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[T4M] World at War - Remastered Stock Maps (Der Riese)

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Created 5 years ago
by John_Banana
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Mod Released HERE!

    This mod, currently only for Der Riese, is the first part in a 'remastered patch' for all four WaW zombie maps. The other maps will come in the future. The aim of this project is to modify WaW stock maps with bug fixes, quality-of-life tweaks, fixed inconsistencies, and some new features inspired by Black Ops 1. However, this mod will not overhaul each map or drastically change their original gameplay; they are meant to act as a slightly-more-polished alternative to the vanilla experience. Due to the nature of WaW modding, it was easier to make each map have their own mod file. When they are all finished, you will be able install whichever ones you want. Simply launch the desired map in your mods list, and then press play on the menu. This works in co-op as well, just make sure all players have the same version of the mod launched & T4M installed!
Additional Credit
  • cristian_m - General scripting help & teaching me how to mod
  • Phil81334, Numan, MrJayden585, psulions45, SPi - General scripting help
  • ege115 - Walking animation script
  • Fusorf - HD perk icons
  • Inspired by JBleezy's Black Ops 1 Reimagined mod
  • Thank you to the UGX WaW Discord members for helping me along the way

Feature Showcase (See release thread for full showcase of features)

Some things I still wanna fix:
  • Improve Quick Revive exit so the machine triggers & bumps disappear as well
  • Fix heart beat spam on red screen
  • Update Waffe model with the one from Shi No Numa (uses ammo clip)
Last Edit: April 26, 2022, 10:28:03 pm by John_Banana
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This is exactly what I wanted in a mod, if you ever need help, let me know.
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This is exactly what I wanted in a mod, if you ever need help, let me know.
Thank you so much dude! Here is my current to do list, if you can offer any advice/guides that would be awesome. If not, one day I'll figure everything out eventually, I'm learning as I go.

-For some reason on Nacht/Verruckt/Shi no it shows "upgraded ammo 4500" on wall weapons (something in my script?)
-I have a custom 'game options' with an FOV slider etc. on pause menu, but the background is transparent instead of being blurry with black bars
-Nacht has working flamethrower ADS, but on the other 3 you can only aim while firing
-Make it so you get +100 on insta kill  for nacht/verruckt, currently only +50
-Molotovs are silent on nacht, no lighter sound effect/no explosion sound
-Bouncing Betties are glitched, they do no damage on all 4 maps except shi no numa
-Dogs missing animation on co-op (treyarch issue)
-I want to fix the sound on the 2 jars for Der Riese easter egg, there is no SFX, the one by Type 100 works perfect like on Kino, it makes weird noise then press F the noise stops
-I want to make max ammos give Molotovs back on Nacht/Verruckt
-I want to make max ammos resets the flamethrower cooldown
-+25 points when you prone at perks for all maps with perks
-Electric traps stay active for 30 seconds instead of 25 ( i think it was)
-Make all 3 easter egg songs louder/the same volume, and under the 'music' setting in sound options
-re-add unused Radio #5 from Der Riese files
-Bleed out time buffed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds
-Explosive damage/splash damage is the same on all 4 maps (Based on Der Riese damage, Ray Gun/Panzershrek/Grenades/Molotovs),nacht/verruckt the splash damage was way stronger
Last Edit: August 18, 2020, 07:46:40 pm by m4_semperfi
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I remember seeing this on reddit, glad to finally see it come here to UGX
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Progress has been slow but mod is still going as planned. I have all my custom weapons (type 99,  scoped mosin) in game now working great. Not sure if I will add more. I have also since updated Nikola's hands to be accurate to the player model. Yellowish tan sleeves with blood splatters.
Last Edit: August 30, 2020, 04:07:34 pm by m4_semperfi
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Looks pretty great so far! I really like the fact you're trying to keep the feel of the original maps.

Will the Type 99 be on all maps or just Shi No Numa? Same with the Mosin Nagant and Der Reise.

I know these weapons also have PaP variants in the game files, so it would be pretty interesting to see the Type 99 in Der Reise
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Looks pretty great so far! I really like the fact you're trying to keep the feel of the original maps.

