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[Tutorial] Debugging Scripts

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Created 11 years ago
by SparkyMcSparks
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If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.
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What do you mean, certain console information you don't want to see like audio errors?

You can hide/show console channels using the CMDs con_showchannel, con_hidechannel, con_visiblechannellist, and con_channellist
Yes but I'm pretty sure there isn't a way to filter everything, only certain things that arent the biggest spam offenders (like fiends list check spam, dvar set info)

When you enable it, on top left it should list all the zones and their states. It takes up too many HUD elements though and they all won't show (it uses NewDebugHudElem() which is unlimited but not available in public EXE, can switch it to normal hud element). I suppose someone can just think of a smart way to merge the hud elements but still somehow convey the info.
Yeah since WaW is ridiculously limited on hudelems we just used menufiles + dvars whenever possible for UGX Mod. Otherwise as an example we would not have even been able to display 10 perks onscreen reliably with the default 3arc points update hud that creates a new hudelem every time someone earns 10 points ??? I assume using dvars + menufile would be the easiest way to display the zone debug info as well, although println()'s in console got the job done for me recently.

I saw in the dev comments of the code that debughudelem is unlimited but as you said this is one of the many nice things we were not graced with :(
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Would this be useful?

I got rid of all the strings except the zone name and just change color.

RED = Zone offline.
BLUE = Zone active (adjacent to occupied, so zombies will spawn from here too).
GREEN = Zone occupied.
WHITE = Zone online but not active or occupied.
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changed one line of code, bug is fixed

Coming to work on monday morning.
When a bug mysteriously disappears.

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Ah damn I totally forgot the different log channels.
What would be the channel to get rid of the davar set spam.
I don't get why this wasn't set to default.

I mean
Code Snippet
      dvar set cl_network_warning 0
      dvar set sv_paused 1
      dvar set cl_network_warning 0
      dvar set sv_paused 1

Is not very useful... :(

It's been a while since I took a look at cod^^
There is, at least introduced in Black Ops 1 I believe (definitely in Black Ops 2). You can just get a hold of the BO1 or BO2 scripts and port the functionality over, search for zombiemode_debug_zones. I started porting BO2 scripts into WaW but gave up since it was more of a headache despite all the new useful features such as zone debug or only using one zombie spawner for the whole map, working on another zombie mod with less stress.

When you enable it, on top left it should list all the zones and their states. It takes up too many HUD elements though and they all won't show (it uses NewDebugHudElem() which is unlimited but not available in public EXE, can switch it to normal hud element). I suppose someone can just think of a smart way to merge the hud elements but still somehow convey the info.

Well I don't quite get why we have such limit in it at all - but you can use menu files a lot^^

Anyway, I agree, porting all the advanced stuff to waw is just a painfull process and in the end you get a thankfull limit error and you just hate yourself that you wasted your time for this.
It's just a limited tiny sandbox and outdated :( - So sad that there are no BO1 / 2 mod tools.
Would be worth to buy the pc version then. ( You should tell this your project lead / manager, increased sales, more money - sounds good??? )

Would this be useful?

I got rid of all the strings except the zone name and just change color.

RED = Zone offline.
BLUE = Zone active (adjacent to occupied, so zombies will spawn from here too).
GREEN = Zone occupied.
WHITE = Zone online but not active or occupied.

Better than nothing hu? ^^ - I never had issues with zones ( I removed the anyway, wasn't flexible enough for what I wanted to do ) but many beginners don't understand the system quite well.
Would be a great additon to our UGX Dev GUI.
But I would also include the checks for the doors and how they are related to each other ( lines )
Usually, beginners name the spawner / target door wrong.
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It's just a limited tiny sandbox and outdated :( - So sad that there are no BO1 / 2 mod tools.
Would be worth to buy the pc version then. ( You should tell this your project lead / manager, increased sales, more money - sounds good??? )

off-topic: they dont going to release the mod tools,  i read a long time ago about lot of changes on the way of made them, for that they dont release them, but i think they should give us a chance. :)
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You can just get a hold of the BO1 or BO2 scripts and port the functionality over, search for zombiemode_debug_zones.

Isn't the Black Ops 2 scripts encrypted in some way? :P
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Let's keep this thread on topic from here on in. -DBZ

+1 to off-topic reply -DBZ

lmao. Too funny.

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Isn't the Black Ops 2 scripts encrypted in some way? :P

I thought it was in an entirely different scripting language.  :P
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I thought it was in an entirely different scripting language.  :P
No... what gave you that idea?

They encrypted them to prevent people from ripping them, along with all of the other assets.
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No... what gave you that idea?

They encrypted them to prevent people from ripping them, along with all of the other assets.

I don't know. I just remember it looking funky when i had seen the code somewhere a long time ago. Just assumed it was another language.
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Id give damn near anything for BO2 modtools and BO1 Radiant(or the current version)
i just am curious to why the steam community never got radiant for bo1, i would have thought they loved to see what the custom community could do.
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Id give damn near anything for BO2 modtools and BO1 Radiant(or the current version)
i just am curious to why the steam community never got radiant for bo1, i would have thought they loved to see what the custom community could do.
Pretty sure its a licensing issue with Activision, and I doubt they want DLC competition with the custom community.
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Back on topic, Sparky this was me:

Someone had similar infinite loop at the beginning of the map and every time he threw a grenade, ended up being he didn't have the special coop characters setup so the voice overs were bugging out creating an infinite loop.

I'm using a custom _loadout.gsc and I never touched the coop characters setup. What could be the fix?
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Back on topic, Sparky this was me:

I'm using a custom _loadout.gsc and I never touched the coop characters setup. What could be the fix?

Use one that isn't broken.  :gusta:
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Back on topic, Sparky this was me:

I'm using a custom _loadout.gsc and I never touched the coop characters setup. What could be the fix?

There is a couple checks if level.script equals various zombie maps to use the coop characters. The easiest things to do is a sub-string check like this so it works for all zombie maps:

Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 04:10:54 am by SparkyMcSparks
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Except not everyone uses nazi_zombie_ as a prefix anymore :D

imo the thing to do is just remove code from _loadout that is for SP and leave the code for zombies - then remove the mapname checks. Since youre editing your own copy of the loadout that only gets packaged with the single zombie map there's no reason to leave the SP level code in there as it's unusued and overcomplicates the file.
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So I got it to work, but my hands were messed up as I am using a gun mod (all attachments were on). So, I got the original loadout and replaced these two instances (, but the error still happens.

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