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MIXTI FORI (nazi_zombie_mix)

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Created 6 years ago
by Huruman
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Very nice map!  However there seems to be an issue that a friend of mine and I have run into where if you are downed and you die, the next round you come back, your screen is zoomed in.
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Can you make the map brighter pleaze. I feel nautouse even if i turn the brightness settings up. Besides that, i like the amount of work you put in this map including the BO3 guns and different enviorments.
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Thanks for comment!  This weekend I'm going to take a look at that bug and the others that have been commented O0

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it. :)

#The Never Ender
Thanks!  Would it be possible for you to send me a screenshot of the place where that happens, by private message?

I already have a new version of the map without nudity, but I will wait to solve the mentioned problems before releasing it. 

But if any youtuber wants to make a video, I can provide the non-nude version by private message ;)
Last Edit: June 06, 2019, 07:26:01 am by Huruman
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This map is so good! i wonder what it would be like if remastered on BO3.
 Anyways love it havent been able to beat it yet though. only had one goof which was at the beginning teleporter killed me from fall damage.
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Game 1 zombies spawned super slow when someone went down near end game.  Game 2 near the phd I got stuck in window while fixing barrier.   Great looking map, but glitches ruin the map.
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Thanks a lot! I was afraid that the map would be too easy for even one player :) Unfortunately, I do not know how I could give more life to the players. 

Thanks for the comment! Were you "recovering" from a blow before using teleportation?

I'm trying to correct all the errors. I have tested the map hundreds of times, during the last months, and I've finished the map a few times. The truth is that I have never been stuck anywhere. I'm going to take a look at what you mention. I think you've had very bad luck. 

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Thanks to Blunt Stuffy I solved these bugs:

- Quick Revive Solo bug
- Minigun Powerup (you can no longer buy weapons while this powerup is active)

I have also corrected the possibility that a player could get stuck in the window next to the phd, and a couple of minor issues.

I want to review some more things, especially in the final part of the map.

So in a couple of days, I'll upload a new version of the map.  O0
Last Edit: June 11, 2019, 05:36:27 pm by Huruman
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UPDATE - 06/15/19

* Added an optional version without nudity

* Fixed the Quick Revive bug in Solo

* Fixed the powerup minigun bug (you can no longer buy weapons while this powerup is active)

* Improved the respawn zombie in the last areas of the map (in the upper and lower part of the circular temple)

* Solved the possible problem of getting stuck in the blockade next to the PHD

* Improved some minor issues
Last Edit: June 15, 2019, 01:43:38 pm by Huruman
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Thanks for the update.  We were able to get the buyable ending.
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Thanks for playing my map again! O0
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Glad to finally see this released! Everything just oozes scale and grandeur, even just walking out of spawn was breathtaking. I really like the interesting twists in each area, like finding the key to the power in the first area and some roof parkour in the second; really top notch gameplay design, makes every run interesting and makes me adapt to the playstyle of each area. The only complaint I can think of is the weapon balancing, some weapons seem very weak compared to others, namely the Winchester and XPR-50(?) were struggling at round 9. Otherwise, they're really creative! Powerful Bloodhound but you can't reload it, explosive pistols, love it!

Overall, love it love it love it. Thank you so much for this, it really is phenomenal!
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enjoy the map, it's interesting but there are a few things about the map i can't figure out even after a few games of this map

1. what are the purpose of the golden doors? how do you open them?
2. the staffs. i've played this map twice for several hours in those two sessions and i still can't figure out how to aquire the staffs, any hints you can give?
3. how can you leave the final area if you want to leave and get more perks, find parts etc. without falling off the ledge to your death?
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Thanks a lot for your kind comments. I really liked the idea that from the respawn you could see the end of the map. It's like closing a circle, the mission of the players starts very close to where it will end ;)

Regarding weapons, all the credit must be given to El Tito Pricus, who has given them to me. I have limited myself to follow his instructions to incorporate them into my map.

To me the weapons seem really great!

Thanks for comment! :)

1. There are two golden doors that can be opened. One of them is necessary to be able to complete the map (the one that is together with the monolith) The other can only be opened from one side, but not from the other, which gives you a somewhat different route. In order to open it, it is necessary to explore a bit near the Nazi camp. Just that, explore a little.

The rest of the golden doors are decorative, they are to give the sensation that the old complex of the final part of the map is even bigger than it is (And already it is very big)

There is also a secret door in the French thematic area ... it allows access to a hidden room with something similar to a reward (if you have the necessary points) It really is not easy to discover how to open it ... the testers who helped me test the map before the release NEVER discovered how to open it. If you are interested, I can give you some hints by private message.

2. I'm a little confused, but I have not added the staff on my map. English is not my native language, so if I gave the impression that I had added those elements, I apologize.

3. It is not possible to leave the final area, except if you die. This is a very thoughtful design decision. I could have added teleportation to return to other areas of the map, but I like the idea of players reaching a final stage, from which they can not return.
Last Edit: June 18, 2019, 06:40:43 pm by Huruman
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I am pleased to announce that Mixti Fori has exceeded 1300 downloads! :cheesy:  And the number of downloads continues to rise steadily, day by day.
This far exceeds my highest expectations. Thanks to all! ;)
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Woah wait, I thought this was canceled ages ago!! Im so pleased to see that its finally released ^^ And does it sure deliver!

Seriously. The effort that was put into this is incredible, there is so much to say so I'll put these into bullet points

- Every area feels unique and seperated enough to give the illusion that you are truely teleporting to place to place. Heck they're big enough to be singular survival maps
- Whilst I think some weapons need a buff (espessially pap weapons) I think the variety is great
- One of my favourite details is that the sky boxes have another layer under them so clouds and sunsets are placed B)
- Plenty of rewarding secrets
- Once you get a general idea on what you're doing, its super simple (yet challenging) to know what your objective is

This map truely makes you feel like you're adventuring into different places, and whilst I did lazily bullet point them, the experiance is incredible. If I were to report one thing is that quick revive has an annoying bug where it would sometimes become unaccesable to buy (I think it happens when you attempt to buy it when you done have enough money/already have the perk) Hopefully this gets fixed but for now its avoidable.

I dont care what anyone says, this is certainly a 10/10 map. Thank you for completing this, I had a lot of fun playing this

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