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[T4M] Nazi Zombies Remastered (All 4 Stock Maps)

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Created 3 years ago
by John_Banana
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   A mod by John_Banana
Project started: 7/30/2020
    This mod is a "remastered patch" for the Call of Duty: World at War stock zombie maps. The aim of this project is to modify these maps with bug fixes, quality-of-life tweaks, fixed inconsistencies, new features inspired by Black Ops 1, and a few creative additions such as adding back cut content or storyline-related Easter Eggs.
    However, the mod does not seek to entirely overhaul each map to the point where they feel completely different, as they just meant to act as a more polished "alternative vanilla" experience. In the case of any substantial gameplay change, such as the removal of the 24-zombie limit on solo, there will always be a setting available in Game Options to toggle the change back to "Classic" if desired.
    Due to the nature of WaW modding and extent of changes, it made more sense to make each map have their own mod file. Simply launch the desired map in your mods list, and then press play on the menu. This works in co-op as well, just make sure all players have the same version of the mod launched & T4M installed!  
Additional Credit
* Numan, Phil81334, cristian_m, Gympie5, Tristan, MrJayden585, psulions45 - General scripting help
* Jbird632 - Working sticky grenades on AI & "Reward All Perks" scripts
* Bunz1102 - New secret animations
* ege115 - Walking animation script
* GKILLA - Updated FG42 viewmodel
* Fusorf - HD perk icons
* Inspired by JBleezy's Black Ops 1 Reimagined mod
* Thank you to the UGX WaW Discord members for helping me along the way

Feature Showcase

Character Bios, new settings, Achievements, scrapped radio re-added

New weapons, new zombie animations & eye glow, working solo Quick Revive, fixed Wunderwaffe-Jug glitch

Random character on solo, new starting pistols, accurate viewmodel hands

New vision file, HD perk & power icons, fixed grenade icon, new Monkey Bomb icon

Mission intro text, Ray Gun accessible at first box location, new weapons, new zombie animations, Perk Machine swamp textures

Deployable MGs, smoke grenades--each DLC gets a unique special grenade, occasional zombies with gear, updated FX, new weapons


  • Includes:
    • All 4 mods & T4M .dll file
      • This is my own fork of T4M. It re-enables the video intro & fixes LAN
      • Optionally, T4M comes with an improved .bmp logo made by the original creator, if you want your external console to look nicer
    • Optionally, LAN fixed .exe launcher for LAN play
    • Desktop shortcuts with custom icons, made by me

Installation Instructions (Watch this video, or follow the 3 easy steps):
  • Download the all-in-one .rar file.
  • Uncompress the file using something like Winrar or 7-Zip. Drag & drop the mod(s) into your game's mod folder (AppData\Local\Activision\CoDWaW\mods)
  • Finally, simply drag & drop the T4M dll file onto your root World at War  (Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty World at War)
    • My own fork of T4M is already included in your .rar (which has fixed LAN), but the original post can also be found here

