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Messages - Andy Whelan

Tops mad ghee, loved it, heaps of fun and holy fuck the details bruv  :rainbow: and cheers for using the load screen template  <3
9 years ago
My crippling depression
9 years ago
Here it is, my beautiful face, as I indulge in a Rum & Coke for my birthday
(Image removed from quote.)

That jersey is a fucking disgrace babe ;)
9 years ago
 <3 Nothing less, nothing more. This was on point :D
9 years ago
Replayability: 3/10. Like Box Map X, except that Box Map X had an objective that could be unlocked and completed, unlike this map.

On fucking point :D
9 years ago
1. Nazi_Zombie_Anzio - Holty007
Thanks to Hammy I am in love with this map, it is all stock but detailed and fun as.

2. Rainy Death - ShitmanVere  <3 (Also the Project Contamination Beta I have hehehe)
Unbelievably replayable for me, I have no idea why. Just always really fun to kick back, relax and slay some zombies.

3. Dead Ship - ZCTxCHAOSx
I have two words to describe this map, fucking amazing.

4. Nazi_Zombie_Farm_Swamp
So detailed and fun, stunning design, despite being stock it has a nice feel to it.
9 years ago
I ain't a killer, but don't make me,
Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to getting pussy.

! No longer available
9 years ago
Hell yeah, let's go my fello Aussies!  :gusta:

Get out, I dont wanna have this convo again about how you are not Australian :please:
9 years ago
Or The Australian Coast line during the heat wave  :please:

True! But still, my mixtape is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
9 years ago
Looking good, and Iron Prometheus is the best name of the three but just doesn't sound right TBH, doesn't really roll off the tongue easy, but meh :D Keep up the excellent work, excited for more updates to come.

Also what has happened to your old W.I.P 'High Noon' ??? It looked really nice.
9 years ago
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