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[Tutorial] Buyable Perk Slots

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by AlecKeaneDUB
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So this is just a simple little script I put together that allows players to buy an extra perk slot. This is very simple and easy to do, so nobody should have any problems with it :)

NOTE: Due to some issues people have been having, I highly reccomend installing Bam's perks the manual way (i.e. adding the scripts yourself and not using script placer z for them). Now, I only say this because I believe there may be a problem in the script if you do not install them the manual way or do not have them installed. I will re-write the script with the necessary changes and checks when I have the time and will update this topic. Thank you.

Step 1:
Open your map in radiant and place a script model of a perk bottle (or you can use a different model if you'd like), and give it this KVP:
Code Snippet
targetname : perk_bottle_model
Now place a trigger around the perk bottle (or whatever model you used), and give it the KVP:
Code Snippet
targetname : buy_slot_trigger
Save and close your map.

Step 2:
Go into WaWroot/mods/yourmapname/maps and open up YourMapName.gsc

Step 3:
Find this:
Code Snippet
And directly under that line, paste this:
Code Snippet
thread buyable_perk_slot();
Now, paste this at the very bottom of the file:
Code Snippet
level.perk_limit = 4; //Initial perk limit, feel free to change
level.perk_limit_max = 8; //Max perk limit, feel free to change
level.buy_slot_cost = 1500; //Cost of perk slot, feel free to change
buy_slot_trigger = getent( "buy_slot_trigger" , "targetname" ); //Gets the trigger entity
perk_bottle_model = getent("perk_bottle","targetname" ); //Gets the model entity

playfxontag (level._effect["powerup_on"], perk_bottle_model, "tag_origin"); //Puts the powerup effect around the bottle
self thread perk_bottle_rotate( perk_bottle_model );

buy_slot_trigger SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON"); //Gets rid of hand symbol
buy_slot_trigger UseTriggerRequireLookAt(); //Requires the player to look at the trigger to use it
buy_slot_trigger SetHintString("Press &&1 To Buy Perk Slot [Cost: 1500]"); //Hint string players will see

while(1) //Loops so players can use it more than once
buy_slot_trigger waittill( "trigger", player ); //Waits until player uses trigger

if(player.score >= level.buy_slot_cost && level.perk_limit < level.perk_limit_max) //Checks to see if the player has enough points
player maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( level.buy_slot_cost ); //Subtracts the cost from the player's score
level.perk_limit = level.perk_limit + 1; //Increases the player's perk limit by 1
iprintlnbold( "You Can Now Hold " +level.perk_limit+ "/" +level.perk_limit_max+ " Perks" ); //Displays this message to the player

if(player.score >= level.buy_slot_cost && level.perk_limit >= level.perk_limit_max) //checks if the player has reached the max perk limit

perk_bottle_rotate( perk_bottle_model )
self endon( "disconnect" );
perk_bottle_model rotateyaw( 360 ,2 ); //Rotates the bottle
wait 2;

If you have Bam's BO perks in your map, make sure to go into _zombiemode.gsc and delete the level.perk_limit line in there. If you dont, it will cause bugs in the script.

I hope some people find this tutorial helpful, and please let me know if you encounter any problems. :)

Thanks to PROxFTW and Arceus for letting me know of syntax errors :D
Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 09:28:01 pm by AlecKeaneDUB
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Nice job man, I may use this  ;) How would I have "Perk Limit: #" in the top left corner of the screen, like zombie counter style. Would it be a simple modification?
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Nice job man, I may use this  ;) How would I have "Perk Limit: #" in the top left corner of the screen, like zombie counter style. Would it be a simple modification?
Thanks! :D  And here's a hud elem I put together:
Code Snippet
PerkSlots = create_simple_hud();
PerkSlots.horzAlign = "center";
PerkSlots.vertAlign = "middle";
PerkSlots.alignX = "Left";
PerkSlots.alignY = "middle";
PerkSlots.y = 230;
PerkSlots.x = 60;
PerkSlots.foreground = 1;
PerkSlots.fontscale = 8.0;
PerkSlots.alpha = 1;
PerkSlots.color = ( 0.423, 0.004, 0 );

PerkText = create_simple_hud();
PerkText.horzAlign = "center";
PerkText.vertAlign = "middle";
PerkText.alignX = "center";
PerkText.alignY = "middle";
PerkText.y = 230;
PerkText.x = -1;
PerkText.foreground = 1;
PerkText.fontscale = 8.0;
PerkText.alpha = 1;
PerkText.color = ( 0.423, 0.004, 0 );
PerkText SetText("Perk Limit: ");

PerkAmount = level.perk_limit;
PerkSlots SetValue(PerkAmount);
PerkSlots.alpha = 1;

wait 0.5;
Just put that after the buyable_perk_slot() function.

