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Created 5 years ago
by Gogeta22344
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Rly Awsome Map, tested, failed on EE bcz our host crash the game traying to take screenshot on wonderweapon light effect but map runs great, ee steps much better that Tag der toten and gameplay and weapons are ok, very unique map. many thanks to 
to support our gameplay in the stream of my friend Noro.

Here my stream for 3 Players on battery

Thanks for sharing this awesome map, credits and links for the developers on video description.
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I'll add to the dogpile here, phenomenal work! Everything about this map is so fresh, the setting, the weapons (pepperbox!), the easter egg, everything! The Lazerkraftwerk is a little broken in terms of making me stupid rich fairly early on, but the difficulty keeps that power in check, overall things feel pretty balanced; I personally didn't have a problem with door prices, and that was before getting the Lazerkraftwerk. All the perks have their right properties (DT2.0 is indeed 2.0), I didn't notice any obvious bugs, and honeslty it just plays so smooth. I have nothing but respect, thank you so much for this!
Last Edit: October 24, 2019, 01:40:48 am by PSNtoonjuice
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I'll add to the dogpile here, phenomenal work! Everything about this map is so fresh, the setting, the weapons (pepperbox!), the easter egg, everything! The Lazerkraftwerk is a little broken in terms of making me stupid rich fairly early on, but the difficulty keeps that power in check, overall things feel pretty balanced; I personally didn't have a problem with door prices, and that was before getting the Lazerkraftwerk. All the perks have their right properties (DT2.0 is indeed 2.0), I didn't notice any obvious bugs, and honeslty it just plays so smooth. I have nothing but respect, thank you so much for this!
Thanks for playing my map, I'm glad you liked it
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Maybe I'm late to say something, but I'm glad this map is receiving a lot of support. Gogeta had been working on this very months ago, day after day, he really wanted to make this map a great map for the community, so I supported him a lot during this project. I hope also you liked the trailer, I wanted to make something very kind of "professional" for this map, I'm sorry if I couldn't make the english version of my trailer, that could have been amazing, but anyway, thanks people :)
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The .exe file doesn't seem to work for me. I don't know what to do lol.
if the .exe does not work, you can extract the folder with winrar
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been trying to get this mod to work with a friend in coop but we get stuck in the loading screen. Anything you know that could get game_mod to cooperate?
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Looks good, will try later... also gonna stream it on Tuesday
 The minigun is bugged after sprinting canot not be reloading

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been trying to get this mod to work with a friend in coop but we get stuck in the loading screen. Anything you know that could get game_mod to cooperate?
make sure you both have the same map version(1.1.7)

Double Post Merge: November 03, 2019, 03:36:21 pm
The minigun is bugged after sprinting canot not be reloading

i'll see what is happening thanks for reporting it
Last Edit: November 03, 2019, 03:36:21 pm by Gogeta22344
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I thought i fixed it but apparently the problem was that i didn't delete the effect that comes out of the gun when firing

Double Post Merge: October 20, 2019, 02:17:43 pm

it seems that the harry script doesn't work like that but ill try to change it
 This day 4.11.2019 map is still broken i got akimbo shotgun of the box and after upgrades i kill 2 zombies and instantli game crash
Please fix these bug 
I first downloaded map in these page and after i downloaded map from the line where they wrote that the bugs have already fixed and is still nothing 

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This day 4.11.2019 map is still broken i got akimbo shotgun of the box and after upgrades i kill 2 zombies and instantli game crash
Please fix these bug
I first downloaded map in these page and after i downloaded map from the line where they wrote that the bugs have already fixed and is still nothing
Yes, apparently the shotguns crash the game, I'm not sure why but I think the problem is doubletap 2.0. I could make doubletap work like the first versions (double damage instead of firing twice).
Edit: 1.1.8 is out. Hope is working now, i tested it to round 99 with script and round 20 by playing the game.
Edit 2: 1.1.9 is out. I forget to put the crank gun fix in 1.1.8, my apologies for that.

Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 10:01:46 pm by Gogeta22344
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Gogeta22344 will ever do tutorials on how to mod the game?
I don't want to make a map, just some weapon mods and Double Tap 2.0.
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I'm so mad rn I'm just gonna post this.

This map is utter trash. I made it to the last step, shooting at the mines but couldn't do it in lots of attemps becouse of rng and died on round 55 becouse of fucking crawlers and me playing tired of trying such bullshit. Not only the dogs make a lot of fking noise so you can't hear the mines that you have to shoot but also when I left 24 crawlers so no dogs could spawn and lowererd the voice volume to 0 I couldn't fucking reach all the mines becouse they were so far appart and made me go back and forth all the time, didn't even got a possible order once. I tried this last step since fking round 36.
This map is shit. Perish is a billion times better, way more rewarding and doesn't rely on rgn bullshit on the last fucking step. I haven't payed for this map but I want my money back.
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Gogeta22344 will ever do tutorials on how to mod the game?
I don't want to make a map, just some weapon mods and Double Tap 2.0.
I did it just like in waw, but there are better ways to port weapons into bo1. For double tap 2.0 you just have to set "SetClient Dvar( "perk_weapRateEnhanced", "1");" for all players.
Last Edit: November 07, 2019, 09:03:36 pm by Gogeta22344
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Completing the map (finally) I feel like its much better for me to give my thoughts on the map and what I feel like this map did right and what could be improved on for next time (which I'll state as respectively as possible because I know how much work can be put into these maps)


- First off, the map! I really do like how it was managed here. The skybox/time of day that was chosen for starters is quite unique, most maps tend to set themselves at night (with possibly snow) so its refreshing to see this map to take place at a dawn setting. Also it taking place at a division 9 facility of sorts was a cool touch too.

Oh and the size of the map is also very nice to run around in, nothing feels out of place, its very spacious despite the obstacles and it rarely ever feels slow to get across from
one point to the other

- I'll quickly scan over this one since I ain't fully aware of the box rotation, but the weapon choices are great. There are a lot of really good and powerful weapons to choose that can be easily be changed every game or coop games.

- The custom content featured here like the characters is always a very nice add on, certainly making the map its own adventure. As well as the custom trap which is super satisfying to kill a horde in. And the motherf***ing panzer suit makes you feel like a proper badass. I wont forget about the small detail changes too like the monkey bomb, perk bottles and pentagon thief having small changes on their models.

- The easter egg overall is enjoyable, each step is varied so it doesn't get repetitive, its easy to remember even though some searching is still involved behind it and clear progression can be made throughout it. Plus the final *custom* boss fight just ties it all together nicely.

- And I felt like the wonder weapon needed its own bit because its a lot of fun to use, it does feel super op but... I ain't complaining ;)

What I didn't like:

- Despite me liking the easter egg, I feel like there is one step that comes across as a slap in a face. The mine step. I know you've gotten complaints about this but I actually feel like its an ok step. The dogs are really weak and the mines beep (quite) loudly. My problem against it is how the dogs spawn in are louder than the mines, I often found myself killing a dog to get off my back to only hear another spawn which makes it a little un-needlessly complicated to find the mines.

My suggestions to fix this (if chosen to) are to just make the spawn sounds quieter or change them into something more quiet/quick

I also suggest giving players more time and giving the mines a glow to recognize them better since some hide out of sight or are hard to see from a distance


Absolutely great map, lots of details and custom content that you'll never find on any other bo1 custom map. It has its own experience for players to enjoy. I recommend this to any other bo1 pc user, especially any that enjoy easter eggs. Even completing it I find myself coming back to this with friends to mess around in. Fantastic work, my dude! Hope to see more stuff from you in th future!
Last Edit: November 10, 2019, 09:15:49 pm by 12spiderweb

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