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Messages - AdrX003

I don't know if this is the right thread anyway there is someone who want to play some renaissance mod with me? i have no friends so i looking for somebody to play with....
AdrX00#2242 i kinda have a community dedicated for this mod and other stuff like post BO3 maps

Double Post Merge: June 05, 2023, 08:58:36 am
After playing this mod for about 20 hours, mostly on der riese, would like to write a feedback, starting with bugs:
- A lot of sounds are missing on Der Riese, mostly Samantha speech, especially the one related to easter eggs. When throwing monkeybomb in to oven and "let's play hide and seek!" along all the lines related when you find the hidden toys.
- Teddy bear in dog container spawns before EE is activated, and cannot be destroyed during EE, although it's already was mentioned in changelog.
- The 30,000 points spent, 10 amount of weapons shared and probably some other challenges don't update their number with progression unlike the rest of challenges on the challenge board.
Now regarding the balance itself:
- The bonuses are a bit too scarce, I feel like in vanila they drop far more often especially on early rounds, at least in waw for sure. Here, despite how many of the new bonuses been added, they are a bit too damn rare.
- The flamethrower is underpowered, even in regards to vanila from waw (which wasn't very good either) - the pap version should have at the very least the decreased cooldown time, just like the original pap version of flamethrower from waw.
Now that we have Bandolier Bandit perk, any bullet spaming weapon is a straight upgrade to flamethrower, since flamethrower now just lost it's vital point in obtaining as it was ammo-free weapon to use which was useful on very late rounds where there is not enough ammo to survive high rounds, which means flamethrower would need other compensates like higher damage for that.
- The bottle bonus perk is a downside. Whenever I accidently pick a bottle bonus perk, I end up getting some worthless garbage perk and wasting an useful perk slot that I would use for something that would save my life like speed cola, jug or revive\who's who. Considering how rare it is, and the fact that it's the only source to get some very useful perks like Bandolier Bandit, it's not a good to force the player to avoid getting this bonus item as it often leads to game over to player. The bottle\perk bonus item should come with extra perk slot increase as an absolute necessity.
- Having to do 4 challenges, getting 50k AND survive 10 rounds ahead is a bit too much, especially if each of the player must buy challenges and beat individually just to be able to purchase the 50k start of the ending waves. I end up activating the 50k thing on wave 41, so the "You Win!" good ending would be only possible on wave 51, and each wave took like 30 minutes to beat, so at wave 46 we got tired so much an random teleporter zombie got us, we spent like 7 hours to beat a single map and fail at the end, we didn't had time to beat it anyway as some of us had to go to work soon.
I don't know how I feel about it, imho instead of completing extra 10 waves as something mandatory - it should just let us win next wave if enough players "vote" for it. And by vote - the players could just click on the challenge board and if all the players click on it, we are granted the Victory if we complete the current wave.
EDIT: Now that I think about it... Completing the map's main easter egg (or full easter eggs, including all radios, map's music, and all clickable items such as illuminati letters, etc) should allow the players to be able to skip the challenge and\or the 50k purchase\10 waves all together. This would encourage to play the maps for the storyline rather than just getting lots of point and very high wave and thus waste too much of valuable time for that. Perhaps you would still need to do 4 challenges, but after that the players should just be able to vote for the Victory. So either completing main\all easter eggs of map, or save 50k of points.
I haven't tested throughout all the other maps yet to give proper feedbacks, but I spend way too much time on der riese to know that these are the issues for sure.
Partisan & the team know every possible bug, Im from the beta test team and spent more than 6 years reviewing it, but he is in a time were he needs to dedicate to his personal life so we'll just let it go for a little while longer. But no worries, someday it might be patched.

Double Post Merge: June 05, 2023, 09:06:29 am
I'm having trouble getting Call of the Dead to run in solo (along with Der Reise and Natch Der Untoten), I'll either skip past the intro or watch it completely and the screen will be black expect for the cursor which will be stuck. Tried multiple times in one session but the map doesn't want to load. Haven't had the same problem with any of the other maps.
Anybody have a solution?
I have installed and help other people to install this mod in maybe more than 100 computers in all these years, and if theres something that had consistantly been going on since the beginning is that if you did every installation as it says in the readme, and even after a number of tries like ~25-50 the game still cant run, thats would be something else very specific on the computer specs we will not be able to detect, primarily if the machine is really old and can barely run BO1 good. As stated in the tutorial/readme the mod is really pushing everry limit the engine can handle so its not possible to make it run on every computer. Believe me, i still try.
1 year ago
Hi when I try to play cotd and world at war maps on solo and coop it doesnt work. Will there also be any future patches?
go for the steam or bgamer clients. pluto doesnt work.

