Try using a while loop instead of an if and have it count up until the set time is reached while your pressing use
5 years ago
Only thing I can think of is to try messing with the vertical/horizontal shift and stretch
5 years ago
How can I script a zombie spawner to be activated when a player touches a trigger? I only want one zombie to spawn when triggered. Anyone know how I can go about doing this?
8 years ago
Go to your raw folder in your CoDWaW root folder and copy the file '_zombiemode_utility.gsc' into your maps folder inside your mod
8 years ago
How can I make a trigger_damage sensitive to grenades only? They already work but I need it to be triggered ONLY by grenades and no other weapon. Any help? Thanks
8 years ago
Glad you guys are enjoying it so far!
That's great to hear!
Double Post Merge: August 01, 2017, 03:51:28 am
Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into these and fix them soon

Double Post Merge: August 01, 2017, 03:51:28 am
Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into these and fix them soon
8 years ago