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Messages - AlecKeaneDUB

Try using a while loop instead of an if and have it count up until the set time is reached while your pressing use
5 years ago
Only thing I can think of is to try messing with the vertical/horizontal shift and stretch
5 years ago
How can I script a zombie spawner to be activated when a player touches a trigger? I only want one zombie to spawn when triggered. Anyone know how I can go about doing this?
8 years ago
Go to your raw folder in your CoDWaW root folder and copy the file '_zombiemode_utility.gsc' into your maps folder inside your mod
8 years ago
How can I make a trigger_damage sensitive to grenades only? They already work but I need it to be triggered ONLY by grenades and no other weapon. Any help? Thanks
8 years ago
Glad you guys are enjoying it so far! :) That's great to hear!

Double Post Merge: August 01, 2017, 03:51:28 am
Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into these and fix them soon
8 years ago
Devil's Playground (T4M Required!!)
Hello UGX, this is my first released map, or "re-released" map, I should say. Some of you may remember 114 Cabin, and this is basically my final, completed version of that. If you are new to this map, it hold lots of interesting and fun features to play around with, including the quite amazing UGX Mod v1.1. This map is intended for players looking for a good challenge with a high replay value. This is not a huge map by far, nor is it perfect in any way. This is just a fun change-up that I have been working on for a while to get just right, and want to share with the community. To start off, here's a list of some prime features of the Devil's Playground.
- UGX Mod 1.1:
     - Variety of weapons, including guns from Black Ops 1 & 2, Modern Warfare, and more
     - Custom UGX gamemodes and mutators
     - Custom powerups
     - Custom HUD
     - Custom Perks
     - Custom sounds and FX
     - Custom Mystery Box

- 6 perks
- Custom challenges
- Buildables
- Sharing is Caring

     - Custom perk by UGX
-Custom-made power ups
- Very hard difficulty
- Small map, but challenging to complete alone
- Dynamic difficulty

     - Challenges adjust to player count
- Lots of FX and custom scripts
- Much more for you to discover!

Change log for 1.1.2:
- Fixes to AI pathing
- Added permanent 3-hit down
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Minor lighting fixes

*Note: A new version of this map will be released upon feedback and more work being finished. I want to hear your thoughts, feedback, and constructive criticism. Some new key features coming in v1.2 include:
 - Boss battle ending, endorsed by a hardcore, zombie-slaying soundtrack
 - Secret perk features
 - Randomized pickup locations
 - Updated menu
 - More HUD elements for stat tracking
 - Generic bug fixes and improvements

I know I said before that this map was released at a much earlier state at a much earlier time, but that being said, this is 'technically' my first map, although I have some side projects as well that may or may not be released at some point. I started this map a looooong time ago, probably about 3 or 4 years ago, during which I used my small amount of spare time to learn, test, and play around with mapping and make no mistake by assuming I'm experienced at this. But enough about my skills, here are a couple brief pictures from an earlier version of this map:

Download Link(Mediafire):

UGX Team - UGX Mod 1.1 and all of the wonderful help and support they give us
pcmodder - buyable script
Bluntstuffy - soul chest scripts/anims
thezombiekilla6 - energy conversion script
UGX Forum - help and answers to questions, as well as tutorials on certain subjects
*If I missed anyone, please feel free to let me know and I will be sure to include you
8 years ago
Wow. This map looks incredible! I will definitely give this a try later and repost my feedback :)
8 years ago
Thanks :) I put it on hold cause I was on the last stretch of a contract-to-hire for app dev. But I just signed the offer letter yesterday,  so I can finally chill the f*** out haha.

expect some Real updates on this soon! because now I can just relax and map
Any updates on this map yet, Jei?  :)
8 years ago
Those viewhands are dope as hell!  :o
8 years ago
I have a custom perk setup within _zombiemode_perks, but where exactly do I thread and script the function for the perk after you buy it? Can't figue it out and have been searching for hours  :-\
8 years ago
I would really love to play this maps... ..but it's a shame T4M still doesn't work for people who plays WaW on CD or download types of.
T4M does work for disc users of the game. You need to download the LanFixed evrsion of CoD5's .exe app. I use the disc version and T4M works perfectly!  ;)
8 years ago
I know there's topics about this somewhere but for some reason I can't find them. I could normally figure this out on my own but my mind is blank right now and I can't think clearly, can anyone help/direct me to a topic?
8 years ago
No, you have to do this using FX files
8 years ago
have you installed the map to WaW?  :-\
8 years ago
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