Will the Type 99 be on all maps or just Shi No Numa? Same with the Mosin Nagant and Der Reise.

I know these weapons also have PaP variants in the game files, so it would be pretty interesting to see the Type 99 in Der Reise
Hey, sorry for late reply. Yeah so originally my plan is to just give each map a unique weapon, so Nacht/Verruckt already have that by default and Shi No would get type 99 and der riese gets mosin. The reason for this limitation was to keep it very similar to treyarch and also I was unsure of my ability to get guns working with sounds, models, etc. Luckily, I was able to get the type 99 into Shi no numa no problem, everything working, which means, I could probably get it into Der Riese now that I think about it. That will be something for once im done with my main to do list.

Anyways, as a general update for anyone who sees this thread: I have stopped working on the mod for a couple weeks and been busy with school but I will start back up on it again when I feel like it. This is a mod that's being done in the long haul.. So don't expect anything finished for at least a year, and maybe 2-3 months for a beta release.
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Bro, the mechanic of being able to change the use of the knife has been very cool. I love the DG-2 jug fix and i hope you can solve the betty glitch.

9/10 Nice.
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What's up everyone, I had to stop working on this mod because school started, well it's almost over and I've gotten back to it. I've decided to reformat this mod as a Der Riese patch only, and when that is finished, then I will work on the other maps. The post has now been edited to reflect my progress - showing what I still have to do, and what I have completed, so go check that!

Current Issues - PLEASE HELP

I still have some weird issues that I can't figure out, if anyone could give any tips please let me know:

-My custom game options menu is missing the background in-game (When I pause and go to this menu, it's completely transparent instead of blurred/darkened)

-Dogs missing animation on co-op

-Dempsey can sometimes be heard even when he's not in game, responding to other player actions (like getting headshots). This is not a huge issue, but wondering if there is a work around. I do not want to just remove those lines because then on co-op some of the fun lines will be gone. Unless I could disable them on solo-only?

-Need help writing a script so that max ammo ignores the Flamethrower (when it gives the Flamethrower ammo the ADS anim glitches, don't ask me why), and instead, I've always wanted the Flamthrower's cooldown to reset on a max ammo. I have a draft of the script but it doesn't really work and I'm not sure on how to proceed.  
Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 09:54:58 am by m4_semperfi
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how do you mod the stock maps? I wanted to make a der riese mod that just fixed the waffe glitch but I don't know how to mod the stock maps.
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how do you mod the stock maps? I wanted to make a der riese mod that just fixed the waffe glitch but I don't know how to mod the stock maps.
get the stock scripts from the game files extract ff's. this mod will still give you the vanilla experience though, like over half of the stuff I'm doing here are just bug fixes/visual changes. only 2 new guns on der riese and quick revive tweaked which change gameplay. waffe glitch fixed is so nice tho
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Hey man, I really like these changes, would you consider adding mule kick to make it more like black ops? Or maybe just make a seperate map with your fixes plus mule kick?
Would be much appreciated :)
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is there a download link anywhere? i will bug test for you
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Hey man, I really like these changes, would you consider adding mule kick to make it more like black ops? Or maybe just make a seperate map with your fixes plus mule kick?
Would be much appreciated :)
No I don't feel like adding Mule kick to this mod as I want to stick closely to WaW gameplay. U can still do a 3 gun glitch pretty easily ;)  

is there a download link anywhere? i will bug test for you
Not yet, haven't worked on this since the last update but one day. Current issues incase anyone reads this and knows how to help:

-Fix game options missing background
-Quick revive: zombies need to run away
-Fix dogs missing anim on co-op
-Type 99 no sound
And some more planned features I want to do before I start releasing beta versions

Double Post Merge: August 03, 2021, 06:04:14 am

Fixed some bugs

Players now spawn with a unique pistol relating to their faction (Colt, Tokarev, Nambu, Walther)

For balance reasons, I made them all have 100% identical stats to the colt, so it's purely just a visual thing (because it's cool). As for PaP variants, same thing, but they will get unique funny PaP names which you'll have to wait and see.

