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Skye's Weapon Ports to BO3 (Master Hub)

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Created 6 years ago
by TheSkyeLord
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Is there an expected timeframe for underwater sounds to be implemented for the rest of the weapon packs? It's also required to make it work on Moon and it's particularly a problem for the Black Ops weapon ports as a result. It looks like it's only a matter of editing the sound aliases so I won't necesarrily need to wait for any updates but it is currently quite a pitfall for modders to find the weapon sounds being the same in Moon regardless of oxygen level and not easily knowing why.
I'd also like to add onto this by pointing out the Sten from the Project Nova mission, it's kind of an oddball that doesn't immediately come to mind for most to port from Black Ops but also isn't actually in the final release of World at War so wouldn't really be included as part of those ports either. Just feels it would be left hanging for a long time without a port to BO III, that's all.
the KS23 shotgun is also only in SIngleplayer
the Model 1887 is only on the motorcycle chase but has uses spaz anims outside that but has a full model made. same with molotovs
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the KS23 shotgun is also only in SIngleplayer
the Model 1887 is only on the motorcycle chase but has uses spaz anims outside that but has a full model made. same with molotovs
KS-23 is already in the Black Ops ports, good point about Model 1887 although a lot of places claim it's just a reuse from MW2 (is in fact included in the ports) and as it stands in Black Ops it doesn't quite have enough anims to really use on its own.
I don't believe the scope of these ports have ever included handheld grenades (or anything outside of primary/secondary weapons for that matter), though stuff like that does leave us wanting.
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KS-23 is already in the Black Ops ports, good point about Model 1887 although a lot of places claim it's just a reuse from MW2 (is in fact included in the ports) and as it stands in Black Ops it doesn't quite have enough anims to really use on its own.
I don't believe the scope of these ports have ever included handheld grenades (or anything outside of primary/secondary weapons for that matter), though stuff like that does leave us wanting.
I prob figured.
The only other thing I noticed is the BO2 FIM-92 Stinger has select fire due to its 2 fire modes, is that still up in the air for the future?
No need to rush any of this they are just curious thoughts currently
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The AT4 is in COD4. It’s in the mission “Shock and Awe” but only can be obtained through Console Commands. It’s also in the COD4 modtools with all its anims except a reload one in COD4. It’s also loaded in MW3 Multiplayer can be obtained through the same way.
One other question, this is for Black ops 1 weapons, Are the World at War weapons in that game gonna be included as well since they have sprint and dive to prone anims? The Thompson and other WAW has them too but only in the BO1 modtools as raw xanims?
interesting, that's why I didn't notice the AT4  when i did a vanilla campaign playthrough on CoD4. I'll certainly look into it

Double Post Merge: May 10, 2024, 04:12:59 am
Is there an expected timeframe for underwater sounds to be implemented for the rest of the weapon packs? It's also required to make it work on Moon and it's particularly a problem for the Black Ops weapon ports as a result. It looks like it's only a matter of editing the sound aliases so I won't necesarrily need to wait for any updates but it is currently quite a pitfall for modders to find the weapon sounds being the same in Moon regardless of oxygen level and not easily knowing why.
I'd also like to add onto this by pointing out the Sten from the Project Nova mission, it's kind of an oddball that doesn't immediately come to mind for most to port from Black Ops but also isn't actually in the final release of World at War so wouldn't really be included as part of those ports either. Just feels it would be left hanging for a long time without a port to BO III, that's all.
So, i haven't done any of my testing on Moon, so I was not aware they share the underwater aliases in the zero gravity parts. I 100% plan to update all the weapons publicly available to support that, it is just a matter of time.

