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New Alpha testers

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Created 9 years ago
by HitmanVere
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Thanks for clearing that up.. Very excited myself can't wait to give them a shot :)
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Again personal statement:

Remember these tools are not just about who can map in radiant.

The list of good mappers is massive, from MP/SP/ZM mappers across even older versions of cod

Lot's of names are put forward, but when it comes to mapping we also have in there own time people from Trey and Raven mapping and testing.

The tools yes we can do some of the mapping but not all, were still getting rid of some kinks.

I'm sure more ppl will come on when Trey are ready to send the invites, who knows perhaps some of those names listed have already been mentioned.

I'm limited on what I can really say, I see a number of names mentioned in priv now, be patient those who want you never know your email may land sooner than you think.
We do put names forward and a list I'm sure does exist

Yeah exactly, the alpha tools have plenty of people already testing that can map and mod. They want people who can test all the aspects, and since Madgaz has a speciality with models, they can have him on the team to test that aspect of the tools. Remember, the alpha tools are not for mappers and modders to play around and create maps before everyone else, it's to test the tools and make sure they are working. Putting like 12 people on the tools who'll be doing the same thing will be unproductive if all the bugs have been found and there's no people like Madgaz who'll be using different parts of the mod tools and discovering bugs there.
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Even Zeroy's box map for testing shit looks great visually.

Thank you kindly Sir  8)

To talk a bit about WAW assets, they are down right UGLY in BO3 for various reasons, the main one being the texture Res. Models themselves are usable but the Color map need to be redone to 2048 or even 4096 in some cases to look good in BO3. Stock assets in BO3 are what they are, very map specific for a lot of them but still a lot of useful stuff. As for the alpha testers, some of the new comers today have been helping out already even without having the tools *hint* *hint* ...
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Looks like the UGX team just got invites as well according to their Twitter. Not sure if the whole team got invites or some from the team but congrats glad to see people who deserve a chance finally get one. :) I guess the reason it took so long for them to get invited was because they were testing MP first?
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Looks like the UGX team just got invites as well according to their Twitter. Not sure if the whole team got invites or some from the team but congrats glad to see people who deserve a chance finally get one. :) I guess the reason it took so long for them to get invited was because they were testing MP first?

Ya, when the tools first went into alpha, it was purely MP, no zombie assets were available, but now that the alpha testers can start making zombie maps, they are going to start inviting zombie people.
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Ya, when the tools first went into alpha, it was purely MP, no zombie assets were available, but now that the alpha testers can start making zombie maps, they are going to start inviting zombie people.
Hope to see Chroma, Cents, and Stevie get invited. :)
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Just to clarify Delta got the tools on our team not everyone, when i tweeted we i meant someone on the team not everyone... my bad.
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No modtools for me? :'(
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So just to make a little point here, one of the AV employees only just came on board. Someone who is an artist/modeller/rigger etc.

So even they seem to get invited in slowly....

Don't know if that makes people feel better!
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So just to make a little point here, one of the AV employees only just came on board. Someone who is an artist/modeller/rigger etc.

Is that guy Jesse? Might shoot him DM in Twitter in a bit, if you are referring to him, lol. And no, its not about asking for tools, just question about something :P
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So just to make a little point here, one of the AV employees only just came on board. Someone who is an artist/modeller/rigger etc.

So even they seem to get invited in slowly....

Don't know if that makes people feel better!

Dude, the current alpha testers have been great at giving us info, don't sweat it. People are naturally gonna want the tools and feel entitled to them. The only thing I'd like is PCdev to be less secretive, but that's not a massive issue. Thanks for sharing the progress with us.
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Ok were not allowed to show the scripts .

But the basics are the same, some syntax change.


They have added a lot more in and more bits around scripting, so it goes above and beyond what you do now
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If you want scripts / features made for you, then contact me by PM or email / skype etc
it will cost you tho so if you have no intention of reciprocating don't even waste my time ;)
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ill be the judge of that

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Explains why we have heard so little about them. Can you be more specific without getting in trouble about the above and beyond bit? Is it harder? Or is it simply re-learning some syntax? Was the change a result of a demand for more efficiency, i.e fixing script issues causing animation issues? Did they provide you with a list of engine functions similar to Zeroy's script reference?

your current gsc's will work in bo3, they just need a few things changing in the format, a few mins work at most on each script if not seconds.

You still have .gsc and .csc, there is also scripts for macros or injectable code

Loads of API stuff, like LOADS

We have a good WIKI in progress that will be released fully referenced, trey have put loads in and we can input also.

As soon as they say we can show scripts we will, tbh better scripters than I would be best for it ...
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Your welcome, Ive neglected this forum for to long, but have been on projects outside of radiant based games...

So much testing never enough time.

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