Overall Changelist (Note: Mod has continued to be updated and improved, list is incomplete)
  • Added Achievement completion notifications for Shi No Numa and Der Riese, which were originally only on the console version. Toggleable in Game Options.
  • Added screen shake when barriers are broken and repaired, similar to future zombie games.
  • Repairing barriers only plays the point sound effect when you are actively earning +10, similar to future zombie games.
  • Electric traps are now on a 30 on / 30 off cycle, similar to future zombie games. However, on Shi No Numa the cooldown is kept longer for balance reasons, but now just at 60 seconds.
  • Stinger sound effect when picking up Wonder Weapons now execute through scripts, like future zombie games, instead of VOX. Fixes issues where it would sometimes not play.
  • Slightly increased Easter Egg song volume.
Player & Characters
  • Player spawns as a random character on solo, with accurate 1st person viewhands, pistols, and corresponding points color.
    • Dempsey -- Colt -- Marine bare hands with rolled up sleeves -- taken from Campaign
    • Nikolai -- Tokarev -- Russian jacket sleeves with custom yellowish-tan colorization, Soviet buttons, and added blood splatters -- edited from Campaign
    • Takeo -- Nambu -- Japanese jacket sleeves with custom bluish-grey colorization -- edited from Multiplayer
    • Richtofen -- Walther -- German tan sleeves and black gloves recolored from the "Black Cats" pilot hands -- edited from Campaign
  • Splash damage is equal on all maps using Der Riese's system (non-instant down).
  • Increased backwards and sideways movement speed to match closer with the console version of WaW.
  • First-person walking animation tweaked. Weapon now sways instead of just lowering, which both looks better and is similar to future zombie games.
  • Buffed bleedout time from 30 seconds to 45 seconds, like future zombie games.
  • Added unused sniper pickup VOX found in the game files.
  • Added unused dog kill VOX found in the game files, with a 25% chance of it playing per kill.
  • Added unused VOX that plays when a player downs.
  • Added unused reload VOX that has about a 50% chance of playing during an *empty* heavy LMG reload, with a cooldown of 1-2 minutes to prevent repetitiveness (Adds to atmosphere, but also can be useful for teammates to hear).
  • Added unused pain VOX that plays about 75% of the time a player is damaged.
  • Added unused exert VOX that plays about 75% of the time a player damages a zombie with melee, and 100% of the time when a player kills a zombie with melee (Unless other dialogue VOX is queued, in which case it over rules the exert sound).
  • Added several unused VOX lines that play after a player is revived, instead of only alternating between 2 possible lines.
  • Added unused Takeo Panzershrek VOX.
  • Unlocked just a few unused VOX lines for weapons that were never loaded in the scripts but were included in the soundaliases (MP40, BAR, Shotgun, Wunderwaffe, Monkey Bomb).
  • Reworked "no money" sounds and VOX for purchasable items when a player does not have enough points:
    • Wall Weapons: Now have a chance of saying an unused VOX line, the standard VOX groan, or nothing.
    • Mystery Box: Now have a chance of saying two unused VOX lines, the standard VOX groan, or nothing. Also added "no purchase" sound effect, the same sound that plays when you cannot afford a wall weapon or door.
    • Perk/PaP: Now has a chance of playing the VOX groan instead of only playing the VOX dialogue to make it less repetitive.
  • VOX interactions disabled on solo to prevent non-present characters from talking.
  • VOX is disabled while in solo last stand.
  • Disabled leaning while downed to fix a bug.
  • Player respawn does not reset FOV back to 65.
  • Vision file is no longer reset during game over screen, so now the map looks the same as when you were playing on it.
  • The accurate Steilhandgranate grenade icon replaces the American Mk2 grenade icon.
  • Monkey bomb icon updated to look more recognizable while still in the greyscale WaW icon art style.
  • Perk and powerup icons updated with accurate higher resolution versions.
  • (T4M) Pressing tab in solo now shows the scoreboard.
  • (Console command) "health_hud" can be used to enable or disable a health counter, effective after a restart. Intended for testing/development purposes.
Menu & Settings
  • Solo play button added to the main menu which will automatically run the loaded map. This also prevents the player from accidentally starting the wrong map.
  • Redesigned main menu to remove non-Zombiemode related buttons and references. Also, added a reminder for all players to install T4M before playing co-op.
  • Added Character Bios, which were only present on the console version. Slight grammatical fixes and layout design changes to adapt it for PC.