Planned Features (Excluding fixing bugs)
- Need PaP camos for the 3 new pistols still
- Need to keep working on Double Tap 2.0, I don't want it to be too OP
- When down with Solo Quick Revives, zombies need to run away from you
- Type 99 needs working sounds & PaP camo
- Flamethrower needs some work on ADS bug and want to make it so cooldown resets on max ammo

And that's it, then I will release. each of these things aren't too hard, but combined with fixing bugs it's still a lot of work for me. Just know, the mod ain't dead. Us WaW fans have been here a while so I'm sure any of you following this thread can wait a while longer
Last Edit: August 03, 2021, 06:04:14 am by m4_semperfi
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Hey Semperfi, I've been looking at your ideas and want to tell you that you're doing some amazing work. When it comes to gameplay and quality of life changes your additions and changes pretty much hit the nail right on the head.  If you're interested I've got some story-based suggestions for you're mod. Now I know these suggestions could be a lot of work to implement but it would really add a lot to make this mod even more perfect. Well here they are:

Could you add the Arisake to Der Riese as well? It was originally planned to be in Der Riese and they even had an upgraded version finished called ''The Eviscerator'' but they scraped it last minute. it would have performed exactly like the upgraded Kar98k.

Perks: Now I know you want to change Double-tap to make it so it does 1.5x damage because you don't want to make it OP. I personally disagree. I believe you should just make it like Double Tap 2.0. and make the perk do 2x damage for all bullet-based weapons. The reason I say this is that most weapons after round 20 are completely useless in the original version. Not to mention the fact that you could only choose 4 perks so it's not like this is gonna affect perk variety. This will make the weapons of WaW a bit more comparable to BO2 and after when it comes to performance and it will encourage players more to try out some different weapons.

Could you maybe switch one of the marines with Dempsey? That would be awesome since Dempsey, John ''banana'', ''Smokey'' and Paxton ''Gunner'' Ridge went to Verrückt to rescue Peter McCain. However, they were too late. He was already gone (to Shi no Numa) and Dempsey was the only survivor and was captured by group 935.  This would have to be sane Dempsey though since he wasn't experimented on yet by Richtofen. Maybe you could use the WaW Dempsey's player model but paired with one of Primis Dempsey's voice packs (from origins for example). however, I would take out all the voice lines that contained anything about future maps.  

Shi No Numa:
- Could you maybe add the howls of the Hellhounds sound when the round begins? Probably no one knows this but the Hellhounds round start sound originally contained a terrifying howl sound. However, this was only on the PS3 version of the game funnily enough. Here is a link to an old video if you wanna watch it: It would be so dope if you could add this sound and maybe to Der Riese as well.  
- Could you maybe add an easter egg quest to the map? Nothing too crazy. Maybe you could add a teleporter to the map somewhere with a buyable ending which you can buy after you find Richtofen's diary in the Doctor'squarters. This would be amazing since it was with a teleporter that they got to Der Riese. This is proven by the timeline and the Der Riese music video.

Der Riese:
Could you maybe also add an easter egg quest to the map? Again, nothing too crazy. Here is a short overview of what happened on Der Riese for some inspiration: The Ultimis crew returns to the Der Riese facility from the Rising Sun facility on October 28th 1945. With his diary, Richtofen plans to use the teleporter to return to the moon and confront Samantha, a little girl who is in the M.P.D., who Richtofen knew from his past. Upon arriving, they must face limitless hordes of the undead as they continue their journey. Unfortunately, the Wunderwaffe DG-2 overloads the teleporter and changes the intended location to Kino Der Toten, and sends them through time as well — causing Richtofen to drop his diary which is later found by Soviet forces when they enter Der Riese to steal all of Group 935's technology and research.

Could you maybe add some more swastika flags on Der Riese and especially Nacht Der Untoten and Verrückt to really add to that Nazi Zombies vibe that Kino Der Toten does so well. Maybe add some Japanese flags to Shi no Numa as well since it was a Japanese research facility. Just some extra Ideas.

I hope you find these ideas interesting and enjoyed reading them. By the way, if you need any help with Co-op testing then hit me up. I'll gladly help.

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