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Messages - oshawat750

yo u stole my shit
7 years ago
FINALLY! Glad to have beta tested this, for those who don't know, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE GETTING YOURSELVES INTO!
7 years ago
dis map is gay i wish u did aleins since dey r my fams
8 years ago
I did it but the error still continues  :'(
Do you have the weapon in dlc3_code?
8 years ago
So I have seen a few things on the internet about how to do this and everyone says to use Toms Ipak Exporter. So I got it but I am very unsure of how to use said program. If anyone would like to give me a push or another method it would be much appreciated!  :alone:
Download the mod tools from Steam, so go and hover over Library and go to Tools and find Black Ops Mod Tools and download it. Open it and hit converter. After that, look in raw>images and convert them to dds and you have your textures, only way I know of, that's how I got the building textures from Firing Range.
8 years ago
I love this map so much! It's just that, it's impossible to get past round 25 =/
8 years ago
So, the invisible starting pistol is because Harry's perks is kinda glitchy, so just don't restart. The colt will ALWAYS be in the game, unless you remove it from dlc3.csv. To have only one starting pistol, go to _zombiemode_perks.gsc in your mod>maps and find zombie_colt and replace it with your starting pistol. Do the same thing in _loadout.gsc. I hope this helps  ;D
8 years ago
Zombies always spawn behind debris that isn't open. Its bad enough we have to go all the way around the map to open certain ones. Juggernog is too hard to get, because the doors are too expensive. The Bootlegger anims look so glitchy with an increased FOV. After I get the Hell's Retriever, the hound doesn't go away and stays. Some triggers on the debris don't even pop up half the time, the other half is you needing to go around the map to the other side. This map is so bare and boring. It would be more fun if you didn't need to go to the other side of the map to open a certain door, and they weren't so expensive.
I did that so that the map wouldn't be too easy. Please report problems that are on the map, like the zombie spawning behind debris (I have tried everything to fix it).
8 years ago
I do believe that PaP camo is by ReclusiveShade...?
I saw my friend make this pap camo. I used them in Firing Range.
8 years ago
you mean skybox?  :)
No, that's not a skybox. A skybox is a texture in the sky, that you see outside your map. This is literally a giant box with an invisible texture.
8 years ago
Ok so I know the fix for this is to add a "Light Grid Volume" into your map covering everything but after I did that and went to render everything I see the colors are like a rainbow. Just wanted to know how you would fix this for my upcoming map. Really p!ssed off with it now. 😤
Try adding a roof. If your map is outside, add a GIANT box around your map and give it the Caulk texture, that fixed it for me.
8 years ago
i downloaded it because i didn't and now everything is stretchy is i cant see anything and everything looks bad on my end
Turn off specular maps and turn your graphics down from Extra to High.

Double Post Merge: August 22, 2016, 03:14:45 pm
Not sure if its a bug but the purifier has an ammo counter and then cooldown, I think it should just use ammo instead like in the game but if it's meant to be cooldown it looks kind of odd, half the flamethrower cooldown icon is off the screen
That will tried to be fixed in the next update.
8 years ago
Risers spawn at structs, not origins. I don't know your script for Brutus, but I would modify it to use structs if you can.

But, before doing that, I would backup map, delete them, and test. Make sure that will fix your issue.
How would I know if it fixed it? Would I have to upload it and send it to one of my friends to test it?
8 years ago
Might be all those script_origins. That was the problem with ILS, too many of those. Why do you have so many? I have 24 in ORBiT

(Image removed from quote.)
The Brutus spawnpoints, do I have too many? Also, I have A LOT of riser spawners, could that be a problem?
8 years ago
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