  • Added Map Intel page, which includes an image and description of the loaded map (This info is no longer accessible because of the "start button" changes).
  • Entirely new settings, including an FOV slider, FPS settings, controller support settings, gametype/AI options, and toggles for the HUD, Achievements, and Fog - all accessible through the main menu or pause menu.
Perks & Powerups
  • Quick Revive now works on solo, details as follows: 3 lives until the machine disappears, player equips their upgraded starting pistol while down (Or the Ray Gun, if applicable), it takes 10 seconds to self revive, and zombies run away from the player while in last stand. Added a progress bar that fits well with the WaW visual style.
  • Perks have proper hintstring in every map and "Quick Revive" is no longer offered as just "Revive."
  • Jugger-Nog abilities and regen is the same on all maps, using the improvements from Der Riese.
  • Carpenter available on all maps (Disabled when playing in "Classic" gametype setting for high-rounders).
  • Max Ammos now refill equipment on all maps (Bouncing Betties & Molotovs).
  • Slightly increased Insta-Kill active loop sound.
  • Double Points changes:
    • Carpenters and Nukes are now affected by an active Double Points, able to give +800 and +400 respectively.
    • Picking up 2 Double Points at the same time will now scale together giving x4 points, like the first few WaW maps (rare case). This x4 scaling works with kills, barrier repairs, and other power ups.
  • There are 9 new WaW weapons taken from Campaign/Multiplayer that have never been seen in zombies. As it stands, every stock weapon in WaW is now obtainable in some form through this mod.
  • All maps have the same weapon loadouts excluding the following discrepencies:
    • Shi No Numa has the Arisaka instead of the Kar98k
    • Each of the 4 maps has a unique scoped rifle in the Mystery Box
    • Unique Wonder Weapons like the Wunderwaffe or Monkey Bombs will stick to their original maps
  • This means weapons will not differ in stats or attachments between maps.
Weapons Added (All from WaW)
For new upgraded variants, all official sounds, effects, stats, and textures were used if they existed, otherwise custom versions had to be made (Described where applicable).
Starting Pistols
Colt M1911 / Tokarev T-33 / Type 14 Nambu / Walther P38 (The 3 new pistols are used as starting weapons for non-American heroes)
- All have identical stats and upgrade to explosive pistols
- Not in Mystery Box, only obtainable through default spawn loadout
- (Walther) Removed first raise animation so it is uniform with the other pistols
- (Upgraded) Increased reserve ammo from 40 to 42 so it is actually divisible by the magazine capacity (6)
- (Upgraded) Custom camos made in Treyarch's style using the official textures
- (Upgraded) All have unique names, either inside jokes or easter eggs relating to the weapon's faction
- (Upgraded) Changed the _lastshot animation so the pistol slides do not go back and then glitch forward
- (Upgraded) Added muzzle flash effects
- (Upgraded) Added both the unused PaP sounds (so all 4 upgraded pistols sound unique) and the grenade sound upon impact
- (Upgraded) Buffed fire rate and damage to make keeping your starting pistol a little more rewarding. In combination with the above sound changes, these tweaks make the pistols feel a little more akin to the Mustang and Sally from Black Ops 1.
Type 99
- Added to the Mystery Box
- Stats slightly buffed from their default SP stats to fit for zombies. Weapon now sits as a mid-tier LMG, above the BAR and FG42, but slightly below the MG42 and Browning
- Increased ADS FOV from 30 to 40 to give more visibility
- (Upgraded) Custom camos made in Treyarch's style using the official textures
- (Upgraded) New variant created with a custom name (name inspired by cut upgraded Type 99 Arisaka rifle), increased damage, fire rate, better multipliers, and more ammo
- Added to the Mystery Box
- Rebalanced empty reload speed to closer match animation
- (Upgraded) Custom camos made in Treyarch's style using the official textures
- (Upgraded) New variant with my own custom name and stats as a mid-tier LMG
- Added to the Mystery Box
- (Upgraded) Custom camos made in Treyarch's style using the official textures
- (Upgraded) New variant with my own custom name and stats based on a mixture of the upgraded Gewehr 43 & M1 Carbine.
Scoped Snipers
- Added to the Mystery Box accordingly: the Scoped Springfield will be on Verruckt, the Scoped Arisaka is on Shi No Numa, the Scoped Mosin is on Der Riese, and the Scoped Kar98k remains on Nacht
- Names tidied up for more historical accuracy. All have identical relevant stats in terms of relevant damage, range, ammunition, etc. All have unique in-scope textures
- (Upgraded) New variants with my own custom names, camos, and stats based on a mixture of the upgraded Kar98k & PTRS-41
Weapon Changes
