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Messages - Tim Smith

Congrats on the release!
6 years ago
Congrats! <3
6 years ago
Nice, congrats on the release. :D

Spoiler: click to open...
Lmao why the downloads are different in sizes.[/size]
6 years ago
2018 and people still porting COD4 into WaW and they sill don't know that we can get them with a single click lol
6 years ago
I just tested this and the bank works . I didn't add the sounds yet I will add them later just wanted to confirm and say thanks. This was a great feature in ZIS when playing co op !

One question is it possible to delete or perhaps change the colour of the HUD when you deposit or remove the points ?

Code Snippet
IPrintLn("Deposited $1000(New Total = " + level.balance + ")");

You use ^X (X = numbers for colors, 1,2,3 etc..) so it should look like:

Code Snippet
IPrintLn("^XDeposited $1000(New Total = " + level.balance + ")");

Same thing for withdraws:

Code Snippet
IPrintLn("Withdrew $1000(New Total = " + level.balance + ")"); 

It should look like:

Code Snippet
IPrintLn("^XWithdrew $1000(New Total = " + level.balance + ")"); 
6 years ago
Nice, going to give this a shot :D

Congrats on the release.
6 years ago
Best map 10/10
7 years ago
I think it Does matter about the height.

Also, off topic. Do this please :

7 years ago
The official game when it comes out, maybe.  As long as it isn't just passed call of duties copied.  But wait, Black ops 4 is a complete copy of the Chinese Call Of Duty Online.

Sorry to ruin your day but you're wrong. As no COD will ever be as amazing as CODOL is rn.
7 years ago
I did find the Golden Sporj Easter egg, however we didn’t find the other 2. Perhaps I’ll have to go back and find them :P

If you help me with the golden spork, I'll list what you need to do the get these other 2.
7 years ago
but there will be more once the maptools for BO1 is released

Radiant is already online lmao
7 years ago
Alright, guide is now live folks. Hopefully, I will finish it today :D

Also, any news of the new update ?
7 years ago
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