Double Post Merge: March 19, 2023, 01:59:15 am
How do I play with friends? It never loads moon in coop.
im always playing with friends on bgamer+radmin vpn on the sv in the bio
1 year ago
I did everything in the instructions but I still can't get the mod to appear in the game, when i go to play the maps i go back to the original version
Yoo, hard to find another brazilian here, if u wanna play sometime hit me up, most active at night cause of work. AdrX003#2242
2 years ago
Weird, never seen that bug and I've tested/played in co-op plenty before. I believe a weapon index mismatch issue likely isn't because of a specific mod having a glitch (like mine), but rather it's a general issue that can happen due to a client's game installation. Maybe make sure he doesn't have other custom .iwd files loaded in, make sure he's also on the same version of Plutonium, and also you shouldn't need to install T4M if you're using Plutonium because it already has the features built in.
Indeed, i thought of that first and last thing, were gonna test it again today and ill check his files and all for other IWDs loaded, its also better to do this on the LanFix instead of pluto i guess, since you said its not made do run on it.  
2 years ago
Yop! its a great mod indeed, even looking like an official update, but ill also wanna bug reporting something i got into... Tried to load it in coop (Plutonium & T4M installed) and coop washt working, my friedn got to connect but disconnected shortly after alot of times, some times just got back to the menu, and some others he got this:
Code Snippet
weapon index mismatch for "zombie_tokarev"
We are looking into anyhting that could be on our end and hes, it might be something not related to the mod but ill still check more with others.
I know these kind of messages usually only show up if someone didnt loaded the mod if something is missing, thats why im saying it can be on his part.
If you want someone to test it with you i can participate, i have the steam version and lanfix, um just usually more active on plutonium, send a message if needed.
2 years ago
Hi when I try to play cotd and world at war maps on solo and coop it doesnt work. Will there also be any future patches?
on the first half, well, you just need to restart alot, some PCs need like 50 tries to work like mine on Shangri-La
on the second question, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
3 years ago
hey love the mod good shit i cant get all the perks in kino with ur mod why? is 6 the cap..?? also saw someone using the same mod but they had 8-9 perks

lmk if im doing something wrong ty
theres 2 ways to get more perks, or you play until you get Perk drops (they are in all maps, higher the rounds, higher the chance) or the other thing, learn how to edit GSC, open the game, edit, save and play with altered rewards.
4 years ago
yes. OP account is deleted. maybe in the next 2 years or so we might see another T5 mod.
4 years ago
Turns out the mod can be altered if you know how. for example, I can change somethings in the game such how strong the exoboss is (Make him vulnerable to all wonderweapons,.. etc). As for the appearance of bosses in general, i can decrease their spawn rate, but im not sure if i can completely remove them. I personally wanted to decrease the hell hounds sapalsh damage and alter the exoboss, which i did, so i can share my version of the mod as a proof of concept if anybody is interested. Later on if i get a list of wanted changes i may work on it if enough people want it. of course, this is all with hope that the creator has no porblems with this.
pretty much any shotgun is easy to kill him. even the wall ones
4 years ago
For some reason it is unable for me to use my pad for the BO1 Mod selection.

Would be really useful if you guys could help me with this.
just use SCPToolkit

and it might require those VisualC++ updates , just install them all to make sure (2008-2019/20 i think)

the menu doesnt work but in game is all fine, even with mods/custom maps,anything in game
4 years ago
no, its not dead, and no, there wont be any new topic, and yes, im the new guy despite that i dont know much about weapon porting but i did set up gdt and weapon files before though ^-^
hmmmm, gooooooood. verry goooooooood.
4 years ago
what a nostalgic position for juggernog
5 years ago
lmao, i wanted to reply but i think ur already on my discord server :joy:
 i just found a job that will need like alot of my time so i might need to be AFK awile, something like a month (which discord server? one of the plutonium ones?) (im AdrX003#2242)
5 years ago
discord invite sent
5 years ago
I am now hosting an Open Beta of the Mod. Be sure you join the Discord server below.
 link dooown i wanted ur mod...
5 years ago
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