I have adjusted many of the existing weapons, usually for balance reasons as a result of Treyarch not giving adequate Pack-a-Punch buffs, upgraded weapons not having properly calculated reserve ammunition (ending up with half filled magazines), some weapons having bugs, or me wanting to add my own personal tweaks.  
.357 Magnum
- Decreased reserve ammo from 80 to 78 so it is actually divisible by the weapon capacity (6)
- (Upgraded) Slightly buffed damage
- (Upgraded) Slightly increased fire rate
- (Upgraded) Increased reserve ammo from 80 to 90 so it actually receives a decent ammo buff upon upgrading
- Fixed Bowie Knife missing sound when knifing with this weapon
- (Upgraded) Fixed missing muzzle flash effect
- (Upgraded) Increased reserve ammo from 60 to 64 so it is actually divisible by the magazine capacity (8)
Gewehr 43
- (Upgraded) Increased reserve ammo from 170 to 180 so it is actually divisible by the magazine capacity (12)
M1A1 Carbine
- Renamed to M1 Carbine for historical accuracy (non-folding stock variant)
- Slightly nerfed damage as this weapon should be similar, if not worse, at raw damage than the M1 Garand
- Slightly buffed mobility to suit this weapon better, being lighter than other rifles in real life
- (Upgraded) Increased magazine size from 15 to 30 so it actually receives a decent ammo buff upon upgrading
M1 Garand
- Slightly buffed base rifle damage
- Slightly buffed weapon spread accuracy to balance with the Rifle Grenade version (which makes the rifle "heavier")
- (Upgraded) Increased reserve ammo 150 to 156 so it is actually divisible by the clip capacity (12)
- (Upgraded) Slightly buffed headshot multiplier so it is the highest out of all regular semi-automatic rifles, which fits with its superiority in WWII
M1 Garand w/ Launcher
- Slightly buffed base rifle damage
- Decreased mobility to compensate for Rifle Grenades
- Nerfed maximum ammo to balance with regular M1 Garand and compensate for Rifle Grenades
- When equipping the launcher, the name changes to the name of the grenade, M17 Rifle Grenade, for historical accuracy
- (Upgraded) Nerfed maximum ammo to balance with regular M1 Garand and compensate for added Rifle Grenades
- (Upgraded) Renamed equipped launcher to M7000
- No longer shares reserve ammo with the regular M1 Garand to fix a reload bug
Double-Barreled Shotgun
- (Upgraded) Fixed capitalization in the name
- (Upgraded) Increased stock ammo from 60 to 70 so it actually receives a decent ammo buff upon upgrading
- (Upgraded) Fixed ADS FOV being way too low
Sawed-Off Double-Barreled Shotgun
- Added to the Mystery Box
- Removed "w/ Grip" from the name
- Small damage boost to both un-upgraded and upgraded version; a little stronger than the normal double barrel but with a wider and less accurate fire spread
- (Upgraded) Increased reserve ammo from 60 to 70 so it actually receives a decent ammo buff upon upgrading
- (Upgraded) Scrapped variant created by Treyarch
Trench Gun
- (Upgraded) Increased stock ammo from 60 to 70 so it actually receives a decent ammo buff upon upgrading
- Renamed to M1A1 Thompson for historical accuracy
- (Upgraded) Increased reserve ammo from 250 to 280 so it is actually divisible by the magazine capacity (40)
- (Upgraded) Increased stock ammo from 192 to 256 so it actually receives a decent ammo buff upon upgrading
Type 100
- Fixed dry fire sound effect not being the SMG sound effect
- Increased reserve ammo from 160 to 180 so it is actually divisible by the magazine capacity (30)
- (Upgraded) Increased reserve ammo from 220 to 240 so it is actually divisible by the magazine capacity (60)
- (Upgraded) Updated weapon model and first person model with the newer Pack-a-Punch texture, as for some reason this weapon still used Treyarch's original silver texture (less shiny, only found on scrapped weapons)
- (Upgraded) Decreased reserve ammo from 700 to 690 so it is actually divisible by the drum mag capacity (115)
- Fixed capitalization of the "t" to be lowercase for historical accuracy
- Renamed to M1918 BAR for historical accuracy
- Slightly decreased mobility to suit its weapon category better
- (Upgraded) Increased stock ammo from 180 to 240 so it actually receives a decent ammo buff upon upgrading (also, not being a wall weapon)
- (Upgraded) Increased magazine size from 30 to 40
- Updated viewmodel to look more complete for when playing on higher FOVs
Browning M1919
- Name rearranged to M1919 Browning for historical accuracy
- (Upgraded) Fixed capitalization in the name
- (Upgraded) Like the MG42, the Browning now also recieves a 3.5x damage multiplier buff upon upgrading
- Nerfed drum mag capacity from 125 to 100 to differentiate its unupgraded version from the Browning, which also better represents its lower historically accurate capacity
- Nerfed reserve ammo to 50 max instead of 60 to match other similar rifles, and also so that the upgraded reserve ammo feels more earned
- Now plays cut sniper VOX instead of PPSH VOX, which also makes the PPSH VOX more special being for just one weapon
