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Perish V1.1.1

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Created 7 years ago
by HitmanVere
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Community Mapper Has released one or more maps to the UGX-Mods community which have been added to the UGX Map Manager.
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Set your feet to the solid grounds of New Paris to unfold its mysteries. Will you find your way or will you perish in the darkness?

- Fully non-Black Ops 1 weaponry, such as some World War 2, Infinite Warfare, Modern Warfare Remastered, Killing Floor 2 and Payday 2 weapons
- Black Ops 3 characters to play as
- New enemies, Buildables, Time Trials, Dig Sites and more
- Ten perks with one being custom
- In-depth main Easter Egg and various smaller ones lying around


Download Links:
Version 1.1.1



Note: Installer will install game_mod for you, but if you are using manual download, you NEED to install newest version of Game_Mod first.
You can download it from here:

  • SE2Dev
  • Nukem
  • DTZxPorter
  • Ege115
  • Harry Bo21
  • BluntStuffy
  • MAK911
  • Z0mbie1337
  • Fruckbatt
  • lilrifa
  • Scobalula
  • ZeRoY
  • ElTitoPricus
  • The Meh
  • CHN
  • treminaor
  • Gildor
  • Spy
  • Tom-BMX
  • Treyarch
  • Infinity Ward
  • Sledgehammer Games
  • Raven Software
  • Tripwire Interactive
  • Starbreeze Studios
  • Behavior Interactive
Voice Actors:
  • Syphon
  • TheWubstepBrony
  • Emlbrough
Music Provided By:
  • Dillinger Escape Plan
  • Bl00dBox
  • Michel F. April
  • RichaadEB
  • ToxicxEternity
  • Blonde Redhead
Alpha/Beta Testers:
  • Fruckbatt
  • Z0mbie1337
  • lilrifa
  • johndoe
Code Snippet
Update 1.1.1:
- Carpenter now repairs Zombie Shield's health
- Zombie Shield's health reduced from 35 to 30 due to Carpenter repair & gameplay reasons
- Fixed pathing issue by Pack-a-Punch area
- Added opening on platform in Boss Fight arena where you can dodge missiles in
- Fixed Powerup icon issue when picking up an active powerup
- Quick Revive parts now disappear properly when bought three times in Solo
- Fixed bug with Pack-a-Punch & Zombie Shield
- Fixed visual glitches that would happen, if you didn't own any DLCs
- Fixed round sounds cutting off sometimes
Older Update Logs:
Hidden Text
Code Snippet
Update 1.1.0:
- New weapons/equipment added:
- World War 2 Blunderbuss
- Killing Floor 2 HX25
- Killing Floor 2 MKb.42(H) (replaces Black Ops 2 STG-44)
- Payday 2 Brenner 21 (replaces Black Ops 3 Dingo)
- Payday 2 Chimano 88 (replaces Infinite Warfare Hornet)
- World War 2 Sterling (replaces Infinite Warfare Trencher)
- Modern Warfare Remastered AK-74u (replaces Black Ops 2 AK74u)
- Upgradable Shockwave Claymores
- World War 2 N° 74 Grenades
- Extended Pack-a-Punch area, added more detailing on some bare areas & overall ambient changes added
- For a cheap price, you can now swap PaP camo on your weapon, except on Dual Wield weapons/Shockwave Claymores
- Multiple weapon changes, including:
- Multiple buffs/nerfs on weapons to work as they should, such as adjustments to firetimes, damages, hit location multipliers etc.
- Finetuned Miasma Device & its upgraded variants to strike a balance in power
- All weapons that were missing diving animations now have them
- Applied animation fixes on multiple weapons
- Added Battlefield 1 inspired sprinting/mantling/diving crosshairs & hitmarkers
- New muzzleflashes/crosshairs/sniper overlays added for almost all of the weapons
- Added regular ADS for Ranger due to gameplay/visual reasons
- Payday 2 reticles added for all of the PaP'd weapons with sights & their color changes depending on PaP camo
- Added new sounds for swapping weapons, dryfiring, shell ejects & Frag Grenade explosions
- Increased PaP'd shotgun effects' chances of happening (from 33% to 50%)
- Few PaP'd weapons have new names, new attachments &/or improved PaP camo placements now
- Fixed most of third person weapon bugs
- Added new Perk/Powerup icons
- Fixed an exploit with Shockwave Claymores & After Stock
- Added zombie count check on specific Main Quest-steps so you can do certain steps sooner (checks if next/current round is dog round and zombie count > 24 rather than just next/current dog round)
- Fixed a bug where rounds wouldn't continue if you finished Terminal Minigun-step during a dog round
- Some triggers now require you to hold down Use-button (longest time on a trigger is 1 second)
- Teleporter now works by just having all alive players on it
- Added more model variations for zombies
- Added looping music for Dog Rounds
- Doctor Faye's Round 2 quote only plays once on the first time it can be heard even after multiple restarts (does not save on game exit)
- Multiple visual/sound/optimization changes/additions on most of the Quests
- Increased souls required for Elemental Batteries during upgrade Quests & also in first Main Quest-step
- In Boss Fight, Boss cannot do same attack twice in a row anymore
- Mule Kick icon now moves up if you are holding the third weapon
- Fixed Minigun pickup glitch
- Crusader Zombie cannot affect more than five zombies during a taunt now & taunt has new effects for Crusader/taunted zombies
- Crusader Zombie cannot spawn during dog rounds anymore (but he can be alive during one)
- Added hitmarkers for when you can damage Crusader Zombie
- Electric Cherry can now trigger Electrifying Torment's Nova Crawler step
- Overall improvements on textures used in weapons, map's geo, prop models etc.
- Reworked a lot of HUD like Time Trial's timer, fonts etc.
- Added multiple new enemy spawns inside Terminal/Generator/PaP-areas
- Fixed some sounds being under wrong sound settings
- Added version numbering in main menu to remove confusion with what version you are running on
- Multiple other small misc bug fixes/additions

