Great mod, I love the weapon selection that was put into the mod. I really love attention to detail with the weapons. Example; the SPAS-12 being able to have different fire modes. The gaming industry needs to do that. I think ...
5 years ago
i love this mod sooooooo muchbut why the heck did you do this ???
Reduced the quadrupal damage on double tap (Now does only double damage) ... its taking from the fun aspect
and this...
5 years ago
Lol, I'm afraid we tried but couldn't fix the issue you just gotta keep trying and eventually coop will work. No thanks already have enough children.
Thanks mate! Nah we wanted to keep the monkeys becau...
6 years ago
Im still not getting all the zombie maps, it says something about not finding the bps of the map
Looks Amazing!!!
Just ...
6 years ago
Thank you for the answer, another question, not related to this.
Anyway to remove the 92 FPS cap? com_maxfps does nothing, any idea?
Using com_maxfps to make it higher or setting it to 0 to make it unlimited defini...
6 years ago
Lol, NikolaiLikesDicks here replied to the posts in their quotes because he has barely ever used UGX. But yes time to pound and kill and rape zombos, and thx for all the support.
6 years ago