- (Upgraded) Increased reserve ammo from 60 to 64 so it is actually divisible by the clip capacity (8)
M2 Flamethrower
- Fixed knife delay
- Fixed ADS glitching when using Toggle ADS settings
- Fixed Bowie Knife missing sound when knifing with this weapon
- Knife lunging is more smooth and occurs less often
Bouncing Betty
- Decreased delay from 2 seconds to 1 second before activation
- Fixed capitalization in the instruction hintstring
Molotov Cocktails
- Received a substantial buff. They are moderately better than normal grenades now, but still not as useful as Monkey Bombs
- Fixed plurality on hintstring
- Grenade suicide does not magically give you an extra grenade when falling into last stand
Ray Gun
- (Upgraded) Fixed Ray Gun VOX not playing
- (Upgraded) Fixed last stand giving you more than one ammo cartridge
Wunderwaffe DG-2
- Does not remove Jugger-Nog health buff in any capacity
Mystery Box
- Changed hintstring to say "use Mystery Box" instead of "for a random weapon"
- Ray Gun is obtainable from the first Mystery Box location on all maps now, and you are not required to get a Teddy Bear first
- Gewehr 43 & regular M1 Garand are no longer excluded from the box
Last Stand Pistols
- Solo Revive: Upgraded starting pistol (Hierarchy: Ray Gun , Default)
- Co-op: Starting pistol (Hierarchy: Ray Gun , Explosive Pistol , .357 , Default)
- Before downing, if the player has a pistol that is better than their default pistol, then that pistol will overwrite it while down. Upgraded variants take precedent over their regular counterparts, as expected
- Ammo: Player receives 3 magazines for regular pistols and only 1 cartridge for both the un-upgraded and upgraded Ray Gun
Map Specific Changelist
Shi No Numa
  • Added "mission intro" in bottom left corner at the start of the game.
  • Added "level start" VOX using generic Zombie quotes.
  • Added unused jap_walk_v4 animation.
  • Added unused (rarely occuring)  jap_run_v5 animation.
  • Added unused (rarely occuring)  jap_run_v6 animation.
  • Added unused swamp perk machine textures from the game files.
  • Added cut hellhound round start "howling" sound that was only used on the PS3 version.
  • Perk hintstrings now have unique messages, like the other maps.
  • Hellhound functionality includes improvements made in future maps, including a health buff, but slightly lower than Der Riese to account for no Pack-a-punch.
  • Carpenter VOX uses additional repurposed lines that were originally made for general barrier repairing.
  • When picking up a powerup, characters choose from 3 lines instead of 1.
  • When opening the second or third hut, there is a 50% chance of the closest player commenting on the randomization of perks.
  • When a perk is decided, the closest player within a small radius of the perk will shout the perk name.
Der Riese
  • Changed vision file to give the map a bluer and dark tint, rather than the original greyish-green look.
  • Updated 'mission intro' in bottom left corner to include the storyline accurate date.
  • Added unused walk_v9 animation. (Used Black Ops 1)
  • Added unused (rarely occuring) unused run_v1 animation. (Used on IOS version)
  • Added unused 5th Maxis radio from the game files. (Used on IOS version)
  • Der Riese Easter Egg/Storyline changes & additions:
    • Increased percent chance for VOX when interacting with Easter Egg items and added one unused Takeo line to the Corkboard cycle. (50% chance)
    • Increased percent chance for general storyline VOX early game. (5% chance)
    • Added unused rare VOX that can play after teleporting. (5% chance)
    • Added unused rare VOX that can player after picking up a power up. (3% chance)
    • Added new Easter Egg VOX when aiming down sights at the barrier near the "Teddy is a liar" wall writing.
    • The Fly Trap Easter Egg now spawns in a random power up as an award.
    • Proning at a perk will now randomly either give you one, two, or three "+10 points" instead of always just "+25." This not only adds some nice variety and mirrors how each perk is supposedly worth "10 cents," but it also fixes an issue where WaW only displays points rounded to the nearest tenth, meaning a player may think they have more points than they actually do.
  • Increased PaP "waiting" VOX odds to play 50% of the time you upgrade, rather than 8%, which is more similar to future zombie games.
  • Fixed "seeing Pack-a-Punch" VOX so players no longer talk about how to get to the door open once all teleporters are linked.
  • Added several unused VOX lines when a player picks up the Carpenter power up.
  • Player surrounded VOX now also plays in solo, but without the responses from other characters and at a lower % chance.
  • Player no longer receives a free Colt when they have 0 weapons from leaving a weapon in the Pack-a-punch machine, instead the screen is just blank, similar to future zombie games.
  • Removed teleporter vision effect that causes FOV to reset back to 65.

