First off, wow It's been forever since I've been on.
Took me a little work to get these working but so far so good.
Couple of issues for anyone struggling,
the soundalias for galil is pointing to the wrong folder name. Needs to be changed to match the foldername used for galil sounds.
Weapon files for mods/mapname/
Are in weapons/ instead of weapons/sp/
Edit: the "sp" folder will need to be created and the weapon files placed in sp folder.
Or you could just fill out the entry in mod.csv as
weapon,*gun_name I suppose but it's probably better to keep things consistent.
Edit 2:
The included csv code in "instal - English.txt for [100%] shrinkray has "\" instead instead of "/"
It should be:
I also had to add the rest of the unlisted assets to my mod.csv to get it working, so the included list is incomplete.
The spas12_upgraded doesn't have the shot sound layered with the pap_shot sound so it only has pap "pew" sound, I'm looking into this and will post as soon as I figure it out.
And you'll have to add the assets to your mod.csv but there is no list provided to copy paste.
I might decide to work those out myself and upload here if it would help.
Also Shippuden, if you could convert the bo2 weapons that you have released in bo1 section to Waw I would gladly help with testing and making the packages more release ready/newb friendly.