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[Manager] UGX Requiem v1.1

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UGX Requiem Official Release v1.1

This map can be downloaded from the UGX Map Manager.

This map features UGX Mod v1.1! For a full list of features, click here.
It's finally here! UGX Requiem is the latest map from the UGX-Mods team - featuring UGX Mod v1.1.

Requiem v1.1 to v1.2 Changelog:
Code Snippet
- Added a UGX Mod setting to reduce or completely disable weapon bobbing.
- Fixed black texture on headless hazmat zombies caused in Requiem v1.1.
- Further reduced console spam for T4M users (however there's still viewmodel anim spam, not sure how to fix it)

Requiem v1.0 to v1.1 Changelog:
Code Snippet
- COOP button is fixed for offline LAN users.
- Fixed the option to turn off Xbox Controller Support when you don't have a controller plugged in. Press ESC on the main menu of UGX Requiem to do this.
- Missing Hell's Retriever textures fixed.
- Reduced console spam for T4M users (however there's still viewmodel anim spam, not sure how to fix it)

Map Features:
  • Winnable Ending - You won't be buying your way out of this one! Fight your way to the finish to earn some awesome rewards and tools to lead into a high-round game or just a couple rounds of fun!
  • Buildables Table - Build the parts for the power switch and one other item later in the map! Keep track of what parts you have by pressing TAB (solo) or ESC/Pause (coop).
  • Insane Objective - Prepare for one of the most fun objective sets you'll ever experience in Custom Zombies! Some say it rivals Treyarch in creativity and fun!
  • Awesome Side Quest - No map is complete without a worthwhile side quest! See if you can find it! The reward is worthwhile.
  • Lots of Perks - Requiem features every single perk ever made in official Call of Duty Zombies except for Electric Cherry and Vulture Aid. We believe that EC is overpowered and unneeded, and VA is just a useless terrible perk.
  • Melee Weapon - Hack and Slash your way through the zombie apocalypse! Make sure you beat your friends at finding it!
  • A Freaking See-Saw - Take a short-cut to escape the zombies! Screw over your friends by leaving them behind! The fastest way to end a friendship.
  • Dynamic Weather - The rain will transition from storm to drizzle randomly while you play - there's also thunder and lightning. When you walk into buildings the sound of the rain will change to an indoor tone.