Then inside the buyable_perk_slot() function, add this:
Code Snippet
self thread perk_hud_count();
Directly under this:
Code Snippet
self thread perk_bottle_rotate( perk_bottle_model );
And you should be good to go :) You'll have to mess with the hud elem positions though, I'm not sure what the xy values are for the top left of the screen. I'll see if I can figure them out and if I do I'll post another reply ;)
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Thanks man! I'll test all this tomorrow When I get a chance ;)
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Code Snippet
perk_limit = 4; //Initial perk limit, feel free to change
perk_limit_max = 8; //Max perk limit, feel free to change
buy_slot_cost = 1500; //Cost of perk slot, feel free to change
buy_slot_trigger = getent( "buy_slot_trigger" , "targetname" ); //Gets the trigger entity
perk_bottle_model = getent("perk_bottle","targetname" ); //Gets the model entity

playfxontag (level._effect["powerup_on"], perk_bottle_model, "tag_origin"); //Puts the powerup effect around the bottle
self thread perk_bottle_rotate( perk_bottle_model );

buy_slot_trigger SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON"); //Gets rid of hand symbol
buy_slot_trigger UseTriggerRequireLookAt(); //Requires the player to look at the trigger to use it
buy_slot_trigger SetHintString("Press &&1 To Buy Perk Slot [Cost: " + buy_slot_cost + "]"); //Hint string players will see

while(1) //Loops so players can use it more than once
buy_slot_trigger waittill( "trigger", player ); //Waits until player uses trigger

wait 0.1;
if(player.score < buy_slot_cost)//DUKIP - Score less than amount
player PlaySound("deny");
player thread play_no_money_perk_dialog();
wait 0.1;
if(player.perk_limit >= perk_limit_max) //DUKIP - If we're at max then deny and continue
player PlaySound("deny");
wait 0.1;
if(player.perk_limit < perk_limit_max) //Checks to see if the player doesn't hax max perks.
player maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( buy_slot_cost ); //Subtracts the cost from the player's score
player.perk_limit++; //Increases the player's perk limit by 1
iprintlnbold( "You Can Now Hold " + player.perk_limit + "/" + perk_limit_max + " Perks" ); //Displays this message to the player

More efficient code.

Edit: Make sure somewhere on onPlayerSpawned you add self.perk_limit = (some_amount);
Last Edit: April 24, 2015, 02:42:16 am by DidUknowiPwn
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Code Snippet
perk_limit = 4; //Initial perk limit, feel free to change
perk_limit_max = 8; //Max perk limit, feel free to change
buy_slot_cost = 1500; //Cost of perk slot, feel free to change
buy_slot_trigger = getent( "buy_slot_trigger" , "targetname" ); //Gets the trigger entity
perk_bottle_model = getent("perk_bottle","targetname" ); //Gets the model entity

playfxontag (level._effect["powerup_on"], perk_bottle_model, "tag_origin"); //Puts the powerup effect around the bottle
self thread perk_bottle_rotate( perk_bottle_model );

buy_slot_trigger SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON"); //Gets rid of hand symbol
buy_slot_trigger UseTriggerRequireLookAt(); //Requires the player to look at the trigger to use it
buy_slot_trigger SetHintString("Press &&1 To Buy Perk Slot [Cost: " + buy_slot_cost + "]"); //Hint string players will see

while(1) //Loops so players can use it more than once
buy_slot_trigger waittill( "trigger", player ); //Waits until player uses trigger

wait 0.1;
if(player.score < buy_slot_cost)//DUKIP - Score less than amount
player PlaySound("deny");
player thread play_no_money_perk_dialog();
wait 0.1;
if(player.perk_limit >= perk_limit_max) //DUKIP - If we're at max then deny and continue
player PlaySound("deny");
wait 0.1;
if(player.perk_limit < perk_limit_max) //Checks to see if the player doesn't hax max perks.
player maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( buy_slot_cost ); //Subtracts the cost from the player's score
player.perk_limit++; //Increases the player's perk limit by 1
iprintlnbold( "You Can Now Hold " + player.perk_limit + "/" + perk_limit_max + " Perks" ); //Displays this message to the player

