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Halloween Maps?

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Created 6 years ago
by mapping_noob
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Hey, I'm working on a Halloween map and it's almost done. Here's a couple question I have for everyone.1 When is it okay to release a halloween map? 

2 Should the zombies have custom skin textures 

3 Should I add a couple hidden songs

4 Are just WaW weapons good (has 3 weapons for single player campaign fixed for zombies)I have about 20 Bo2 weapons and wasn't sure if I should add them. I see them adding to the reply a bit but at the same time I love the feel of a classic waw map. I would like to have the map reply a lot and enjoyed. So didn't know if adding them was super important.

(Map is just a fun quick challenge map)
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1. 31st October
2. No
3. No
4. Yes
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1. Anytime...all the time.
2. Yes, super colorful like a zombified bag of skittles.
3. Yes, but only if it's by Tekashi69 or MGK.
4. Yes, as a zombie purist only WAW guns or else gtfo.
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Hey, I'm working on a Halloween map and it's almost done. Here's a couple question I have for everyone.1 When is it okay to release a halloween map?

2 Should the zombies have custom skin textures

3 Should I add a couple hidden songs

4 Are just WaW weapons good (has 3 weapons for single player campaign fixed for zombies)I have about 20 Bo2 weapons and wasn't sure if I should add them. I see them adding to the reply a bit but at the same time I love the feel of a classic waw map. I would like to have the map reply a lot and enjoyed. So didn't know if adding them was super important.

(Map is just a fun quick challenge map)
1: 31st October
2: No, But use fx to make zombies more unique like set them on fire.
3: Yes 
4: Yes 
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1: October 31st (or the day before, but always make it before halloween)
2: tbh not really, but if you want to, try dressing them up in halloween masks or custom models like mummies or vampires, or (if you want to make it funny and campy) dress them up AS candycorns and lollipops.
3: do you, as long as you fun doing it.
4: again do you, I don't really mind if you leave in World at war weapons, but I would mix it up with weapons from different cods.
Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 10:20:12 pm by conn6orsuper117
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1. A few days before Halloween.
2. Depends if by custom skins you mean custom models and not zombie skins made with paint. And if they fit the theme of the map.
3. Do as you wish.
4. As long as they fit the theme. If you're making a map that has futuristic/modern stuff, WaW weapons shouldn't be used. But if your map takes place in WW2 then sure (although you could use some weapons from other games that fit the time period, for example BO2 M1911 etc).

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