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Contact Support - Help Center Get help on the UGX Discord. Join it now!Hey! As far as the default texure box you're speaking of, where does it occur? is it the model that comes back out of the PaP machine or is it an issue with the weapon's model itself? Thanks!
Hey! As far as the default texure box you're speaking of, where does it occur? is it the model that comes back out of the PaP machine or is it an issue with the weapon's model itself? Thanks!
So I've just downloaded some of the single weapon packs from VG and the sound files aren't correct. Can reupload with fixed sound files oe just send me the useralias file?
Hey! Sorry for the late reply, college has got me super super busy. Just to confirm this isn't an issue, do you have the Vanguard weapon common assets installed? If so, could you let me know which weapons are having an issue so that I can fix those installers? Thanks!
Hey, you're good man I get it. Honestly, I decided to not use the Vanguard weapons due to some other reasons. However, I am running into an issue where the fireworks AAT is causing my game to crash. Maybe it's due to some 3rd person muzzle flash or something? I've only tested it on the swat rft and Hades from bo4. What do you think the issue might be?
You know, you're not the first to report the same issue actually. I have tried extensive testing on my side and I could never get my game to crash when using any AATs, Fireworks included. I don't recall what the fix for that was, or if it was fixable at all, sadly.
Hey, I'm new to using mods from UGX for Black Ops 3 and I was wondering if there were resources linked somewhere here or elsewhere regarding how to install these mods properly. Or if these were intended to be installed as a mod or used as a resource for further modding.
There is a Steam Workshop page for all of your mods but the user who has uploaded/implemented them has added some features that I'm not a fan of, so I was looking to install just the weapons, no fluff. From what I saw of that mod when I used it I could see that these were very clearly some well made ports.
To clarify my issue, I downloaded your entire Vanguard pack and extracted the folder inside of the zip and placed it in the mods folder in the root directory of Bo3, once I'd loaded it as a mod in game I would get an infinite loading loop on the title screen, so I assume that I've done something very wrong lol.
Very sorry If I wasted your time by overlooking some instructions on this page or inside of the folder, but before I started altering text files of my game I wanted to make extra sure that I was getting the basics down, thank you for the mod and any help you can supply, I look forward to figuring this out and trying out the mods.
Also, I can add you on steam If you'd like to have further discussion about this in DMs rather than the forum. My username is YaBoiSoggyFirewood.
Hello TheSkyeLord, can you update missing weapons in your pack?
This include Black Ops Cold War like Vargo 52, UGR ; BO4 black market weapons and Vanguard season weapons.
Also unique version of version of FR 5.56 in MW2019 named "Code Breaker" or " The Artisan" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z33cow1giU
I'm just wondering. are the AT4, Javelin, and Stinger gonna be added to the COD4 set? and the Javelin to MWR, MW3, MW2R, and MW2?
no rush needed just was wondering for the future
The javelin is a tricky one, but i will certainly consider it. to the best of my knowledge, the AT4 doesnt exist in CoD4, but i can definitely look at getting the Stinger over if possible. Thanks!
One other question, this is for Black ops 1 weapons, Are the World at War weapons in that game gonna be included as well since they have sprint and dive to prone anims? The Thompson and other WAW has them too but only in the BO1 modtools as raw xanims?