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Messages - Blink-420

pls stop
8 years ago
I just went and messed around a bit more, and it seems like I got further than I ever have with the clip generation tools, but all it could do was create solid clips. Interestingly, zombies can't move when they're in the water (not the solid clip, just water) but nothing changes about the player.

you have to add a "water_clip" around the entire "wave" (water) brush or players will just walk through the water like nothing is there.
8 years ago
So I want characters to grab scuba gear allowing them to not drown and walk in water instead of swim. I'll probably try to get the gravity to decrease when the trigger is triggered too.
Ohhh, you could somehow get the water_clip to delete then come back with no sucba? But I dunno for multiplayer
8 years ago
Pretty much want player to be able to not drown and walk on water after the trigger has been activated.
Any help is appreciated.

You could just spawn a clip on top of the water when the trigger is bought
8 years ago
I know I sound retarded but I never really figured this out. The UGX Wiki states I can add more box locations by changing the KVPs on their prefabs but I simply have no clue how to execute this, someone give me a hand!

Best way to do this is while radiant is open, click new map. In the blank map, drag one of the box prefabs onto the map. Right click the prefab - stamp prefab. There is two red script_structs you can now select individually. Select the one on top first, and in the entity info change the box number (should be like chest3 or something) once its done press h to hide that script_struct, select the other one and do the same thing. Save the map in the _prebabs folder with the other boxes so you can just drag it onto the map.
8 years ago
Thank you very much but what about custom imported weapons? Lets say I dont want to include them into the box
Take a wallbuy weapon prefab and stamp it, select the script_struct and change the weapon to your custom weapon name. You can start a new map with just the prefab and save it as your own custom weapon wallbuy prefab. You can also either change the chalk to your custom chalk texture or take the lazy way out like me and just put the custom weapon's world model where the chalk would normally be.
8 years ago
it worked thxs so much
Future reference, images/materials need to be a square of 2(512x1024, 2048x2048) etc
8 years ago
1. Place a trigger_hurt down where you want the player to be hurt

2. Tick the "slow" box (might be named something else but you'll see it)

3. give it the kvp dmg=amount of damage the player will take per second)

dmg=10 (kills player in 10 seconds if standing in trigger hurt)
dmg=100 will kill player instantly
8 years ago
Just recompile your map. I dont know if you even have to do that to get the sounds though.
8 years ago
Can you do this for power up shaders? Or even the default hud?
8 years ago
I want him to sit down and shut up haha.
I'm using him as a shop keeper. So I only need the shadowman model. IDC if it's T-posed
I don't want to spend hours trying then realizing it's impossible due to DRM crap or something that's why I posted on here.
I thought that maybe content from the dlc's may be locked off from modding to stop pirating.

You should be able to rip him from SOE using Wraith
8 years ago
Setup a trigger multiple and target the cart model. Then target a struct where the cart will end up. Then target a script_brushmodel from the cart. Then cut that brushmodel and wrap your cart with it. Place the trigger multiple in the base of the cart, just above the script_brushmodel.

Code Snippet
#using scripts\shared\array_shared;
#using scripts\codescripts\struct;

by: M.A.K.E C E N T S

Add to main in mapname.gsc
cart::init(  );

Add to top of mapname.gsc
#using scripts\zm\cart;

Add to zone file

//below > stands for autotargets
trigger_multiple at bottome of cart>
cartmodel at starting position>
brush_models wrapping the cart
struct, just one, where you want it to end

#namespace cart;

function init()
level.carttime = 10;//adjust time it takes to get to other station
level.cartloop = true;
carts = GetEntArray("carts","targetname");//triggers
array::thread_all(carts, &CartSetup);
function CartSetup()
cart = GetEnt(,"targetname");
self EnableLinkTo();
self linkto(cart);
cart LinkPeices();
self thread CartMove(cart);
function CartMove(cart)
cart.a = cart.origin;
cart.b = struct::get(, "targetname").origin;
self waittill("trigger");
self MoveToNext(cart);
function MoveToNext(cart)
cart MoveTo(cart.b,level.carttime);
cart MoveTo(cart.a,level.carttime);
wait(2);//waits so the cart doesn't go back right away
function LinkPeices()
peices = GetEntArray(,"targetname");
foreach(p in peices)
p LinkTo(self);

Also, I cant get this to work. I know I've set it up just like you said. I dont know if you forgot but I gave the script_multiple a targetname of carts like it says in the script and still didnt work. Any ideas why?
8 years ago
Setup a trigger multiple and target the cart model. Then target a struct where the cart will end up. Then target a script_brushmodel from the cart. Then cut that brushmodel and wrap your cart with it. Place the trigger multiple in the base of the cart, just above the script_brushmodel.

Code Snippet
#using scripts\shared\array_shared;
#using scripts\codescripts\struct;

by: M.A.K.E C E N T S

Add to main in mapname.gsc
cart::init(  );

Add to top of mapname.gsc
#using scripts\zm\cart;

Add to zone file

//below > stands for autotargets
trigger_multiple at bottome of cart>
cartmodel at starting position>
brush_models wrapping the cart
struct, just one, where you want it to end

#namespace cart;

function init()
level.carttime = 10;//adjust time it takes to get to other station
level.cartloop = true;
carts = GetEntArray("carts","targetname");//triggers
array::thread_all(carts, &CartSetup);
function CartSetup()
cart = GetEnt(,"targetname");
self EnableLinkTo();
self linkto(cart);
cart LinkPeices();
self thread CartMove(cart);
function CartMove(cart)
cart.a = cart.origin;
cart.b = struct::get(, "targetname").origin;
self waittill("trigger");
self MoveToNext(cart);
function MoveToNext(cart)
cart MoveTo(cart.b,level.carttime);
cart MoveTo(cart.a,level.carttime);
wait(2);//waits so the cart doesn't go back right away
function LinkPeices()
peices = GetEntArray(,"targetname");
foreach(p in peices)
p LinkTo(self);

Awesome :) Question though. Is there a way to make this go say in a circle. For example, go half around a city block, stop then when used again going back to the beginning?
8 years ago
How do I select individual objects in a prefab?
You have to select the prefab - right click - prefab and stamp the prefab
8 years ago
Like the subject says, I need to thread a function on each player at the start of the game, how do I do this?
8 years ago
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