Jesus Christ how big is this map? 

8 years ago
We don't have a tool for editing Black Ops 3 Lua - and we might not even get one.
So the only thing you can do is try to script it in using GSC
Out of curiosity is there a reason why they d...
8 years ago
Quess i'll just go and kill myself then, been nice knowing you guys...
Spoiler: click to open...Congrats guys![close]
I am beyond shocked that you haven't got...
8 years ago
Ehhh... if we're gonna be technical about it, cryptids are from Earth![]()
I mean, it would be nice to see like different planets of cryptids (A Mars colony of cryptids would be awesome), but ever...
8 years ago
It looks fun not gonna lie. I like the theme and all but I still would have preferred if they spent the last three years of development on improving on their Extinction game mode. I loved the nonstop chaos bullshit that the game mode gave when playing with 3 to 4 people. The game takes place in spac...
8 years ago
Another screenshot from my map made with mod tools... this room in total probably took me about 10 hours to make
hope you guys enjoy these little updates
(Image removed from quote.)
9 years ago