the ability button at the bottom of the HUD in game?
Thanks for playing, im currently working on field upgrades from cold war zombies so thats why theres a hud there. im trying to fuigure out how "tablelookup" functions works so that a stat selection stays printed between games.
3 years ago
Hey this was a project i was working at for a few weeks until i've been a little busy, i want to keep modding for waw again. Maybe in the future i'll finish the first episode of this map pack. This Zombies Custom Map is based on the Ninjakiwi's 2011 S.A.S 3 zombie survival game, loved the game. Hope these two maps i've set give you memories if you played the sas game.
Version: 1.2
- Added Field Upgrades (WIP)
- Added cut-off zombie animations (some animations does not have sounds)
- Fixed 3d/2d sounds on the weapons (friendly gunshots used to be heard anywhere on the map)
- Planning to work the down system and self-revive (since 2021 players dont care about teamwork anymore)
/ Farmhouse
- Added a ladder that leads onto a roof
- Changed round end/start music
/ Airbase
- took off napalm (trying to work on it and fix them)
- plan to work on add in enemy spiders as in the original SAS3 game
- Added a Free PHD perk EE
Credits to:
- Treyarch: Models, Anims, Sounds
- WoLf_GoLd  : MW3 weapons Pack
- Ave Satanna: Testing
- Chasr34: Testing
Mission 1: Farm

Mission 2: Airbase

Mission 3: karnivale
Mission 4: Verdammtenstadt
Mission 5: Black Isle
Download  Size: 804.34MB

3 years ago
hey, bro. could you please share the youtube link for me? it is very interesting work, i would like to implement something like that.
by the way. what do you think it is posible to remake makin night in makin day (skybox)?
i added the video
3 years ago
What did i even play, lol.
4 years ago
Everything about this map is amazing, nice work
4 years ago
Hey this was a project i was working at for a few weeks until i've been a little busy, i want to keep modding for waw again. Maybe in the future i'll finish the first episode of this map pack. This Zombies Custom Map is based on the Ninjakiwi's 2011 S.A.S 3 zombie survival game, loved the game. Hope these two maps i've set give you memories if you played the sas game. There are bugs and all, Be Warned: if you reach a number of rounds you dont unlock anything. Enjoy :0

Credits to:
- Treyarch: Models, Anims, Sounds
- WoLf_GoLd  : MW3 weapons Pack

- Ave Satanna: Testing
- Chasr34: Testing

Mission 1: Farm

Mission 2: Airbase

Mission 3: karnivale

Mission 4: Verdammtenstadt

Mission 5: Black Isle

Download  Size: 359.85mb

5 years ago
- Here's a Drag n' Drop for the CoD4 Remastered Hud.
Please Credit me: Cristian_m

Note: The images are not ripped from the COD4_Remastered game, i've created them by view. ( so they are kinda choppy ).

Download ~ 19.22kb

5 years ago
unknown item freeze_gun ????
did you copy everything inside mod.txt and paste it onto your map's mod.csv?
5 years ago

* Please add me to your Credit List: Cristian_M

Description: Exported Winter's Howl with Upgraded Version.


Treyarch - Models, Effects, and Sounds

Download Site: Mediafire
Download Size: 11mb

5 years ago
Just a heads up, I've encountered 3 bugs:
zombies don't run away when you down with quick revive resulting in an inevitable game over,
when you red screen with Jug, you don't regen health causing the infamous 1 hit glitch.
[Rare] downing with the thundergun will cause the reload animation to loop

like the addition of the BO2 death animation tho.
alright thanks for the report
5 years ago
* all 4 regular perks are located in the naucht map
* 30,000 points buyable ending
* With solo Quick Revive

v1.1 Fixes:
- Juggernaug health not regenerating
- downed .vision not applied when downed
- now has original perk shaders
- Zombies still following player when downed

v1.2 Fixes:
- Buyable ending now ends the game
- windows can be repaired faster with SpeedCola

New Features:
- Reduced Perks trigger radius ( issues with repairing windows )
- You can now Gather 100 points when proned near a perkmachine
- Solo Laststand gives the players the Mustang and Sally weapon
- Thundergun is removed from the box

/ You guys want Mulekick perk in this mod? and in every nazi_zombies map ( verruct\shino numa\ der riese )
/ Should i keep the thundergun in this mod?


Size: 6.3mb
5 years ago
Hey bro, u said u was going to release a new update of this map in December 13, Currently is December 22......
 sorry dude been busy, i may not map this time around but here the link to the updated version
5 years ago
A fun map to play. I just noticed that when you PaP the ray gun and the PTRS-41 it gives you the default weapon, also some weapons are not upgraded when you PaP, althought a cool map for me.
 I'll be fixing that, NEW Version will be out by
Friday, December 13, 2019
5 years ago
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