UGX Mod v1.1 Features:
Click to view v1.1 New Features List
  • Weapons:
  • Pistols: M9 Beretta, Desert Eagle, .44 Magnum, Glock 18, M1911 Dual Wield (Yes, there is Mustang and Sally)
  • Shotguns: Winchester 1200, M1014 Benelli, AA-12, Model 1887 Dual Wield, Blundergat
  • Submachine Guns: AK-74u, P90, Skorpion, M1927, PP19, Honey Badger, FMG9 Dual Wield
  • Assault Rifles: AK-12, M14, HK416, AUG, XM8, FAL
  • Sniper Rifles: Dragunov, L96A1, Cheytac Intervention, Ballista
  • Light Machine Guns: RPD, M249, M60, Stoner-63, LSAT
  • Special/Grenades: Hell's Retriever & Redeemer, Hacker Device, Gersch Device, Q.E.D., Bear Traps, Semtex Grenade, Bouncing  Betties, Electrip Wire, Gas and Match Trap, Concussion Grenades
  • Wonder Weapons: Scavenger, Ray Gun Mark II, Thundergun, Freezegun, Explosive Crossbow + all pink-camo weapons which have special UGX features such as the Gravity Boom, VR-96A1, Mine Placer v2.0, Target Acquired, and more!
  • Perks - Second Chance QR, Double Tap 2.0, Juggernog, Sleight of Hand, Stamin-Up, PHD Flopper, Mule-Kick, Deadshot Daiquiri, Who's Who, Tombstone, Sharing is Caring
  • Dive-to-Prone - We have fully working BO1 Dive-To-Prone animations for all weapon classes (except LMGs) with the correct key combination of Shift + Ctrl or C. Diving off of a high enough surface will cause a Flopper explosion if you have PHD.
  • Traps Machine - Buy 3 types of Playable Sentry Turrets (Bullet, Flame, Grenade), buy upgrades for your existing Sentry Turrets, buy equipment (Electrip Wire, Gas and Match Trap, Bear Traps, Bouncing Betties, Gersch Devices (Requiem Only)
  • Elemental Machine - Pack-a-punch your weapons a second time with the new Elemental Machine! There are 6 different possible elemental types in the mod: Acid, Explosive, Electric, Fire, Ice, and Wind. PaP'd guns which have a BLUE camo color can be upgraded a second time with the Elemental Machine. PaP'd guns which have a PINK camo color already have special abilities and cannot be upgraded a second time.
  • 6 Gamemodes:
  • Classic Mode: Classic zombies experience! Completely stock gameplay which includes the Firesale powerup.
  • Arcademode: Classic zombies experience with UGX Powerups (Terminator, Invisibility, etc) and a Brutus bossround included!
  • Gungame: Compete against your friends or the clock to see how fast you can progress through a list of weapons!
  • Sharpshooter: Compete against your friends or the clock to see how many points you can earn as you progress through a random list of weapons! Earn powerups by not getting hit by zombies!
  • Bounty Hunter: Compete against your friends or the clock to see how many targeted/marked zombies you can eliminate before your friends!
  • King of the Hill: (Coop Only, not yet available) Compete against one or more of your friends to see who can maintain control of the hill while fighting off hoards of zombies and enemy players!
  • CHAOS Mode: Compete against your friends or the clock to see how many millions of points you can earn before the time runs out! - Based on the popular MW3 DLC gamemode.
  • Redesigned Host Menu - Now called the Gamemode Selection Screen, the host menu has been completely redesigned with an improved UI and more options, as well as tooltips explaining what each setting does.
  • Additional Competitive Gamemode Settings - You can now disable Degradation in Gungame, delete all the buyable doors/debris on the map for Chaos Mode, Gungame, and Sharpshooter, plus more!
  • Customizable Weapons List - You can now customize what weapons you are given in Gungame and Sharpshooter!
  • Mutators - There are 16 ways to mutate your zombies experience! A homage to the skulls in Halo, mutators allow you to turn on various fun events for your session such as Zombie Birthday Party, Fireworks, and more. Only 5 mutators are unlocked for the beta so that the surprise isn't spoiled. You will need to unlock the mutators for each map by completing certain UGX Mod challenges (not available in beta).
  • Pandora's Box - A complete re-imaging of the class Mystery Box designed to look like a coffin! You can now let other players buy your weapon from the box at a discounted price!
  • Weapon Boxes - No more wall chalks! We've designed a new way to buy your guns! Mappers who want to still use traditional weapon chalks can still do so.
  • Invite Friends without being Host - Now you can invite any of your friends to the current game lobby without being the host!
  • Respawn to Teammates - Annoyed with being put back at spawn when you die? Now you will respawn close to your teammates!
  • Boss Zombie - The Boss Zombie from UGX Mod v1.0.3 makes a return in v1.1! Now he looks like Brutus from Mob of the Dead but he still uses our special custom attacks such as screaming and barfing! You will only find him in Arcademode.
  • Persistent User Settings - Tired of setting your FOV (and ADS FOV) every time you load the game? Annoyed when a map has the console disabled and you can't change your FOV? Looking for a way to turn off Hitmarkers? You will find all of these settings in the UGX Mod Settings sectinon of the Options Menu in any UGX Mod v1.1-enabled map. The settings you change here will be SAVED to your profile and loaded into any other UGX Mod v1.1-enabled map you play!
  • Togglable Hitmarkers - UGX Mod v1.1 has hitmakers - if you don't like to hear the sound, you can mute them. If you don't want to see them at all, you can disable them. Your setting will be saved for all v1.1 maps.
  • Full Xbox 360/Gamepad Support - Are you a console gamer who prefers to play customs with a controller? Well now you can have an even better experience - You can navigate all menus in UGX Mod with your controller's DPad! You will automatically be switched to mouse control when visiting any unsupported menus or menus which would be inefficient to navigate with a controller. Ingame, the DPad will be used to display your current equipment instead of a row on the bottom of the screen.
  • Solo Scoreboard - You can now view your score in Singleplayer by holding the TAB key or Back button (controllers).
  • Weapon Bobbing - Your weapons will now bob left and right as you walk, mimicking the feel of BO1/2.
  • Footstep Noises - The footstep noises were missing in UGX Mod v1.0.3, now they have been added.
  • Remastered BO2 Perk Icons - Some of the icons in BO2 were lower resolution than the rest for some reason - I recreated those by hand in Photoshop to match the quality of the other perk icons in the mod.

