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Messages - ihmiskeho

Showed this a few days ago on Discord but for those who don't use it, here's the trailer. Hopefully the map will be out within a couple of weeks

5 years ago
I was hoping to get a beta out this weekend, but I have some serious issues with the map. I have the easter egg scripted and nearly finished in my test map and it works fine, but for some reason the scripts refuse to work on this map. I've literally copy-pasted everything from the test map to this map without success. So we'll have to see how things go.

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About these issues: it has something to do with level properties not getting defined. I can literally do this:

Code Snippet
level.teleporter_parts = 1;
And it will print that "undefined". And since I need to track the easter egg progress with stuff like this, it completely breaks the progression (and even fx, since they're defined as level._effect["something"] )

5 years ago
any more updates?
 Map layout is done, most of the map in general is done. Weapons are done. All it's pretty much missing is the easter egg and bossfight. And of course some things need some polishing. I can't think of anything on the easter egg side, which is why it's taking longer than expected (I don't want the easter egg to be just random soul chests).

Also due to my current life situation I'm only home once every two weekends or so, which is why I barely have any time to work on the map.

I do have an early version of the map in the workshop, which I have sent to a few people, and if you're interested in trying that, you should PM me.
5 years ago
Some early gameplay of the map. Lighting and detail in outside areas is still not finished so they look quite bad.

6 years ago
So much for those weekly updates but the modtools have been a pain the last few weeks. First of all the mapfile broke, so pretty much everything mapping wise is the same as it was 2-3 weeks ago. After that, APE stopped working and refused to open.

But anyways, here are some in-game pics (lighting might look different since I have settings pretty low on BO3, looks better in radiant)

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Code Snippet
-DETAIL, lots of detail that pretty much disappeared with the map file. So nothing much on the geometry side
-Made huge areas harder to train at
-New lighting, new LUT (still tweaking it)
-Fixed (majority of) invisible walls

-Now uses original BO1 characters to go with theme of the map. (Thanks to The Indestructable Mike Pence)
-New characters also fixed the playermodel revive issue I had with Chronicles characters
-Added Fire sprinters. These start spawning later on and will sprint to the player and blow up. Killing them from distance is your best choice
which shouldn't be too hard since they have low health
-Added origins mud (thanks to Ardivee)
-Upgraded Olympia lights zombies on fire, just like in BO1/BO2 (this is actually scripted in BO3 if anyone wants to use it, works with any weapon)
-Added blue progress bar for afterlife
-Added shock hints for afterlife
-Fixed afterlife jumping
-Scripted MOTD style afterlife number code, may be used in the Easter Egg
-Scripted a "pre game area" where players spawn upon connecting. Host can change gamemodes and start the game, clients have the option to vote what gamemode they want
-Scripted Gun Game
-Pretty much all wonder weapons are now done with proper fx and functionality (still trying to create a tornado fx for the upgraded wind)
-Origins style digsites (may not be 1-1 functionality, since I have never played Origins)
-Boss fight started
-IMS is now buildable and functions just like any other buildable in the game
-IMS now uses the exact same code as any BO3 placable killstreak from MP, so no more issues with alignment/clipping into walls
-Return back to unedited behaviour for zombies, since coop had issues with zombies ignoring players (needs testing)

-Added Shangri-La zombies from Zombie Chronicles (thanks to Erthrock)
-All weapons that have been in previous zombies maps are now upgradeable (If anyone has good name suggestions for Ghosts weapons, let me know)
-New weapons: Vepr, IA2, UTS, MSBS, MP443 (single and DW)
-All weapons are now in the box, altough you can't pick them up for some reason
-Tweaked zombies speeds and other gameplay balancing
6 years ago
Weekly Update #2

No pictures today, there's really nothing to show/I don't want to spoil all areas

This week was the first coop-test of the map (I guess you would call it an alpha build). And of course, there were some good and bad things to notice.

A pleasant surprise was that we didn't really experience any game-braking script issues. There were no crashes and all features worked relatively well.

There was a game-breaking bug though. For some reason the map has these invisible walls, that block access to many areas. These are weird because

there's literally nothing I have placed in radiant in these spots, yet these "walls appear". There doens't appear to be any errors related to this in the compile log either.

I have no idea what this issue is, I have never seen anythinglike this. Hopefully it will get sorted though.

The other concern was the map size. Due to the map being so big, especially earlier rounds seemed to go quite slowly. Will improve on this as well.