Double Post Merge: May 10, 2024, 04:14:39 am
I prob figured.
The only other thing I noticed is the BO2 FIM-92 Stinger has select fire due to its 2 fire modes, is that still up in the air for the future?
No need to rush any of this they are just curious thoughts currently
And about the dual fire modes.  It 100% is possible to do that in BO3, but switching between free fire and lock on for zombies wouldn't serve too big of a purpose in my mind. That being said, it would be fairly simple to configure.
Last Edit: May 10, 2024, 04:14:39 am by TheSkyeLord
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interesting, that's why I didn't notice the AT4  when i did a vanilla campaign playthrough on CoD4. I'll certainly look into it

Double Post Merge: May 10, 2024, 04:12:59 am

So, i haven't done any of my testing on Moon, so I was not aware they share the underwater aliases in the zero gravity parts. I 100% plan to update all the weapons publicly available to support that, it is just a matter of time.

Double Post Merge: May 10, 2024, 04:14:39 am

And about the dual fire modes.  It 100% is possible to do that in BO3, but switching between free fire and lock on for zombies wouldn't serve too big of a purpose in my mind. That being said, it would be fairly simple to configure.
I added that ability into zombies. Launchers can now lock on to vehicles zombies and normal zombies as that was added in during Cold War and BO4. And for ai like the parasites and drones, direct impacts destroy it like it does in MP. The select fire mode is the same way as the wave gun and grenade launcher toggle uses the same action slot. And launchers were able to lock on to the Nikolai boss fight too
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Is there an expected timeframe for underwater sounds to be implemented for the rest of the weapon packs? It's also required to make it work on Moon and it's particularly a problem for the Black Ops weapon ports as a result. It looks like it's only a matter of editing the sound aliases so I won't necesarrily need to wait for any updates but it is currently quite a pitfall for modders to find the weapon sounds being the same in Moon regardless of oxygen level and not easily knowing why.
Okay turns out from discussions on the Mod Tools discord this was really due to the DuckGroup being set to snp_never_duck from the UIN_MOD template, which evidently would have been solved by the new sound aliases method introduced in recent ports (and hopefully would have been how underwater sounds are introduced to everything else). Needed to clear up being mistaken about what's really happening.
Last Edit: May 11, 2024, 02:47:54 pm by marinescdude
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KS-23 is already in the Black Ops ports, good point about Model 1887 although a lot of places claim it's just a reuse from MW2 (is in fact included in the ports) and as it stands in Black Ops it doesn't quite have enough anims to really use on its own.
I don't believe the scope of these ports have ever included handheld grenades (or anything outside of primary/secondary weapons for that matter), though stuff like that does leave us wanting.
And in BO2 one was the Makarov pistol included too? As that was in the campaign. Or any of the campaign stuff that’s not already done. Just a thought.
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Wherever you are I hope you know you are a freaking god, adding weapons into waw at times was tedious depending on what you wanted to put in(especially early on). Now no human will ever have that problem.
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Double Post Merge: December 07, 2024, 08:37:12 am
How can I contact you in discord friend?I have questions about this scenario
Wherever you are I hope you know you are a freaking god, adding weapons into waw at times was tedious depending on what you wanted to put in(especially early on). Now no human will ever have that problem.
Last Edit: December 07, 2024, 08:37:12 am by Дмитрий78
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It’s so awesome that you put time to make these cool weapons skye, but I was wondering if your planning to do these gun for World At War Mod Tools as well? Just asking
Last Edit: Today at 03:11:46 am by JEmerald174
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Hello Skye, I was wondering if there was anyway you could help me equip the front grip on the base (Non PAP) version  of the AUG. The way the player model holds it without a grip would lead to them getting severer burns if this were real life. Making the player model use the front grip shouldn't require very much effort (it's already modeled and animated), I just have no Idea what I'm doing. I know this is very minor however It still bothers me, any help would be majorly appreciated.
Thank you
Last Edit: January 14, 2025, 10:57:17 pm by Moderator (Approval)
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Hi! I've been having an issue while linking, and I get these errors:
^1ERROR: Material mc_mtl_t6_wpn_ar_m16_camo2 was not found in gdtDB
^1ERROR: Material mtl_origins_camo_alt was not found in gdtDB
And the game does not start. Someone else in this forum had the same problem, but redownloading fixed it for them, and it does not for me.
Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 01:42:04 pm by Moderator (Approval)

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