Update 1.0.1:
- Pause Menu now shows what Buildable Parts or other items you are missing/have gathered via text list
- Elemental Batteries are now purchasable after Quest is done, if no one has the current battery you are trying to buy
- Fixed gamebreaking issue when using Marshal 16's/AA-12 with Double Tap 2.0
- Fixed Nova Crawlers not spawning when having too many zombies alive during Miasma Upgrade Quests
- Fire Trap is now always one hit kill after half a second of getting ignited
- Moved "For The Damaged Coda" track under Music settings from SFX
- Takeo & Richtofen no longer revert to their dumb old selves when getting hit by a crawler
- Buffed Miasma Device's & all its upgraded variant's radiuses
- Buffed damage on Bane Gun 2.0 & Ranger
- Gave PaP'd MacTav-45 more ammo
- Few other small misc bug fixes

Update 1.0.2:
- Box lag seemingly fixed
- Bane Gun 2.0 now features new animation set to embrace the meme
- Miasma Device & all its upgraded variants now track ammo like Der Eisendrache's bows
- Miasma Device & all its upgraded variants now effect all zombies when they enter projectile's radius, not just one at a time
- Fire/Flinger Traps are also patched with above fix
- Buffed damage on Miasma Device to be one-hit kill until round 25 and upgraded variants have infinite damage
- Increased radius of soul portal in second step of Main Quest to work better with buffed radiuses of Miasma Device's upgraded variants from previous update
- Boss Fight's missile barrage attack now has 1-2 missile chance rather than 1-3, if you have more than two players
- Decreased fire time on MK32 & its PaP version (more on PaP version), & sprint times on Grease Gun
- Overall optimization on entities/performance
- Few other small misc bug fixes
Last Edit: June 16, 2019, 03:26:50 pm by HitmanVere
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OnionmanVere Bo21
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Aye mate you don't know me so y don't you shut tf up ok buddy :)

