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Messages - kielrgz

If you are referring to how to change the icons, it is easy and depends on what perks you use, whether the default ones or the gympie ones, in the case of the gympie ones, you have to look for the .iwi files that are called "speciality_" and there you will see both the perks and the powerups, well what you have to do in the asset manager is create an .iwi with these "2D" options, instead of replacing you change to "blender" and then choose the image. what you want to put in it, what if the image has to be considered with the same resolution of the .iwi that you want to replace. For that, I advise you to look for the ".iwi extractor" that will help you extract it, as soon as you change the size, I advise you to look for an application that does it, or the net pain which is the one I use, if you have problems, talk to me and I will tell you I do them for free, no problem. If you do, remember to replace the new one you created with the one you want to change.
3 weeks ago

1 month ago

To illustrate this, I recommend watching tutorials on how to put camouflages in WaW, but simply paste the "one copy" images folder into your mods folder and the rest into the Raw folder. copy the name of the material and in xmodels in the "mtl_silver_eatching" part put the name of the material that comes with the camo and that's it, compile and that's it.

1 month ago




To illustrate this, I recommend watching tutorials on how to put camouflages in WaW, but simply paste the "one copy" images folder into your mods folder and the rest into the Raw folder. copy the name of the material and in xmodels in the "mtl_silver_eatching" part put the name of the material that comes with the camo and that's it, compile and that's it.


1 month ago
pass me your discord and I'll give you a hand
1 month ago
First of all, greetings to everyone, I wanted to leave here a project that I was going to start working on but for reasons of wanting to map in Black Ops 3 I decided to leave it so that someone else can follow it in case they want, it is a project to recreate kino der toten and well... I didn't continue it because I honestly didn't feel supported in wanting to continue it and I prefer that another person who knows it continue it and it will probably be better for them, the prefab only includes the initial part of kino der toten and a little I have worked on the part that is close to the street, but hey, if someone wants it, I will leave it here. It is not necessary that if they continue it, they should give me credit. As long as they want to continue with the project, I will already leave everything in the rar and a texture pack. with kino der toten stuff in case you want to look at it too. greetings.





1 month ago
That is, the game is directly without rounds and only for time. There is a tom-armed GSC I think, but how does the one I use affect it? It's like it's not profitable for me to use it, so I wanted to know if you know how to make a tutorial as I explained.
2 months ago
I need something that practically does not have any rounds in the game, there are some that already come armed and I can put them and that's it, but the problem is that I have some gsc that I occupy, I would like one that has to be armed in the script and that does not be like those, do you have any like that bro?
2 months ago
First of all, hello everyone, how are you? I hope they are very well. Well I bring you a fairly simple map to play. It is a map inspired by spirals like Cheese Cube and others. Obviously my map is not as great as those maps that are quite good but well that's where my inspiration was to create and bring this map that I made. You're probably wondering why I'm uploading this map now if it's too soon and it's for the simple fact that since the holidays are already around the corner it occurred to me to leave it prepared beforehand so I hope you enjoy it and I'm sorry I separated the modes into 2 links, it happens that A menu with different game modes will not yet be created, but I hope you enjoy it. Anyway, I leave you with the info and I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


It is very likely that the majority who are cheaters will climb the ladder and jump on top of the perks, I have no problem with them doing that since each of you chooses how to play but well I hope you play legally as it should be since Otherwise you lose the fun. I could have done something so that that doesn't happen and they don't directly cheat, but hey, I think everyone knows how to play the map and how they enjoy it, so I don't judge but I'm aware that they can do that.

The only Bug you can find is that sometimes the zombies jump from above for some strange reason and remain floating for a few seconds, the majority return to the path and chase you normally and one or another stays there in the air. Even so, it doesn't affect the gameplay because you end up dying after a minute or 2 minutes. but if not, they can simply search for it and delete it and that's it. That's because there are invisible walls and well a friend had to help me create a "CLIP" which is an invisible wall so that the zombies don't jump over and well let's say that it was done as best as possible but the map works well.
What does the map bring?

Black Ops 2 and 3 Perks "Thanks to Gympie"
Black Ops 2 weapons
Power Ups thanks to "Numan"
Orgins camo made by me.
Purchasable Final.

Ugx Mods



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3 months ago
Press ctrl+f and there in the options press the one that says "lmap" while you have the texture selected, hopefully that will solve it.
4 months ago
How do you make the score have different colors? I always try and I couldn't haha
4 months ago
thnx for playing my map.
5 months ago
5 months ago
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