Other updates:
Code Snippet
-Entire map is now clipped
-Entire map is now zoned
-Added new routes for zombies to get to players

-Re-scripted avogadro and engineer "choose spawn" logic. The older one, which was based on debris/door flags, was inconsistent and had some issues
if the area was opened elsewhere.
-Improved avogadro projectile shooting, projectiles disappearing instantly should not be an issue anymore
-Avogadro now has the ability to teleport to nearby players, if the players are too far away. I'll also script the tranzit style avogadro teleporting soon
-Added shield buildable
-Added traps (thanks to Harry and Symbo)
Next week I will start scripting the boss fight.

I don't want to spoil much, but if you've seen recent updates, you might have already seen mr boss guy ;)

6 years ago
Since I now have some time to work on this mod again, I've decided to start posting weekly updates. So here's what has been done in the past week.


Code Snippet
-Due to map balancing and a frankly a hellish amount of script issues that I can't fix, I have had to change afterlife to a more soe beast style mode. 
This basically means removing the last stand abilities.

Afterlife now contains the following purposes:
-Shock to power up traps/generators
-Can shock zombies to teleport them away
-Faster movement, low gravity and access to special areas
-Can shock revive other people (custom feature)
-If anyone has any further ideas to compensate the loss of laststand, let me know.I really don't want this to be a completely pointless ability
since it has taken so much time

-Both boss zombies had issues with coop (not attacking player properly) but are now fixed.

-Avogadro fx has been moved over to csc. This should prevent issues from fx not always showing up.

-Finally found a fix for instakill not working. Fixing this also fixed some wonder weapons.
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-Created custom gloss maps for all BO2 and Ghosts weapons, since they didn't have these.

-All snipers now use BO3 style dual-render scopes.

-Started working on custom chalk textures for wall weapons.

-Weaponfile fixes.
6 years ago
What do you mean the Verruckt mapfile came with the modtools? I don't have it.

And yes, making a zombies map should take at least a couple months. My map "Reichskanzlei" took 6 months because I remodeled the map many times, mostly because I didn't really plan it.

It took me 2 months to make this small map here. (I will release it soon)
(Image removed from quote.)

They didn't really advertise it properly, but it can be found in _prefabs/domestic/misc/asylum_mp_jam.

Seems to be more like the multiplayer map Asylum but both use the same base.
6 years ago
The only thing you could do with the original Verruckt is add weapons and pap through script. You couldn't add more areas unless you remake the map yourself, because the .map files are not available. Don't let this discourage you from mapping though. If you spend some time making simple maps and getting comfortable with radiant, you will develop a lot of mapping skills and you might be able to remake Verruckt and add more areas.

Here's some advice when you decide to make maps: take your time. Good maps take a lot of time to make, and rushing them is not a good idea. I hope this helped :) 
 Verrückt mapfile came with the mod tools so techically you could create your own version of it. It's not a 1-1 zombie version of verrückt but the basic layout is there.

Other than that I agree with you. Best is to take your time and learn as you do. If you need help, there are some tutorials on Youtube ranging from simple geometry to advanced map editing. Another good tip is to find reference pictures. Find some images from Google or go in game and explore.

As for how long making a map takes, my WaW maps took about 4-6 months on and off (I've made 3 maps). This time included mapping as well as scripting and weapon porting. The current one I'm working on has taken close to 2 years (hopefully that doesn't scare you away, lol). If you plan on using an existing mapfile as a base, you can get things done quicker. The longer you work on a map the better it will be.
6 years ago
115 posts...

Been working on some buildables:

This is most likely the last scripted feature I'm going to add (other than the easter egg of the map). As for a release date, hopefully it will be done by summer.
6 years ago
Try this and check if it prints the error message. If it does, you have mispelled the kvp or haven´t set the model as script_model
Code Snippet
item_model = GetEnt("item_pickup1", "targetname");
item_pickup_trig = GetEnt("item_pickup_trig1", "targetname");

item_pickup_trig sethintstring("Press and hold &&1 to pick up mask");

item_pickup_trig waittill("trigger", player);
        if(!isdefined(item_model) || item_model.size <= 0)
             IPrintLnBold("Item model is missing!");

item_model delete();
item_pickup_trig delete();

iPrintLn("Picked up Gas Mask");
6 years ago
Make sure your doors have DYNAMICPATH checked.

If you don't have this, the door doesn't connect the pathnodes between the doors. And so the zombies can't path to the new zone.
6 years ago
Arguably everyone's least favorite boss. So why not bring it to Black Ops 3.

By the way I'm open to suggestions on how to improve him (I don't want a 1-1 replica of the Tranzit version) so feel free to give your opinion.
This was the first time I've tried to script a shooting enemy, and I think it turned out alright. Still needs some FX work and sounds.

6 years ago
Everyones favorite boss makes a return
6 years ago
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