I struggled with this for a long time, and finally, I got it to work. I’ll share and help with the installation of the stone barrier from the "Night of the Living Dead" map "Veryukt." FOR BO1
Note: Even though everything looks as it should and the visual effects are correct, they are still taken from the wooden barrier. I might figure this out in the future and update the guide with the stone effect.
If you use this on your map, please credit me. Thanks in advance.
1)add in raw-soundaliases-zones-zombie_mapname.all.CSV
How to make the effect flicker, blink? let's say the effect of a light bulb - fx_zombie_light_glow_green I know how to make the light source blink, but I don't know how to make the effect blink
please help me, make a video how to do such a thing, I am powerless, and many whom I asked cannot help, I have no idea how to do it correctly I tried to turn the side between two straight brushes but it does not get up exactly on the cells
Step 1: Copy these files from raw/maps/ to mods/your_mod_name/maps/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 2: In _zombiemode_spawner.gsc, find delayed_zombie_eye_glow() and replace with:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 3: In _zombiemode.gsc, find if(!spawned_dog) and replace with:
Code Snippet
if(!spawned_dog) { ai = spawn_zombie(spawn_point); if(IsDefined(ai)) { ai hide(); ai.ignoreme = true; ai thread magic_bullet_shield(); spawnPos = spawn_point.origin - (50, 0, 0); ai ForceTeleport(spawnPos, ai.angles); Playfx(level._effect["lightning_dog_spawn"], spawn_point.origin); playsoundatposition("pre_spawn", spawn_point.origin); wait(1.5); playsoundatposition("bolt", spawn_point.origin); Earthquake(0.5, 0.75, spawn_point.origin, 1000); PlayRumbleOnPosition("explosion_generic", spawn_point.origin); playsoundatposition("spawn", spawn_point.origin); wait(0.1); ai show(); ai stop_magic_bullet_shield(); ai.ignoreme = false; level.zombie_total--; ai thread round_spawn_failsafe(); count++; } }
is it possible to make a light bulb light up after opening the door?and is it possible to change the color of the light bulb?so that not only the green and red ones would burn
Wherever you are I hope you know you are a freaking god, adding weapons into waw at times was tedious depending on what you wanted to put in(especially early on). Now no human will ever have that problem.
Is there anyone who knows and can help? I tried to search in the fx and gsc files, "cod5_factory map" for something related to the yellow light bulb, but I did not find it, I am very bad at this, tell me, help me how to do this too, I already have the der riese trap with all its functions, but I do not know how make the light bulbs yellow
tell me how to make such a straight bevel with elements?creating a prefab and rotating it does not help the brush angle is not included in the cell, ctrl+g does not help
Can someone help?how to make a scenario so that after the first player enters the zone, the platform (prefab from script_bruch) rises, let's say with a perk, how to do this?
Please tell me what's the matter?why is the material like this?if he called "berlin_trim_concrete_beige", settings creatart,vision,skybox, exactly like on der riese, I don't understand why material so