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gg for the realesed  :nyan: i m gonna try this
Last Edit: April 26, 2018, 04:42:25 pm by DidUknowiPwn
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I said stop dis pls... or fit me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Spoiler: click to open...
Good job on the release fam, well done :)
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I'm having some trouble with this. I can't get the installer to work, every time I try to open it I keep getting a notification saying Windows prevented it from opening to keep my computer safe and there's no option to run it anyway. I downloaded the manual files but I can't seem to get the map to appear under the custom zombies maps in the menu, dunno if I'm putting the files in the wrong place, tried copy-pasting some stuff around but it's not working.

Sorry for being a leechy bastard as I rarely post here, but I wanna try this awesome-looking map out :)
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BO3 Modtools Alpha
BO3 Modtools Alpha
This user has access to the Black Ops 3 Modtools Alpha
I'm having some trouble with this. I can't get the installer to work, every time I try to open it I keep getting a notification saying Windows prevented it from opening to keep my computer safe and there's no option to run it anyway. I downloaded the manual files but I can't seem to get the map to appear under the custom zombies maps in the menu, dunno if I'm putting the files in the wrong place, tried copy-pasting some stuff around but it's not working.

Sorry for being a leechy bastard as I rarely post here, but I wanna try this awesome-looking map out :)

When Windows gives you notification, you should be able to click it to open where it stores info from deletion. Then you can just set the files to be non-dangerous and will put them where they should be in. If using Manual, you need to drop the folder inside root/mods and if you have Game_Mod installed properly with newest version, it should appear under Mods tab
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Great map. Now i just wish that i had something more than a laptop to it on  :'(
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Sweet! On the 23rd I posted it would come out 3 days later, Here we are on the 26th and what do you know it actually did! I think I need to go buy a lottery ticket  ;) . I'm Downloading now and can't wait to try it out with some friends tonight. I know a lot of hard work went into this project. I congratulate you and everyone involved on the release. Now you can sit back, relax, and enjoy watching everyone play your map.
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BO3 Modtools Alpha
BO3 Modtools Alpha
This user has access to the Black Ops 3 Modtools Alpha
Sweet! On the 23rd I posted it would come out 3 days later, Here we are on the 26th and what do you know it actually did! I think I need to go buy a lottery ticket  ;) . I'm Downloading now and can't wait to try it out with some friends tonight. I know a lot of hard work went into this project. I congratulate you and everyone involved on the release. Now you can sit back, relax, and enjoy watching everyone play your map.

Thank you 👏 And I definitely will sit back and relax, haha. People wanting to play with me, but I want to see genuine EE completions. Have fun with the map!
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Great release, been waiting for this one for a long time!
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So far, i'm loving this map, but there's one thing i'm currently annoyed with and it has to do wtih the EE. where or what or how do i get my grubby mits on the AA shell, i've scoured the entire map and i can't seem to find it. is it on a shalf somewhere do i dig it up, or what?
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BO3 Modtools Alpha
BO3 Modtools Alpha
This user has access to the Black Ops 3 Modtools Alpha
So far, i'm loving this map, but there's one thing i'm currently annoyed with and it has to do wtih the EE. where or what or how do i get my grubby mits on the AA shell, i've scoured the entire map and i can't seem to find it. is it on a shalf somewhere do i dig it up, or what?

Don't worry about it, you will acquire it when the time is right
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When Windows gives you notification, you should be able to click it to open where it stores info from deletion. Then you can just set the files to be non-dangerous and will put them where they should be in. If using Manual, you need to drop the folder inside root/mods and if you have Game_Mod installed properly with newest version, it should appear under Mods tab

Nice one buddy, appreciate the help :) I'll report back when I've played the map!
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Please give me beta access, I would LOVE to test CO-OP
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Trailer's not the Greatest thing since sliced bread, but it tells me more than enough that this ought to be a good time.
Thanks for this my little Finnish Friend.
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you need linkermod or game mod?

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