I don't know if this is the right thread anyway there is someone who want to play some renaissance mod with me? i have no friends so i looking for somebody to play with....
AdrX00#2242 i kinda have a community ...
2 years ago
Hi when I try to play cotd and world at war maps on solo and coop it doesnt work. Will there also be any future patches?
go for the steam or bgamer clients. pluto doesnt work.
2 years ago
I did everything in the instructions but I still can't get the mod to appear in the game, when i go to play the maps i go back to the original version
Yoo, hard to find another brazilian here, if u wanna...
2 years ago
Weird, never seen that bug and I've tested/played in co-op plenty before. I believe a weapon index mismatch issue likely isn't because of a specific mod having a glitch (like mine), but rather it's a genera...
3 years ago
Yop! its a great mod indeed, even looking like an official update, but ill also wanna bug reporting something i got into... Tried to load it in coop (Plutonium & T4M installed) and coop washt working, my friedn got to connect but disconnected shortly after alot of times, some times just got back...
3 years ago
Hi when I try to play cotd and world at war maps on solo and coop it doesnt work. Will there also be any future patches?
on the first half, well, you just need to restart alot, some PCs need like 50 tries to work ...
3 years ago