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Contact Support - Help Center Get help on the UGX Discord. Join it now!Its not like there are many reported instances of the German government censoring right wing ant-immigration views
To be fair though you know there were plenty of Americans that probably answered that question without a problem. Some of the best systems do come from the US. I spent some time in South America in Chile, and all of the higher education had to be taught in English because it was all from the States. Specifically the sciences because details are lost in translation.
America is interesting because around 10% of the entire country is bright and the remainder of people are completely retarded.
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To be fair though you know there were plenty of Americans that probably answered that question without a problem. Some of the best systems do come from the US. I spent some time in South America in Chile, and all of the higher education had to be taught in English because it was all from the States. Specifically the sciences because details are lost in translation.
America is interesting because around 10% of the entire country is bright and the remainder of people are completely retarded.
To be fair though you know there were plenty of Americans that probably answered that question without a problem. Some of the best systems do come from the US. I spent some time in South America in Chile, and all of the higher education had to be taught in English because it was all from the States. Specifically the sciences because details are lost in translation.
America is interesting because around 10% of the entire country is bright and the remainder of people are completely retarded.
Feast your eyes on this shit.
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Never mind the future of his children, gotta stop those fuckin' muslims at any cost.
Why the fuck did they put such an important decision in the hands of ordinary people? What the fuck do I know, let alone the wankstain in the video? Oh yeah, to win votes.
I fucking hate humans.
Yeh I really hope Germany starts promoting more right-wing nationalist views, turned out so well last time..
And you didn't answer me, you're a Trump supporter right? I know you are (obviously) but I just want to hear you admit it.
...the future of children who could be bombed at any moment because of the flood of immigrants and no proper background checks(as if was even possible to begin with).
Right wing then = Right wing now. -SteviewWonder87.
of course I'm voting for Trump.
![]() | Benevolent Soul who has our eternal gratitude and exclusive access to betas and the donator section of the forum. |
![]() Oil Rig Beta Access |
...the future of children who could be bombed at any moment because of the flood of immigrants and no proper background checks(as if was even possible to begin with).
I'm stuck between a corrupt politician who uses the vagina card so much you'd think it'd be a card in Magic the Gathering and a dumbass who's honest (in his own Edit: insane little world), so of course I'm voting for Trump.
Kind of like the whole Edward Snowden documents thing. Some news site went around and asked people on Times square if they knew who he was or what he did and they where completely clueless.
His kids are far, far more likely to now be bombed by the IRA than Islamic extremists lol. Where the fuck even was that? Grimsby or something, yeh prime target for terrorism that.![]()
You're stupid. And you spelt my name wrong stupid.
..you're not actually suggesting that immigration = terrorism, are you? .......nope, looks like you are
You know there are OTHER options, right? You could vote Green or Libertarian or for LITERALLY ANYBODY ELSE other than that retarded bigot? And holy shit, Trump is just as dishonest as Hillary, you've got to be a fool not to see that.
You know Trump's views on Snowden, right? When he mentioned that "execution is still a thing"? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/24/donald-trump-edward-snowden-execution_n_3489944.html
![]() | Benevolent Soul who has our eternal gratitude and exclusive access to betas and the donator section of the forum. |
![]() Oil Rig Beta Access |
...and your a left wing idiot who can't see the negative repercussion of letting hundreds of thousands of immigrants into an entire continent with little checks in place.
Your right. That could never be the case. All of the immigrants/refugees are getting proper background checks(with 100% accuracy) and no terrorists are getting threw.
Yeah, hell no. Maybe in your own perfect left-wing world, but not this one.
Yeah, his children are going to be in one town for the rest of their lives(its possible, i guess?).
...and your a left wing idiot who can't see the negative repercussion of letting hundreds of thousands of immigrants into an entire continent with little checks in place.
Your right. That could never be the case. All of the immigrants/refugees are getting proper background checks(with 100% accuracy) and no terrorists are getting threw.
>says Trump is dishonest
>links to a dishonest/SJW left winger
I'm voting for him because he'll probably screw things up the least.
Yes because every single person with a left-wing ideology is an idiot.
Dismissing the views of an enormous group of people because they don't agree with you. Definitely a Trump supporter.
Again with the left-wing dismissals, fucking hell. Believe it or not, I thought better of you.
Again with the left-wing dismissals, fucking hell. Believe it or not, I thought better of you.
Being so concerned about terrorism that you would refuse a safe home for the 99.9% of people that aren't batshit insane, instead thinking they should stay in their own war-torn land. That's what I call giving in to terrorists, not protecting people from them. Isn't it funny how many of the most prolific terror attacks in recent decades have been by citizens of the country attacked? What a coincidence!
And for the record, I'm not left-wing, so don't get the idea that I'm a tumblrina who needs a 24/7 safe space.
I would bet everything I own that the man in the video has lived in that town his whole life. But you missed the point anyway, of course.
Guess it wasn't even a typo and you actually don't know the difference between 'you're' and 'your'.
And as an American I'd be far more worried about some kid walking into your college (highschool? not sure how old you are tbh) with a legally bought AR-15 and shooting the place up because some girl wouldn't go out with him than a crazy Muslim terrorist.
And for an American who is so xenophobic/racist you have a very odd obsession with Soviet Russia, but I probably would rather not know the reason behind that.![]()
Sounds like a solid plan from an intelligent voter.
![]() | Benevolent Soul who has our eternal gratitude and exclusive access to betas and the donator section of the forum. |
![]() Oil Rig Beta Access |
(fucking everything daedra says)
You and everyone else (should) know damn well what they can do in small numbers. 3 gun man can kill or injure 50+ people. Of course, there is no way to *completely* stop terrorism, but you can minimize the chances and stopping immigrants is a way to do that, especially when we know for a fact that they hide among them. Some terrorists go into other countries to recruit new members as well.
Aye mate you don't know me so y don't you shut tf up ok buddy
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Taking the political test.... decisions decisions, why is there no neutral option?
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EDIT: Here is my result:
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