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Switching To A Weapon Without Transitional Animations

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by alaurenc9
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You might be able to forceviewmodelanimation Maybe make another weapon file, just one, and make a reload or fire that is nothing or something like that and force that weapons fire or reload animation on the gun as you switch and see if it cancels the raise out. I've done it before for dual wields but ultimately went with alt weapons per dual wield instead. This is also how I do my random special reload.

Thanks. I will try this.,8045.0.html

What are you trying to say? You are pointing out the csc script for that tutorial? Well all that does is play viewmodel fx, I don't see relevance to this.

It's good to hear your thoughts on this, I've just been using the GetLocalPlayers() function for localclientnum checks and variables. I've tried to get entities in CSC from GSC and I'm pretty sure it will never work, it seems you can only get an entity in CSC if it's spawned there. A lot can be done with viewmodels in CSC without depending on GSC at all though, maybe just one notify at the start of the game...the notetrack waittill is amazing.

BTW in this quote I want to point out, you can get entities from GSC in CSC. You can do it one of two ways:

1. There is a function called TransmitTargetname(); in GSC that you can call on an entity with a target name and it will then show up in GetEntArray( localcliennum, whatever the targetname was, "targetname" ); in CSC.
2. You can just get all entities ( GetEntArray( localclientnum ) ) and someone try specifying your specific entity with an entity number or something.

And really for the statement about how a lot can be done with viewmodels... I mean if you call viewmodel fx 'alot', then that is right. Yeah there has been a lot accomplished with viewmodel fx... of course for 3arc's wonder weapons they have used it to add some cool extra details, and I have managed to use it for a bo2 mp lsat style ammo counter and a cs:go style kill counter on the viewmodel. But this all cannot help this topic.

Double Post Merge: January 04, 2016, 05:52:14 pm
You might be able to forceviewmodelanimation Maybe make another weapon file, just one, and make a reload or fire that is nothing or something like that and force that weapons fire or reload animation on the gun as you switch and see if it cancels the raise out. I've done it before for dual wields but ultimately went with alt weapons per dual wield instead. This is also how I do my random special reload.

K that did not work. I forced reload and fire on the dive weapon ( my dive weapons have no reload animations and reload animation times are set to 0 ). I forced it in places all over the script around where the SwitchToWeapon is called, and it just didn't work.

Double Post Merge: January 04, 2016, 05:52:14 pm

Dude I read that mod repository thing and I know what to do now. I can force night vision animations. I can do one of two things:

1. Make the d2p_out animation like night vision raise or some shit and force that to end the d2p
2. Force night vision raise with no night vision raise animation and the time set to 0.

Wow and no one else thought of this? Or did they and it did not work?
Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 06:00:30 pm by alaurenc9
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K that did not work. I forced reload and fire on the dive weapon ( my dive weapons have no reload animations and reload animation times are set to 0 ). I forced it in places all over the script around where the SwitchToWeapon is called, and it just didn't work.

Shame... Did you try forcing the fire anim, valid anim, cause I am pretty sure if it has an anim it will override it. Perhaps its because it has no anim. Perhaps not... I don't think forcing an anim with an empty slot would work. Easiest to test it with it's on fire anim I think. If it overrides and plays the fire anim then you just need an anim that doesn't really do anything maybe.

Edit: or the raise anim set as the reload anim of that weapon file and set to a really quick time...then just force that reload...?
Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 06:02:32 pm by MakeCents

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