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Switching To A Weapon Without Transitional Animations

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by alaurenc9
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Is there a way I can switch to a weapon without playing the current weapon's putaway animation and then not playing the pullout animation of the weapon being switched too? So basically it just looks like the weapons just change immediately, from one idle animation right to the next?
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Is there a way I can switch to a weapon without playing the current weapon's putaway animation and then not playing the pullout animation of the weapon being switched too? So basically it just looks like the weapons just change immediately, from one idle animation right to the next?
yeah using "alt weapon" this was done in bo2 for "select fire" you just need alt weapon anims and have it set up correctly in the weapon files (yes this method takes up 2 weapon file slots)
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but wouldn't this compromise weapons that actually have an alt weapon?
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Take weapon, give new weapon, switch to new weapon, switch to other weapon, switch to new weapon.
Code Snippet
player TakeWeapon( "old_weapon");
player GiveWeapon( "new_weapon");
player SwitchToWeapon( "new_weapon" );
player SwitchToWeapon( "other_weapon_in_inventory" );
player SwitchToWeapon( "new_weapon" );
Not sure if that will work, but that's the first thing that came to my mind.
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Simply remove the pullout and putaway animations from the weapon file and then set the raisetime/droptime to 0, same thing with the quick/first/empty if used. Pretty much how I replicated CS:GO style of weapons with the weapons always using first raise and no putaway animation.
Last Edit: January 02, 2016, 12:49:42 pm by Rollonmath42
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Simply remove the pullout and putaway animations from the weapon file and then set the raisetime/droptime to 0, same thing with the quick/first/empty if used. Pretty much how I replicated CS:GO style of weapons with the weapons always using first raise and no putaway animation.
this would only work if he wanted them to never play the animations, i don't know but i doubt he wants them to never play
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Take weapon, give new weapon, switch to new weapon, switch to other weapon, switch to new weapon.
Code Snippet
player TakeWeapon( "old_weapon");
player GiveWeapon( "new_weapon");
player SwitchToWeapon( "new_weapon" );
player SwitchToWeapon( "other_weapon_in_inventory" );
player SwitchToWeapon( "new_weapon" );
Not sure if that will work, but that's the first thing that came to my mind.


Simply remove the pullout and putaway animations from the weapon file and then set the raisetime/droptime to 0, same thing with the quick/first/empty if used. Pretty much how I replicated CS:GO style of weapons with the weapons always using first raise and no putaway animation.

No I mean, I want to be able to do this to any weapon at any time. What I am doing is dive to prone, and basically I have other weapon files setup for the dive animations ( Pullout - d2p in, Idle - d2p loop, Putaway - d2p out ). But when I switch back to the old weapon at the end of the dive, it will play the d2p end animation but then play the pullout animation of the weapon I am switching back to, which destroys the purpose of playing the d2p out animation. I want this animation to be skipped. I know it is possible because I am pretty sure offthewall did it. But does anyone know how or any other ideas for it?
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No I mean, I want to be able to do this to any weapon at any time. What I am doing is dive to prone, and basically I have other weapon files setup for the dive animations ( Pullout - d2p in, Idle - d2p loop, Putaway - d2p out ). But when I switch back to the old weapon at the end of the dive, it will play the d2p end animation but then play the pullout animation of the weapon I am switching back to, which destroys the purpose of playing the d2p out animation. I want this animation to be skipped. I know it is possible because I am pretty sure offthewall did it. But does anyone know how or any other ideas for it?
only work around i found was by removing the anims from the "empty" pullout putaway slots

then take the ammo away - switch weapon, and then return the ammo - to force it to use the empty anims instead - which are not defined and thus skipped

however this will mess up your guns when they are "normally" out of ammo, unless you use some scripting genius to keep giving a bullet back when appropriate

Beyond that all i can guess is using a nother set of viewhands and gun model and some csc magic

Basically what your thinking of, weve all already been through and come up with various work arounds - but there is no definitive work around

rays idea is interesting and might work, only issue would be if the player only has one gun at the time i guess
Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 03:33:55 am by Harry Bo21
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only work around i found was by removing the anims from the "empty" pullout putaway slots

then take the ammo away - switch weapon, and then return the ammo - to force it to use the empty anims instead - which are not defined and thus skipped

however this will mess up your guns when they are "normally" out of ammo, unless you use some scripting genius to keep giving a bullet back when appropriate

Beyond that all i can guess is using a nother set of viewhands and gun model and some csc magic

Basically what your thinking of, weve all already been through and come up with various work arounds - but there is no definitive work around

csc magic? what could I do in csc?
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csc magic? what could I do in csc?
i dunno, im guessing. Your the csc guy

Ask redspace, he said he found out some interesting things he could do with viewmodels and forcing animations
Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 03:34:35 am by Harry Bo21
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alaurenc9's Contact & Social LinksxSanchez78xSanchez78xSanchez78xSanchez78xSanchez78xSanchez78
i dunno, im guessing. Your the csc guy

Ask redspace, he said he found out some interesting things he could do with viewmodels and forcing animations

yea I know a lot about csc and I am pretty sure there isn't anything you can do in csc with viewmodel animations, which is why I was asking. But yeah I guess I can ask.
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is this like instant weapon swap?
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alaurenc9's Contact & Social LinksxSanchez78xSanchez78xSanchez78xSanchez78xSanchez78xSanchez78
is this like instant weapon swap?

Yes that is exactly what I want.
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yea I know a lot about csc and I am pretty sure there isn't anything you can do in csc with viewmodel animations, which is why I was asking. But yeah I guess I can ask.,8045.0.html

It's good to hear your thoughts on this, I've just been using the GetLocalPlayers() function for localclientnum checks and variables. I've tried to get entities in CSC from GSC and I'm pretty sure it will never work, it seems you can only get an entity in CSC if it's spawned there. A lot can be done with viewmodels in CSC without depending on GSC at all though, maybe just one notify at the start of the game...the notetrack waittill is amazing.
Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 09:14:00 am by Harry Bo21
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You might be able to forceviewmodelanimation Maybe make another weapon file, just one, and make a reload or fire that is nothing or something like that and force that weapons fire or reload animation on the gun as you switch and see if it cancels the raise out. I've done it before for dual wields but ultimately went with alt weapons per dual wield instead. This is also how I do my random special reload.

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