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When the BO3 mod tools arrive...

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Created 9 years ago
by SoulTaker
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Would you want to see any classic custom maps redone in the Black Ops 3 mod tools if no then why? If yes which would be your top 5 maps?
My top 5 maps would be these.
5: Lockdown by JBird632
4: Comosea by UGX
3: Overrun by JBird632
2: Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital by Chromastone10
1: Nacht Der Toten Walder by Weezy428

2 Honorable mentions:
Farm Swamp by  c.h.n
ORBIT by MakeCents & Tudark
Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 10:48:37 pm by SoulTaker
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Would you want to see any classic custom maps redone in the Black Ops 3 mod tools if no then why? If yes which would be your top 5 maps?
My top 5 maps would be these.
5: Lockdown by JBird632
4: Comosea by UGX
3: Overrun by JBird632
2: Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital by Chromastone10
1: Nacht Der Toten Walder by Weezy428

2 Honorable mentions:
Farm Swamp by  c.h.n
ORBIT by MakeCents & Tudark
5: Meh
4: No
3: Yes
2: IDK (Didn't play)
1: If it's the Nacht remake with the blue buttons, yes.

Yes and Yes on the Honorable mentions.

What I really want to see is the return of Project Contamination on BO3
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I do actually want to see it, HitmoonPie. <3
and the return of maybe... Dead Ship by ZCTxChaos, but add in Mutiny from Ghosts. I think those are all the maps that really stick out enough to be worth remaking and/or aren't already being remade a bit for BO3.

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I would like Clinic of Evil as well, but I wouldn't force that on iZartax since he only just released it and I'm sure he doesn't want to be stuck on the same map for long periods of time.
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I would personally like to see the original four zombie maps remastered, basically Rezurrection but for BO3.
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I would personally like to see the original four zombie maps remastered, basically Rezurrection but for BO3.
There's already a good possibility of that as A.) Files for each base map has model files that have been found by wraith (i.e. chairs, tables, crap, etc.) and B.) I don't think each base map would be that hard to really remake (except for Shi No (also, I mean this in terms of 3arc developers experience level as I'm personally half-retarded on my mother's side)). I have a ton of hope for Rezurrection 2.0 and no one can persuade me otherwise.
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It'd be pretty cool to see Treyarch bring back some of their older maps too, I'd go nuts for a Shi No Numa or Ascension remake
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Let's just hope for more excellent high quality maps in bo3 by some of the talent here and elsewhere
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Would you want to see any classic custom maps redone in the Black Ops 3 mod tools if no then why? If yes which would be your top 5 maps?
My top 5 maps would be these.
5: Lockdown by JBird632
4: Comosea by UGX
3: Overrun by JBird632
2: Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital by Chromastone10
1: Nacht Der Toten Walder by Weezy428

2 Honorable mentions:
Farm Swamp by  c.h.n
ORBIT by MakeCents & Tudark

That map was shittier than a toilet full of shit. Why would you even want a remake of it?  :D
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There's already a good possibility of that as A.) Files for each base map has model files that have been found by wraith (i.e. chairs, tables, crap, etc.) and B.) I don't think each base map would be that hard to really remake (except for Shi No (also, I mean this in terms of 3arc developers experience level as I'm personally half-retarded on my mother's side)). I have a ton of hope for Rezurrection 2.0 and no one can persuade me otherwise.
That is great news... glad to see I'm not the only one hoping for it!
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That map was shittier than a toilet full of shit. Why would you even want a remake of it?  :D
Your map was one of the first ever maps I played custom wise back on my shitty laptop but I loved it man. Nostalgia and the fact that the map design was incredible. :)

Double Post Merge: August 02, 2016, 11:38:43 pm
That is great news... glad to see I'm not the only one hoping for it!
I'm hoping for it as well the only problem really is that wasn't the same thing rumored for BO2? :(
Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 11:38:43 pm by SoulTaker
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Looks like the UGX team has gotten the mod tools now
Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 11:52:53 pm by Dust
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Looks like the UGX team has gotten the mod tools now (Image removed from quote.)
When you say UGX team do you mean all of the UGX Team? Trem, Delta, Lukkie, Hitman, MrSlagovich and JBird?!
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When you say UGX team do you mean all of the UGX Team? Trem, Delta, Lukkie, Hitman, MrSlagovich and JBird?!

I assume just Trem, and Delta since they were the main ones working on the UGX mod

Edit, just realized I posted this in here, instead of the main bo3 mod tools topic. Oh well, too late now :P
Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 01:37:50 am by Dust
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I assume just Trem, and Delta since they were the main ones working on the UGX mod

Edit, just realized I posted this in here, instead of the main bo3 mod tools topic. Oh well, too late now :P
Lol I kind of realized that and wanted to tell you.  :D

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