ill update with another link for google docs soon
Hey guys, im here with the release of this map after ages lol.
*i dont do videos ever 
Bo2 Weapons
Teleporters to alternate areas
8 shootable song easter eggs *Possibly copyrighted, turn down music if recording a video*
Concert area with 3D sweet victory song
Zombie shield buildable
buildable power
buyable ending
Some other stuff, cant remember
The map basically has playable spongebob character houses, 2 map exports from the game Spongebob: Battle for Bikini bottom, plus a concert area. Playable areas include:
Downtown Bikini Bottom
Jellyfish Fields
Concert Area
Goofy Goober's
Krusty Krab
Spongebob's House
Squidward's House
Sandy's Treedome
This map includes some intense parkour, but nothing is too difficult where you cant complete it. The best perks are behind a bit of parkour, i wont tell you which because you wouldnt like it. Falling into the pit makes you go down, so be super careful! Ill possibly be balancing this if it is too difficult for some, but its a nice challenge required to progress in the map. The 2 areas that are accessed through the toll booth in the goober basement are full map exports, clipped and slightly modified for playability from the game SB:BFBB. To use the Taxi stands, you must buy the 5,000 toll booth in the goober area then you may teleport with them.
Ok, so this is going to be extremely difficult as the map has been dead / in development for 2 or so years, so please please please tell me if you helped me in any way. Ill list everything i know, but i know for sure im going to miss a dozen of you
Radimax- Clippings Jellyfish fields
Harry- Perks, shield, tons of help
Tom- Tools
Natesmithzombie- Bo2 Weapons
Robert *forgets ZM name but knows skype name* - Logo of loading screen
BWC - somthing he was pretty involved at some point
BluntStuffy - Zombie and player teleporters, made the whole alternate areas possible
Please i cant stress enough PM me if you helped me in any way so i can properly credit you
Thanks for taking a look, if you have any suggestions or find any bugs report them to me via PM, ill be doing a v1.1 overhaul in about 3 or 4 weeks fixing everything i can find and or whatever people report. Sorry for the long wait on the map and i hope it lives up to its name.
Small side note, i love watching peoples videos so if you make a youtube video post it in the comments

Bugs found:
Some guns have an ugly PaP camo, didn't even notice this
// Quick revive solo failed to work for one, can happen to another (Resolved, wait for update)
// Extreme zombie hug, Must fix
// need to test multiplayer, supposed crash problem (Resolved, wait for update)
// Aparently, if falling into the pit on co op, it sometimes restarts the map *I HAVE NO IDEA NOTHING IN THE SCRIPT I //USE YIELDS THIS WILL FIX ASAP*
// Round Skipping glitch TB room (Resolved, wait for update)
// Grenades fall through floor JF F and City (Resolved, wait for update)
*Uploading as of 6/30 by 11PM ESTWhats new in 1.1:
Zombies no longer get stuck in between taxi signs
New area in Jellyfish fields, expanded area roughly by 40%
Round Skipping glitch is resolved in taxi room
Grenades no longer fall through the floor at Alternate areas
Map no longer restarts on co op when dying on parkour, now just teleports you to the start of the parkourZombies now actually hit the player instead of hugging them foreverslight weapon tuning
Small details adressed
Poor pathing issues adressed in outdoor areas
Tombstone removed to fix confusion with vulture aid
Still needs fixing:
Guns in everybody's ears *majorly annoying*
Ugly PaP camo's
Wanted this update out asap so they will be fixed at a later date when more problems arise