I really love this map, recommended 10/10 

2 years ago
Hey all! Hope you all are enjoying the series, this is Verruckt this week it's actually one of the shorter 5 details but actually took me around 2 weeks to create so a lot of love went into this one, if you know anything that I may h...
2 years ago
Hey UGX! this is basically a follow up to my Der Riese video where I take a closer look into the maps of World at War, it's supposed to be a informative video so I hope you learn something :)Maybe you can also share something I may h...
2 years ago
little bit of a side project that I've wanted to do for a while

2 years ago
I think I joined these forums...3 - 4 years ago? I'm not quite sure when I joined but I do remember coming over to UGX because UGX had a better layout than other websites I'm talking directly to you Zombie Modding
. + UGX kept up maintainence with broken zombie map files LOL. I believe ...

2 years ago
Hey! I'm back and I want to share some gameplay of me and my friend Zord playing some Black ops 3 custom zombies, I hope this puts at least a little smile on your face

3 years ago