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Messages - Wunderful

I don't need this anymore, i fixed my player health to die with 3 hits :D

How? I'd like to do the same with my map  ;)
8 years ago
Alright, I've got a list of problems here that I'm hoping someone will be able to help me out with:

1. I'm using Bam's electric cherry with Harrybo21's perks (because I like area of effect of Bam's cherry more) I finally got it to completely work with Harry's power & perks except for one issue: the cherry perk shader doesn't disappear when I go down. How do I fix that? Done!

2. I'm currently using this tutorial for character randomization and character-specific viewhands:

My friend gave me the Origins viewhands to use in my map, but I can only get 1 at a time to work (with the others my gun is just floating in my face) and furthermore the viewhands look like this in game:

I had BO1 Nikolai's before and they looked fine, except my mauser had a scope on it for some odd reason.

3. How do I make the player able to take 3 hits without Jugg (2-hit redscreen, like BO3)? Done!

Thanks for any help  :alone:
8 years ago
I'm working on adding player specific viewhands to my map, but whenever I use my mauser with a set of viewhands that is not the one listed as "handModel" in the mauser's weapon file, the mauser has a scope. is there a way to set it to work without a scope for more than one set of viewhands?
8 years ago
Most of the time when this happens, it is because the other players has different versions of the map than the host, and it will cause the "ammo counter bug". If it is only happening on co-op, and not solo, then make sure everyone playing the map has the same version.

That could be it, thanks. I'll look into it.
8 years ago
I would check for switchtoweapon or setweaponammoclip and setweaponammostock functions

What file are those in?
8 years ago
I've been experiencing an odd bug in my map. Occasionally when I get weapons out of the box it'll display them as having no or very little ammo, even though I can shoot them just fine. Getting a Max ammo does nothing to change this. If they're displayed as having no ammo, it'll make me switch to my other weapon after every bullet I shoot, as if I just shot the last bullet, which is very annoying. I've only experienced this in coop and none of my partners seem to have experienced it. I was wondering if anyone knows why this is happening and how to fix it. I'm using Swazzy's HUD btw, if that matters. Thanks.
8 years ago
at a guess, its coming from one of these

Code Snippet
	who thread maps\dlc3_code::player_elec_damage();
who thread maps\dlc3_code::zombie_elec_death( randomint(100) );

but, those are stock, so still indicates a problem with these models, rather than your code

find and post this :

Code Snippet
who thread maps\dlc3_code::zombie_elec_death( randomint(100) );

so we can take a look

I think this is the right thing

Code Snippet
self endon("death");

//10% chance the zombie will burn, a max of 6 burning zombs can be goign at once
//otherwise the zombie just gibs and dies
if(flame_chance > 90 && level.burning_zombies.size < 6)
level.burning_zombies[level.burning_zombies.size] = self;
self thread zombie_flame_watch();
self playsound("ignite");
self thread animscripts\death::flame_death_fx();

refs[0] = "guts";
refs[1] = "right_arm";
refs[2] = "left_arm";
refs[3] = "right_leg";
refs[4] = "left_leg";
refs[5] = "no_legs";
refs[6] = "head";
self.a.gib_ref = refs[randomint(refs.size)];

playsoundatposition("zombie_arc", self.origin);
if( !self enemy_is_dog() && randomint(100) > 50 )
self thread electroctute_death_fx();
self thread play_elec_vocals();
self playsound("zombie_arc");

self dodamage( + 666, self.origin);
iprintlnbold("should be damaged");

Worse comes to worst I suppose I could remove the Nuketown zombies models and revert back to the original Nazi ones, but those are so drab and boring :/
9 years ago
the error cannot be coming from this

"j_head" isnt referenced at all in this entire thing

I also checked zombie_elec_death function in dlc3_code and there was no j_head either  :'( I have no idea where else to look
9 years ago
I hate to bump but I'm still having this j_head problem... I took a break from mapping for a while but now I want to come back and fix this
9 years ago
Can you show your electric trap script? Maybe you can do some modifications to remove where it needs j_head tag

This is it, I believe I used a tutorial from ADDICTED on ZM:

Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

wait 1;
// Below is an example.
//thread add_zapper("zapper1", 1500, "enter_zone3");
thread add_zapper("zapper1", 1000, "enter_zone1");
thread add_zapper("zapper2", 1000, "enter_zone5");
add_zapper(zapper_name, cost, flag)
triggers = getentarray(zapper_name + "_trigger", "targetname");
handles = getentarray(zapper_name + "_handle", "targetname");
lights = getentarray(zapper_name + "_light", "targetname");
damage_trigs = getentarray(zapper_name + "_damage", "targetname");
fx_structs = getentarray(zapper_name + "_struct", "targetname");

cost = 1000;

triggers wait_for_power(cost);

triggers handle_zapper_trigs(handles, "disable");
zapper_light_red( lights );
flag_wait( flag );
triggers handle_zapper_trigs(handles, "enable");
zapper_light_green( lights );

wait 0.01;
player = undefined;
notifier_struct = spawnStruct();
triggers[i] thread wait_until_zapper_trigged(notifier_struct);
notifier_struct waittill("trigger", player);
notifier_struct delete();
if( player.score < cost )
play_sound_at_pos( "no_purchase", player.origin );
play_sound_at_pos( "purchase", player.origin );
player maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( cost );
triggers handle_zapper_trigs(handles, "disable");
wait 0.7;
zapper_light_red( lights );
damage_trigs do_damage(zapper_name);
wait 25;
level notify(zapper_name + "_end");
wait 25;
triggers handle_zapper_trigs(handles, "enable");
zapper_light_green( lights );
wait 0.7;
self[i] thread barrier_do_damage(name);
level endon(name + "_end");
self waittill("trigger",who);

if(isplayer(who) )
who thread maps\dlc3_code::player_elec_damage();
who thread maps\dlc3_code::zombie_elec_death( randomint(100) );
wait 0;
self.tag_origin = spawn("script_model",self.origin);
self.tag_origin setmodel("tag_origin");
self.tag_origin playsound("elec_start");
self.tag_origin playloopsound("elec_loop");
self thread play_electrical_sound();

level waittill(name + "_end");
self.tag_origin stoploopsound();
self notify ("arc_done");
self.tag_origin delete();
self endon ("arc_done");
wait(randomfloatrange(0.1, 0.5));
playsoundatposition("elec_arc", self.origin);
handle_zapper_trigs(handles, type)
if(type == "disable")
self[i] disable_trigger();
else if(type == "enable")
self[i] enable_trigger();
if(type == "disable")
handles[i] disable_zapper_switch();
else if(type == "enable")
handles[i] enable_zapper_switch();
zapper_light_red( zapper_lights )
zapper_lights[i] setmodel("zombie_zapper_cagelight_red");

zapper_lights[i].fx delete();

zapper_lights[i].fx = maps\_zombiemode_net::network_safe_spawn( "trap_light_red", 2, "script_model", zapper_lights[i].origin );
zapper_lights[i].fx setmodel("tag_origin");
zapper_lights[i].fx.angles = zapper_lights[i].angles+(-90,0,0);
zapper_light_green( zapper_lights )
zapper_lights[i] setmodel("zombie_zapper_cagelight_green");

zapper_lights[i].fx delete();

zapper_lights[i].fx = maps\_zombiemode_net::network_safe_spawn( "trap_light_green", 2, "script_model", zapper_lights[i].origin );
zapper_lights[i].fx setmodel("tag_origin");
zapper_lights[i].fx.angles = zapper_lights[i].angles+(-90,0,0);
self[i] SetHintString( &"ZOMBIE_FLAMES_UNAVAILABLE" );
self[i] SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
flag_wait( "electricity_on" );

self[i] SetHintString( "Press & hold &&1 to activate the electric barrier [Cost: "+cost+"]" );
self rotatepitch(-180,.5);
self playsound("switch_flip");
self rotatepitch(180,.5);
self playsound("switch_flip");
self waittill("trigger", who);
struct notify("trigger", who);
9 years ago
means a tag is missing from one of the models, most likely one of the "gibbed" models, which would explain it not happening straight away, as it wouldnt happen until a zombie is gibbed in a way that causes them to change into that model

Any idea how I would fix it? Cause I'm at a loss :/
9 years ago
Downloaded your Nuketown zombies in my map, and they work great, except I believe they are causing an error when I take a large amount of zombies through my electric trap:

Not sure if this is related to your models or not but it looks to me like it. Any help fixing this would be greatly appreciated
9 years ago
I get this error every single time I take a large amount of zombies through my electric trap:

I'm guessing it has something to do with my Nuketown zombies but I have no clue how to fix it  :alone:
9 years ago
no one have the map but me, you have a beta without zombies compiled from 2014 and 100 other people have it :D but nice try Mr.Coolful

Dammit Radi I thought I was finally in the cool club  :alone:

I still love doing parkour on the Beta version though XD
9 years ago
Huehuehue I have this map am I cool yet  8)
9 years ago
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