More efficient code
Thanks :) I'm still learning so I didn't expect my version to be perfect lol
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It doesn't set the perk limit to 4 so I can keep buying perks without the feature. How do you set a limit of 4?
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It doesn't set the perk limit to 4 so I can keep buying perks without the feature. How do you set a limit of 4?
Go into _zombiemode.gsc and add level.perk_limit = 4 right underneath maps\_zombiemode_auto_turret::init();
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If you want scripts / features made for you, then contact me by PM or email / skype etc
it will cost you tho so if you have no intention of reciprocating don't even waste my time ;)
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nah there is no limit check by default, and bam used a "level" limit, rather than induvidual players

Youd need to edit the function in zombiemode_perks.gsc ( I think its vending_trigger() )

Btw, nice work man ;)
Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 02:15:14 am by Harry Bo21
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Code Snippet
perk_limit = 4; //Initial perk limit, feel free to change
perk_limit_max = 8; //Max perk limit, feel free to change
buy_slot_cost = 1500; //Cost of perk slot, feel free to change
buy_slot_trigger = getent( "buy_slot_trigger" , "targetname" ); //Gets the trigger entity
perk_bottle_model = getent("perk_bottle","targetname" ); //Gets the model entity

playfxontag (level._effect["powerup_on"], perk_bottle_model, "tag_origin"); //Puts the powerup effect around the bottle
self thread perk_bottle_rotate( perk_bottle_model );

buy_slot_trigger SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON"); //Gets rid of hand symbol
buy_slot_trigger UseTriggerRequireLookAt(); //Requires the player to look at the trigger to use it
buy_slot_trigger SetHintString("Press &&1 To Buy Perk Slot [Cost: " + buy_slot_cost + "]"); //Hint string players will see

while(1) //Loops so players can use it more than once
buy_slot_trigger waittill( "trigger", player ); //Waits until player uses trigger

wait 0.1;
if(player.score < buy_slot_cost)//DUKIP - Score less than amount
player PlaySound("deny");
player thread play_no_money_perk_dialog();
wait 0.1;
if(player.perk_limit >= perk_limit_max) //DUKIP - If we're at max then deny and continue
player PlaySound("deny");
wait 0.1;
if(player.perk_limit < perk_limit_max) //Checks to see if the player doesn't hax max perks.
player maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( buy_slot_cost ); //Subtracts the cost from the player's score
player.perk_limit++; //Increases the player's perk limit by 1
iprintlnbold( "You Can Now Hold " + player.perk_limit + "/" + perk_limit_max + " Perks" ); //Displays this message to the player

More efficient code.

Edit: Make sure somewhere on onPlayerSpawned you add self.perk_limit = (some_amount);

i would also add this under where it defines "perk_limit"

Code Snippet
flag_wait( "all_players_connected" );
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i].perk_limit = perk_limit;

and also change "play_no_money_perk_dialog()"
to "maps\_zombiemode_perks::play_no_money_perk_dialog()".
Because that function is only in _zombiemode_perks.gsc
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Can anyone help me?
I have the "more efficient" part of the script along with the other scripts above it that are not included in the more efficient part.  I have Bam's perks installed and I took out the level.perk_limit in my _zombiemode.gsc.  When I load the map with it like I described, the perk HUD is there (It says perk limit = (no number), and it lets me buy all 8 perks without buying more slots, even though I can still buy the perk bottle.  If I leave Bam's level.perk_limit in the _zombiemode.gsc It says perk limit = 4 on the HUD and the game limits me to 4 perks and I can buy slots but not more actual perks. Any help would be great!
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Thank you, works well only it still allows me to buy more perks but I fixed it
For some reason it still lets me buy after I thought I fixed it, I am using Bams perks and got them through Scriptplacer Z. I have searched for the level.perk_limit but haven't found it.
Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 12:08:56 pm by Andy Whelan
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you havent made anychange to the trigger for the perk, thats why its not working

your setting a limit yes, but that limit is not being considered when buying a perk

you need to add a check into _zombiemode_perks on the triggers
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Can't find it haha, oh well. Might just leave this out.
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These errors you guys are getting are odd to me. It may he because I added in Bam's perks manually, as I dont use script placer Z. That could be the problem...something with the script placer, because the script and everything I posted works 110% perfect for me  ???

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