Feel free to use any of the assets in my mod for your own map/mod, but make sure to give credit if you release it.
Last Edit: September 23, 2023, 09:04:54 pm by John_Banana
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Ok first off, finally!! Needed a mod like this for decades now!! X3
Second just 2 small nitpicks,
1. Fix PaP HitString still telling player to Upgrade Weapon even after Upgrading
2. Add unused Dog Round Music (Used in BO1 Renaissance Mod)
Great Job with mod guys and hope to see future updates/releases to other stock zombie maps like Nacht, Verruct and Shi No Numa!! XP
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Ok first off, finally!! Needed a mod like this for decades now!! X3
Second just 2 small nitpicks,
1. Fix PaP HitString still telling player to Upgrade Weapon even after Upgrading
2. Add unused Dog Round Music (Used in BO1 Renaissance Mod)
Great Job with mod guys and hope to see future updates/releases to other stock zombie maps like Nacht, Verruct and Shi No Numa!! XP
Thanks man!
1. I'll take a look at trying to fix this
2. This would be possible but I don't think I'll do it for my mod, I like the dog rounds as they are. But on Shi No Numa I will add the cut howl sound from PS3 version
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The vanilla zombies experience, but 420% sexier in everyway.
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Thanks man!
1. I'll take a look at trying to fix this
2. This would be possible but I don't think I'll do it for my mod, I like the dog rounds as they are. But on Shi No Numa I will add the cut howl sound from PS3 version
No problem!
And no worries but I got one more question.
When will this mod support Nacht, Verruckt & Shi No Numa? No rush.
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Yeah I will be doing the same for the other maps - but they will not have as many features as Der Riese remastered (well, because they inherently have less features).
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Great mod! I noticed a small bug, after buying all 4 perks, the dog round end sound plays, and continues to play after every perk you buy.
Another thing, I noticed that the mod has some small problems with plutonium, such as the menus and such still using the classic WAW menus, (server browser, profiles, etc). this might be due to plutonium hiding or replacing those options by default.
Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 01:03:34 am by Cameron0717
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Great mod! I noticed a small bug, after buying all 4 perks, the dog round end sound plays, and continues to play after every perk you buy.
Another thing, I noticed that the mod has some small problems with plutonium, such as the menus and such still using the classic WAW menus, (server browser, profiles, etc). this might be due to plutonium hiding or replacing those options by default.
Thanks! But my mod was not necessary designed for Plutonium, it's been optimized for vanilla game. So for the perks, I have never heard of that issue, but I just tested it again now on my end and everything seems fine - I'm also confused because there are only 4 perks so how do you keep buying more, do you mean after downing?
Now as for the menus, my mod overhauls the menus to add improvements like new buttons, settings, character bios, etc., so if I were to cater to keeping the plutonium style menu then it would mean removing these features or removing features that Vanilla players use.
Last Edit: May 05, 2022, 06:25:05 pm by John_Banana
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Thanks! But my mod was not necessary designed for Plutonium, it's been optimized for vanilla game. So for the perks, I have never heard of that issue, but I just tested it again now on my end and everything seems fine - I'm also confused because there are only 4 perks so how do you keep buying more, do you mean after downing?
Now as for the menus, my mod overhauls the menus to add improvements like new buttons, settings, character bios, etc., so if I were to cater to keeping the plutonium style menu then it would mean removing these features or removing features that Vanilla players use.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I meant after downing, Ill try to test the mod on the vanilla game and let you know if the issue persists.
the menu things arent too big of an issue, since i think you can open plutonium's server browser with F10.
anyways, thanks again for making this mod! other than what i stated, the mod works great on plutonium and im able to play with friends easily.
Last Edit: May 05, 2022, 11:10:59 pm by Cameron0717
