To be fair its right next to the download button
To be fair that is exactly what i am trying to say, not just state T4M like the last thing you will see but more like this:
[img width=770 height=...
5 years ago
Is it possible to state that your map requires T4M in the thread title? Since it is not very obvious all the way down there...

5 years ago
looks good, will try later
5 years ago
if concidering custom maps there is ones played out in the future or even in the past so plenty of content that is not exclusevly world war 2
some more beautiful than others, i kind of prefer the simpler looks to the likes of black ops 4 it just feels more PURE in a way on a older CoD.
some more beautiful than others, i kind of prefer the simpler looks to the likes of black ops 4 it just feels more PURE in a way on a older CoD.
6 years ago
6 years ago
Every one have moved on to different things over the years but i wish i had months to spend on mapping like back in the day...unfortunatly there is hardly any time to even speak to the whole crew since i litterally work 288 hours per month aka 11 shifts a week. As far as the mapfile goes it is a pai...
6 years ago