Hey the doors work great. I changes the script_sound to my alias and the sound plays when the door opens. But if i'm on the other side of the map and a zombie walks through the door the sound still plays. So how do i make it so the sound can only be heard when near the door. Thanks.
It sounds like you set up your alias as a 2d sound. If so, make it a 3d sound and adjust the distance, all in the alias file.
yeah it was a else then when deleted it I got a bad syntax again but with a { instead of the else so idk what to do at this point
Well if you haven't fixed it, just find where its giving you the error and put it back. Anytime you have a { you need a } to end it. So for if/else statements you would have:
Sorry last one I've got it working but opens after one of the triggers is pressed when theirs 4 to press
It's tough to say. I'd add some prints to see what is happening. A print before it checks the level.buttonsPressed, a print before it level.buttonsPressed--.
Hahaha looking at the code now it's stands out so much as being wrong but it's still saying no available. So must be the kvp's is there any particular trigger type I need to use or kvp's for them or the script model. Don't know how I'm finding it so hard when I've followed everything lol
Its tough to help on this post like this. Might be better if you make your own with examples and pictures of what you have done so far.
But as far as kvps, they simply must match what is in script. So for this line:
Code Snippet
trigs = GetEntArray("triggers","targetname");
the kvp for the tirggers would be targetname>triggers
I have a scripting tut series if that would be any help. It goes over kvps and things like this.
Right so ive used your cleaned up version and put scriptparsetree,scripts/zm/Trigger_door.gsc in my zone folder and your script in scripts/zm/Trigger_door.gsc. is that right? Then my triggers targetname's as trigger and target as door. target name of the script brush model as door. Something is wrong but i can't figure out what sorry im new ish to modding
Did you call or thread the function openDoor anywhere? Those were just two functions. They won't run by themselves, unless an auto exec was added to the script. Easiest to call or from main and add a using fit that script.
It happens if there is an error while the program is trying to start the process/program. The message indicates it couldn't' find the application possibly due to the path, but I see that is not the issue. I've not seen this issue other than that yet, so I am not sure what would cause that... basically it can't start the process for some reason, but the confusing part is that the maps and mods are not showing.
So I think the program is messing up cause of Call of Duty Black Ops III is repeated, and the way I get the root folder is by indexing the programs path by that, so its indexing and making the first one the root folder... Unfortunately I don't have a way you can fix that for now, but I'll fix it for the next update.
Thanks for reporting that issue.
If you visit here (https://discord.gg/ZWaXNzQ), I'll post something in the needs tested channel soon so you can use it.
Edit: A fixed version is posted there if you want to test it. v1.2.3.2
I just reviewed the tutorial again, it doesn't seem to address the 'specialties' you mentioned. Maybe I'm just missing something. I think I get what you're saying though, but can you tell me how to go about setting my perk up as a specialty_whatever, as in what function would I call to set the perk as a specialty_whatever
*EDIT Oh so you mean when I do
Code Snippet
player SetPerk("specialty_choose_from_your_list")
That was my idea, yeah, not sure if that is your issue or not. It prob should match what is on the machine too.
Hey man, thanks for the updates. If I can, I'd like to request a feature. You know the three dots where you can drag the edges of the interior windows width, is there a way you can make it so those inner windows can have their position saved? Whenever I restart the launcher, the center window with the build, compile and light check boxes is very narrow and you have to drag the windows to the left and right of it apart so you can see the center window's options. Not a big deal or anything, I just figured it might help speed workflow up a bit.
You should not have to do that... The smallest the form can go will not allow it to cover anything up... Would you mind sending a screen shot so I can understand exactly what is happening and figure the best way to fix it? I have a discord here https://discord.gg/RceWdfh if you want to paste in the screen shot, and talk about the issue, and I'll post a version to test there too before pushing an update.