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Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I meant after downing, Ill try to test the mod on the vanilla game and let you know if the issue persists.
the menu things arent too big of an issue, since i think you can open plutonium's server browser with F10.
anyways, thanks again for making this mod! other than what i stated, the mod works great on plutonium and im able to play with friends easily.
Ok, sounds good and if u want to send a video of the bug feel free. Because i cant replicate it on my end
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Yop! its a great mod indeed, even looking like an official update, but ill also wanna bug reporting something i got into... Tried to load it in coop (Plutonium & T4M installed) and coop washt working, my friedn got to connect but disconnected shortly after alot of times, some times just got back to the menu, and some others he got this:
Code Snippet
weapon index mismatch for "zombie_tokarev"
We are looking into anyhting that could be on our end and hes, it might be something not related to the mod but ill still check more with others.
I know these kind of messages usually only show up if someone didnt loaded the mod if something is missing, thats why im saying it can be on his part.
If you want someone to test it with you i can participate, i have the steam version and lanfix, um just usually more active on plutonium, send a message if needed.
Last Edit: May 31, 2022, 07:13:29 pm by AdrX003
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Yop! its a great mod indeed, even looking like an official update, but ill also wanna bug reporting something i got into... Tried to load it in coop (Plutonium & T4M installed) and coop washt working, my friedn got to connect but disconnected shortly after alot of times, some times just got back to the menu, and some others he got this:
Code Snippet
weapon index mismatch for "zombie_tokarev"
We are looking into anyhting that could be on our end and hes, it might be something not related to the mod but ill still check more with others.
I know these kind of messages usually only show up if someone didnt loaded the mod if something is missing, thats why im saying it can be on his part.
If you want someone to test it with you i can participate, i have the steam version and lanfix, um just usually more active on plutonium, send a message if needed.
Weird, never seen that bug and I've tested/played in co-op plenty before. I believe a weapon index mismatch issue likely isn't because of a specific mod having a glitch (like mine), but rather it's a general issue that can happen due to a client's game installation. Maybe make sure he doesn't have other custom .iwd files loaded in, make sure he's also on the same version of Plutonium, and also you shouldn't need to install T4M if you're using Plutonium because it already has the features built in.
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Weird, never seen that bug and I've tested/played in co-op plenty before. I believe a weapon index mismatch issue likely isn't because of a specific mod having a glitch (like mine), but rather it's a general issue that can happen due to a client's game installation. Maybe make sure he doesn't have other custom .iwd files loaded in, make sure he's also on the same version of Plutonium, and also you shouldn't need to install T4M if you're using Plutonium because it already has the features built in.
Indeed, i thought of that first and last thing, were gonna test it again today and ill check his files and all for other IWDs loaded, its also better to do this on the LanFix instead of pluto i guess, since you said its not made do run on it.  
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I had a similar co-op error to the one above, with a mismatch for the Tokarev and also for the PaP version of the M1 Garand w/launcher (that I know of). I don't have plutonium installed (just T4M), and I've been trying to find a way around this but with no success so far. If I can find a fix, I'll post an update here saying what I did.
Other than that, I've got Der Riese installed and had a blast with it in single player. Best remastered map I've played by some margin.
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Well I can't replicate it on my end so all I can say is try to make sure everyone has it installed correctly (in the mods folder), everyone has T4M,  and everyone has the same version of the game (steam, for example). Try running a scan for verifying the integrity of game files if maybe their game installation got messed up over the years
This mod has plenty of edited weapons and a weapon index mismatch sounds to me like each client isn't loading in the same weapons when they run my mod, which doesn't make any sense to me

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