Click to view v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix List
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Fixed Juggernaut to be 5 hits before death.
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Changed the death penalty in Gungame to be less severe to your score.
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Lowered the frequency of Degredation drops in Gungame.
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Added a new weighting algorithm which balances the chance of high-desire weapons appearing in the Random Box as frequently.
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Removed collision from HELLFIRE'd burning zombies.
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Made Painkiller timer proportional to round number. (Example: By round 20 you will get an extra 7 seconds of painkiller, for a total of 12)
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Compression and optimization of all files resulted in a major file size decrease for UGX Mod v1,1 - even though a TON of new assets have been added, the size of the mod has only increased by 130mb. Any maps released with UGX Mod v1.1 will be allowed a larger filesize limit to accommodate for the added size of the mod.
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Fixed practically unreadable font used for player names in 3rd person.
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Fixed bug where random box would refuse to swap out your M9 pistol for a new primary weapon.
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Fixed weird-looking viewhands texture.
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Fixed low damage and effectiveness of Mine Placer gun - renamed to Mine Placer 2.0.
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - VR0A3 solider damage now scales higher according to zombie health/round number
  • v1.0.3 to v1.1 Bugfix - Separated ammo between regular and PaP versions of a gun to prevent ammo sharing.
  • + many more subtle improvements, fixes, and features!

Map Credits:
Mapping (First-half of map + all script implementations): treminaor
Mapping (Everything else): xJimmy33
Scripting: treminaor
Q.A. Testing: MrSlagovich, DeathBringerZen, tomikaze, treminaor, SajeOne
Objective Ideas/Planning: tomikaze (mastermind & evil genius), MrSlagovich, treminaor
Mod Credits:
Scripting: treminaor
Custom Modeling & Animations: SajeOne
Weapon Porting (models, anims, sounds, weaponfile stats): SajeOne & lukkie1998
Model & Anim Porting Programs: Tom_BMX
Various Ported Models and Anims Also Provided By: RamboBadass, JBird632, other people who requested to remain anonymous.
Q.A. Testing: MrSlagovich, DeathBringerZen, tomikaze, treminaor, SajeOne
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WOO! Great job to all involved, fantastic map all around. Congratulations on the final release.
Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 07:02:20 am by Koan
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nice job
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nice, downloading :)
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If you would like to know more about the Mutators that are available in UGX Mod v1.1 you can check out my Showcase video.

!UGX-Mod v1.1 Mutator Showcase - UGX Requiem - Call of Duty Custom Zombies (1080p 60fps)
Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 07:32:31 am by Naminator999
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'Straya Mate
Please give me beta access, I would LOVE to test CO-OP
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Oil Rig Beta Access
Although I've said it once before, I shall say it again.
Congratulations to the Entire Team at UGX who made this map possible, so much work was put into this, and it has paid off
Congratulations once again
With regards,
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This game is f***ed when PewDiePie starts playing it.
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Thanks I will be downloading.
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BO3 Modtools Alpha
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I hope its the codwaw servers being sketchy since COOP dont work this very moment lol whats going on
Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 07:53:31 am by RadimaX
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This is the reason World at War is still an amazing game even after 7 years.  Well done UGX team. This is quite impressive. Can't wait for the UGX 1.1 Standalone!
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lol even blackops 1 and 2 servers was down seems working now thank god :P
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Thanks for the final release! i will download it!!
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yes! there's finally something new in the UGX mod  ::)
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changed one line of code, bug is fixed

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Wohoooooooo \p/
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This map is so cool, i must say it is a small map but stil the best i have ever seen. I played it 2 times, and i cant find the detonator and the bag :(  , i searched for 45 minutes
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Looking forward to playing it!

Double Post Merge: October 16, 2015, 10:50:20 am
Um... I dunno about regular mode cuz I didn't play that yet, but Gun Game is buggy as hell.
Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 10:50:20 am by Raspica Blue

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