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Last post by JEmerald174 - 11 days ago
Last post by LIGHTNING - 13 days ago
Make sure you are not in developer mod,
/developer 1
/developer_script 1
Before you launch the map open the console these values should be at 0
/developer 0
/developer_script 0
fancy seeing u here man

Last post by IZaRTaX - 2 weeks ago
Make sure you are not in developer mod,
/developer 1
/developer_script 1
Before you launch the map open the console these values should be at 0
/developer 0
/developer_script 0
/developer 1
/developer_script 1
Before you launch the map open the console these values should be at 0
/developer 0
/developer_script 0
Last post by ItsPhezz - 2 weeks ago
Awesome map! I love CoTD so the characters and atmosphere were right up my alley. I played it Co-Op with a friend and we had a great time. We'll definitely be playing it again!

Last post by JEmerald174 - 2 weeks ago
Everytime i start up this map it says "Unhandled Exception Caught" any idea how to fix this?
Edit: Nevermind it's somehow fixed
Edit: Nevermind it's somehow fixed
Last post by ItsPhezz - 2 weeks ago
Bus Depot Demake : Custom Map for Black Ops 1
Now with Black Ops 2 Weapons!
This map aims to be exactly what it says on the tin. Bus Depot from Bo2 but "remade" for Black Ops 1.
I started this project a little over 2 weeks ago in an effort to learn the modding/mapping tools.
I believe the map is a fairly faithful 1:1 recreation of the classic Bo2 Survival map.
The map, much like the original, is Nacht Style. This means that it does not have any perk machines, any pack-a-punch, any traps, and no power switch.
Though, I did want to make the map a little less grueling, you can find the Wunderwaffe DG-2 within the Mystery Box! This should ensure the player with an infinite damage weapon for the high rounds.
I started this project a little over 2 weeks ago in an effort to learn the modding/mapping tools.
I believe the map is a fairly faithful 1:1 recreation of the classic Bo2 Survival map.
The map, much like the original, is Nacht Style. This means that it does not have any perk machines, any pack-a-punch, any traps, and no power switch.
Though, I did want to make the map a little less grueling, you can find the Wunderwaffe DG-2 within the Mystery Box! This should ensure the player with an infinite damage weapon for the high rounds.
* Black Ops 4 Max Ammo *
* CIA Player Models *
* Tranzit Zombies *
* Wunderwaffe DG-2*
* Black Ops 2 Weapons! *
Download The Map!
1) Download the Zip File attached to this page.
2) Open the zip file, inside you will see a folder.
3) Drag and Drop the folder into your Bo1 "mods" folder!
Congratulations to oJubby for Achieving Round 58!
Congratulations to FaZe Flick for Achieving Round 50!
If you would like to be on a Leaderboard, reply below or message me on Discord!
Special Thanks to:
Ville Sarastus
Ville Sarastus
Last post by kielrgz - 3 weeks ago
If you are referring to how to change the icons, it is easy and depends on what perks you use, whether the default ones or the gympie ones, in the case of the gympie ones, you have to look for the .iwi files that are called "speciality_" and there you will see both the perks and the powerups, well what you have to do in the asset manager is create an .iwi with these "2D" options, instead of replacing you change to "blender" and then choose the image. what you want to put in it, what if the image has to be considered with the same resolution of the .iwi that you want to replace. For that, I advise you to look for the ".iwi extractor" that will help you extract it, as soon as you change the size, I advise you to look for an application that does it, or the net pain which is the one I use, if you have problems, talk to me and I will tell you I do them for free, no problem. If you do, remember to replace the new one you created with the one you want to change.

Last post by JEmerald174 - 3 weeks ago
Does anyone know how to fix this error? Thank You. (Sorry for the spam btw)
Everytime i open my map it gives me this error, idk why this error is happening can't remember if i F anything up in it which i highly doubt i did.

Everytime i open my map it gives me this error, idk why this error is happening can't remember if i F anything up in it which i highly doubt i did.