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New Alpha testers

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Created 9 years ago
by HitmanVere
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Not so simple this.

For each map allow for 1GB per map you create as a standard if not more.

When you compile lighting and the map you get some large files created

You have the .led and the pack files. These can easily become massive.

When I am home I can post examples of sizes.

If you have a few projects on the go you may eat a further 10-20gb up easy

You then have the fact the current tools do not have many assets atm.

If we get more assets which I hope we do, again the size will balloon further,
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Not so simple this.

For each map allow for 1GB per map you create as a standard if not more.

When you compile lighting and the map you get some large files created

You have the .led and the pack files. These can easily become massive.

When I am home I can post examples of sizes.

If you have a few projects on the go you may eat a further 10-20gb up easy

You then have the fact the current tools do not have many assets atm.

If we get more assets which I hope we do, again the size will balloon further,

yeah, i thought he just meant initial download size, lol, i would say that an ssd is almost required, im away to move bo3 over to a dedicated 500gb 850 evo
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On the map size its pretty clear that we can go quite big, not just geo wise but also model/texture wise. That 34k image limit is a bug/error at present so no limit is confirmed. Size of maps when compiled however can be serious, like Wakka mentioned, I think my semi details 2 room map is already 2.5gb and thats with some lighting elements not to the max!
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On the map size its pretty clear that we can go quite big, not just geo wise but also model/texture wise. That 34k image limit is a bug/error at present so no limit is confirmed. Size of maps when compiled however can be serious, like Wakka mentioned, I think my semi details 2 room map is already 2.5gb and thats with some lighting elements not to the max!

Simple fix, global lighting only  :troll:
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Looks like "Win Cat" Aka Tom_Bmx also got them.... ::). come on people recommend harry ffs.
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Oh wow so I need to buy a dedicated hard disk for the tools?
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Oh wow so I need to buy a dedicated hard disk for the tools?
depends if you have free space
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depends if you have free space

Well I'm that kind of guy who keeps every file, especially large useless ones so... I have 6gb left right now on my system drive right now  8)
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Oh wow so I need to buy a dedicated hard disk for the tools?

Seems like it, the tools run like shit for me right now lol. I have just ordered a 250gb SSD just now and an extra RAM stick.

Edit: After updating my GPU drivers and playing with them a bit more that's not strictly true; maps like The Giant are just a no-go and my disk usage goes up to like 99% and my PC just becomes unresponsive, before I am able to do almost anything, but small maps and prefabs seem to be ok.

I would also recommend another monitor, I don't have one myself (next thing on the list - this is adding up lol ::)) but I'd imagine having multiple monitors would be fantastic. The way windows come up on the same screen would be great for dual monitors but on one it becomes rather cluttered (especially on my small screen), I think the tools were designed with multiple monitors in mind tbh.
Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 09:48:02 pm by steviewonder87
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I'm back.
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Still awaiting more invites, but seems they want best of the best. Only way in is to be popular on twitter or be refereed by a current tester. Hope I can join up in open beta. I think my skill set is only amateur but good luck to the ones that are in.
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Aye mate you don't know me so y don't you shut tf up ok buddy :)

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Seems like it, the tools run like shit for me right now lol. I have just ordered a 250gb SSD just now and an extra RAM stick.

Edit: After updating my GPU drivers and playing with them a bit more that's not strictly true; maps like The Giant are just a no-go and my disk usage goes up to like 99% and my PC just becomes unresponsive, before I am able to do almost anything, but small maps and prefabs seem to be ok.

I would also recommend another monitor, I don't have one myself (next thing on the list - this is adding up lol ::)) but I'd imagine having multiple monitors would be fantastic. The way windows come up on the same screen would be great for dual monitors but on one it becomes rather cluttered (especially on my small screen), I think the tools were designed with multiple monitors in mind tbh.

You have a 750 yeh? Because most people say 570 (my card) is about a 750 (minus the 800MB VRAM) in terms of performance so if you're running them good that's good to hear. I might need to grab an extra 8GB Ram too. ^^
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You have a 750 yeh? Because most people say 570 (my card) is about a 750 (minus the 800MB VRAM) in terms of performance so if you're running them good that's good to hear. I might need to grab an extra 8GB Ram too. ^^

750 yeh, but a new GPU is next on the list tbh, I only got that for WAW and although it plays BO3 ok (max/medium settings with a solid 60+ fps for zombie maps) it's still below the min specs, think 4gb should be enough VRAM tbh so might get a 960 4gb, coz right now SP and MP don't run that great (ZM is fine).

And I wouldn't say the tools are running good for me at all lol, but I don't think that's to do with my GPU, I think they should run much better with an SSD and 16gb ram because the disk space use is just raped right now.
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750 yeh, but a new GPU is next on the list tbh, I only got that for WAW and although it plays BO3 ok (max/medium settings with a solid 60+ fps for zombie maps) it's still below the min specs, think 4gb should be enough VRAM tbh so might get a 960 4gb, coz right now SP and MP don't run that great (ZM is fine).

And I wouldn't say the tools are running good for me at all lol, but I don't think that's to do with my GPU, I think they should run much better with an SSD and 16gb ram because the disk space use is just raped right now.
the radiant dont have a option to lower the texture quality like in waw radiant? or reduce grapichs settings?
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Yeah its not the GPU thats an issue here, but this is an alpha.

So many factors at play.

Trey were worried if we were even going to be able to compile maps, at one point we could not

The sort of specs they work on at Top end I7's 32GB ram with high end GPU's

But even people testing have issues with high end systems.

It's another reason the tools are taking time.

Hopefully stevies ssd will fix it for him.
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This is getting ridiculous... Who do I have to blow off to get those tools? Me and Stevie have been waiting for more than a year to continue Isla Nublar-Jurassic Parkl map...  :alone:

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