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[Unofficial Ban Poll] GunsOfTruth & Cowman

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Created 10 years ago
by MrSlagovich
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Question: If you would like to see either of these 2 banned then vote now

6 (9%)
7 (10.4%)
32 (47.8%)
22 (32.8%)

Total Members Voted: 59

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Maybe stevie is a troll, but he doesn't do much damage while doing it.
Even though, I voted for neither as I think that what we are doing right now is not quite right. Redspace stated that in the proof, he was just sick of Gun which led to overreacting, then to posting on the map's topic and then the whole forum started to cry about the map. While Gun is seen as a bad guy, he also did some good in the community. We got Call of Duty Online thanks to him so we could play it's Cyborg Zombies mode and rip stuff from it. Just giving my opinion about that. They both were good guys in the past until jzob came.
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Maybe stevie is a troll, but he doesn't do much damage while doing it.
Even though, I voted for neither as I think that what we are doing right now is not quite right. Redspace stated that in the proof, he was just sick of Gun which led to overreacting, then to posting on the map's topic and then the whole forum started to cry about the map. While Gun is seen as a bad guy, he also did some good in the community. We got Call of Duty Online thanks to him so we could play it's Cyborg Zombies mode and rip stuff from it. Just giving my opinion about that. They both were good guys in the past until jzob came.

Agreed, I suppose we can give them a public warning first, because permanent banning doesn't seem to be right, even if they still lie and blablabla, we can't forget what they did to the community.
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I do agree that they BOTH can be real annoying but then I agree that there was a time that this was not the case.
It is a tricky one to call and thankfully, it is an unofficial poll, hence just gauging the communities opinion on the subject.
Hopefully, the results will make them see how their behavior is coming across in the community and will encourage them to revert their ways back to when there presence wasn't (so much of) an annoyance.
At least now they know that these negative behaviors they display are not going to be tolerated around here any more. :/

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Great poll!  ;D Gun I don't have a problem with (although he seems to have changed for the worse since he started affiliating himself with his 2 new 'buddies) but Cowman for sure, long overdue IMO  :)

I almost cried yesterday when I heard about red space just quitting so easily.
And seriously mate, man up ffs.. ::)
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No one seems to care that n1 was perma-banned and is quitting for good except me :'(
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Did n1 get perma banned why?
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Did n1 get perma banned why?
He had access to Requiem without being a donor.
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Did n1 get perma banned why?

N1 got banned for lying to moderators, admins and doing other stuff to get in Requiem without donating. Also has broken some rules before (dont remember which ones)

Also, even though I would not do this if I could, but I had sometimes in mind to just mute some of these people, cos they are annoying, but I wont. Then sometimes I say them to stop insulting other people and then I get comment about misusing my mod power. If I dont take action, what is my position good for? Anyone, who is basically talking bs about someone and wasting staffs and mods time to deal with stuff like this constantly, should be banned.

These are my opinions and some people might disagree with me, but Im tired of this shit with on-going fights in chat and topics. Waste of time and people doing this should get their punishment for this
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Can someone explain what is happening? I know Gun and Cowman can be annoying but does that really make reason for a permanent ban? I have no clue what either of them have actually done and I would appreciate it if someone could tell me. And also, what's this I hear about redspace quitting? Is it true? And why id n1 get banned in the first place? I feel like a lot of people have been quitting Custom Zombies recently, and TBH i'm worried that UGX is going to turn into another ZombieModding (a very unwelcoming place where everyone's up-tight and rude). This is truly a great site and it would really be a shame if it fell apart over pointless arguing. I cannot vote on something that I don't know fully about. If they really did do something ban worthy, then I would vote for them to be banned, but I cannot make a decision until I know what the hell is going on! I need answers!
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I voted for neither as I think that what we are doing right now is not quite right.

Same and agreed.
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I don't think anyone should be banned for annoyance. Just my little input.
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I know both guys and both are pretty nice guys! Gun is one of the nicest guys if met online and i know a lot! Cowman is also a great dude! I dont think they dont need bans! I understand that, like yesterday, Gun was too fast with the reaction to his map BUT(!) he wanted just to inform us that it wouldnt release. The following crying was obvious but what would be if redspace would leave and no one would know anything? Im glad that he posted then and everything was cleared. Gun. dont wanted to lie. He just wanted to make sure everyone would know that.
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I know both guys and both are pretty nice guys! Gun is one of the nicest guys if met online and i know a lot! Cowman is also a great dude! I dont think they dont need bans! I understand that, like yesterday, Gun was too fast with the reaction to his map BUT(!) he wanted just to inform us that it wouldnt release. The following crying was obvious but what would be if redspace would leave and no one would know anything? Im glad that he posted then and everything was cleared. Gun. dont wanted to lie. He just wanted to make sure everyone would know that.

RedSpace told everything afterwards, Guns comments were unnecessary and he kept telling people, that he wasnt lying, even though he was then proved wrong. Gun was nice few months back, but then got bitter for me, Ray and P0tZ getting mod status's and shit went down after that. Also to everyone, this thread is still not about banning, its about asking people their opinion, so that anyone can affect this, so no need to rage towards staff or mods for this thread
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If we get enough votes, will this actually happen? I really would like to know.
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RedSpace told everything afterwards, Guns comments were unnecessary and he kept telling people, that he wasnt lying, even though he was then proved wrong. Gun was nice few months back, but then got bitter for me, Ray and P0tZ getting mod status's and shit went down after that. Also to everyone, this thread is still not about banning, its about asking people their opinion, so that anyone can affect this, so no need to rage towards staff or mods for this thread
can i see the proofs? i didnt knew that it was proven wrong...
i understand why he god mad because of the mod. thing
he was sitting all day in the chat helping out as far as he could and helped people with the cod online thing and he wanted to help more.
please dont understand me wrong its MY opinion. its not about attacking someone :alone:

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