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[Beta] UGX Mod Standalone v1.1.0 (updated 1/3/2016)

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Created 9 years ago
by treminaor
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Let me explain here. You guys are using a mod for your map. And ugx's mod has way cool stuff right ? Bear in mind waw has a memory limit. So you can't just place everything in your map/mod and exspect it to work. To have to make your own space for assets. Unhandled exception caught. Is an error that you don't have much space for assets. Hope this help :,8558.0.html 
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Let's keep this thread on topic from here on in. -DBZ

+1 to off-topic reply -DBZ

lmao. Too funny.

Goliath Script Placer:,11234.msg125257/topicseen.html#new

"...Christ, people. Learn C, instead of just stringing random characters
together until it compiles (with warnings)..."

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Unhandled exception caught. Is an error that you don't have much space for assets.

No, it isn't. Unhandled exceptions can be anything the programmers didn't explicitly "handle" to happen when something goes wrong. Memory related issues may be an example, but it isn't the only situation where you might get it by far.
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You're right. But looking at their comments, %100 memory limit.
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I can't wait for a fix. I have to release my new map with the bug so you guys can test it and give feedback to me and the UGX Team for the standalone and the map. At the moment a moderator has to aprove my release.
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Found a bug where the AK-12's elemental (Burning desire) needs a buff, as it does about the same damage as the unpaped version
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Man, i have an issue, when i put just 1 perk the game crash with UGX 1.1, i hate this, i was trying to find an answer about a month and nobody helps  >:( :alone:
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Man, i have an issue, when i put just 1 perk the game crash with UGX 1.1, i hate this, i was trying to find an answer about a month and nobody helps  >:( :alone:
Have you tried installing T4M? I have no idea if that might do anything but it might give you help you out.
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hello, when i try start the game the host can move but the rest of the players just have that "if youre still on this screen, try moving your mouse" and when we move the mouse nothing happens :(
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Have you tried installing T4M? I have no idea if that might do anything but it might give you help you out.
Yea I'm having the same problem. Here is what the error says:

Here is the log that appears with developer 2 and devolper_script 1:
Spoiler: click to open...
Code Snippet
g Characters: None!
Loading Characters: None!
semtex: semtex
Error: Could not load fx "shellejects/pistol_view".
Error: Could not load fx "shellejects/pistol".
gersch: gersch
qed: qed
concussion: concussion
Error: Could not load xmodel "weapon_m1911_upgraded_boxmodel".
Error: Could not load xmodel "weapon_fmg_upgraded_boxmodel".
Error: Could not load xmodel "weapon_1887_upgraded_boxmodel".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_acid_impact".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_electric_impact".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_fire_impact".
Error: Could not load xmodel "weapon_1887_elemental_boxmodel".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_ice_impact".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_wind_impact".
Error: Could not load xmodel "weapon_fmg_elemental_boxmodel".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_explosive_impact".
electrip: WEAPON_BETTY
matchtrap: matchtrap
bear_trap: bear_trap
Error: Could not load xmodel "zombie_pickup_perk_bottle".
zombie_knuckle_crack: WEAPON_ZOMBIE_PERK_BOTTLE
zombie_d2p_generic: WEAPON_ZOMBIE_PERK_BOTTLE
zombie_d2p_pistol: WEAPON_ZOMBIE_PERK_BOTTLE
zombie_d2p_sniper: WEAPON_ZOMBIE_PERK_BOTTLE
Error: Could not load xmodel "zombie_vending_item_on".

Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Connecting player #0 has a zero GUID
****Coop CodeCallback_PlayerConnect****
****Coop CodeCallback_PlayerConnect****
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 0 guid 0)
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 0 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 1 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 2 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 3 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 4 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 5 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 6 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
OshaPoo : dropped gamestate, resending
SV_SendClientGameState() for OshaPoo
DynEnt_WriteGameState wrote 2 bytes
Sending 21330 bytes in gamestate to client: 0
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_DownloadsComplete
ImpCount: Counting non-prod map!
Incrementing leaderboard num 3, entry 4 to 1!
impcount: 0:
impcount: 0: 0
impcount: 0: 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1:
impcount: 1: 0
impcount: 1: 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2:
impcount: 2: 0
impcount: 2: 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 3:
impcount: 3: 0
impcount: 3: 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Patchmaps: 0
Patchmaps: 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0 0
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_InitCGame
Player 0 no longer burning at time: 0
Player 0 no longer electrified at time: 0
Player 0 no longer transporter sick at time: 0
Error: Could not load material "nightvision_overlay_goggles".
Error: Could not load material "ammo_counter_tesla".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters_glow".
Error: Could not load material "killicondied".
Error: Could not load material "killiconcrush".
Error: Could not load material "killiconfalling".
Error: Could not load material "killiconsuicide".
Error: Could not load material "killiconheadshot".
LOADING... collision map
LOADING... graphics
LOADING... maps/hellokitty_remastered.d3dbsp

Foliage: --------------------------
Foliage: smodelCount = 0
Foliage: foliage model count = 0 (max=16384)
Foliage: sizeof(g_modelInfos) = 16384, element size = 1
Foliage: --------------------------

vertex stream 2: --------------------------
vertex stream 2: needs 0 bytes
vertex stream 2: already allocated 0 bytes
vertex stream 2: --------------------------
LOADING... game media
LOADING...  - textures
Error: Could not load material "headicondisconnected".
Error: Could not load material "headiconyouinkillcam".
Error: Could not load material "objective_up".
Error: Could not load material "objective_down".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "objective_friendly_chat".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_enemy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_radarline".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_busy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "hud_flashbangicon".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzai".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzaigrenade".
LOADING...  - models
LOADING...  - items
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_zfuckmyass) for weapon (m14)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_vzoom) for weapon (l96a1)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope) for weapon (l96a1_upgraded)
LOADING...  - inline models
LOADING...  - server models
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_wire_spark_dl_oneshot".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/bouncing_betty/fx_explosion_betty_generic".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/bouncing_betty/fx_betty_trail".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_elec_trail_oneshot".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_short_oneshot".
Error: Could not load fx "ugx_scriptplacer_weather_efx".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mak/fx_cigarette_smoke".
Error: Could not load fx "env/smoke/fx_fog_zombie_amb".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_grain_cloud".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/thundergun/fx_thundergun_knockback_ground".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie_moon/fx_moon_qbomb_explo_distort".
Error: Could not load fx "1".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_american_smoke_grenade".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_flare_sky_white_10sec".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_gas_grenade_22sec".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager1".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager2".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager3".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager4".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager5".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager6".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager7".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager8".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager9".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager10".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_burn_trail".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_burn_trail2".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_wick".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/rocket/fx_trail_bazooka_geotrail".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_torso".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm_smk_2sec".
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_viewKickPeriod'
  Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
Error: Could not load rawfile "shock/zombie_death.shock".
Error: couldn't open 'shock/zombie_death.shock'.
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_dust_default".
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_water".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_white_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_black_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/jet_afterburner".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_sm".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_md".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_lg".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_object_ripple".
Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/water/fx_wake_lvt_churn".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_water_hit_player_bubbles".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_waist_ripple".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_knee_ripple".
LOADING...  - game media done
LOADING... clients
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/".
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/".
Error: Could not load material "blank".
Error: Could not load material "waypoint_targetneutral".
Error: Could not load material "waypoint_capture".
Error: Could not load material "waypoint_defend".
Error: Could not load material "ugxm_maxammo".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_fthrow_vert_short".
*** CLIENT SPAWN 0 script_brushmodels 0 script_models.
deactivating bus
deactivating bus
activating bus 'immediate_off'
activating bus 'immediate_off'
Registering zombify
Registering zombify
*** ClientScripts : Added no effects.
*** ClientScripts : Added no effects.

******* script runtime error *******
loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs.
: (file 'clientscripts/', line 17)
 clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "asphalt",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 20)
Error: started from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 5)
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.:
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.: (file 'clientscripts/', line 257)
 assertEx(IsDefined(fx), "Need to define the mud footstep effect.");
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 17)
 clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "asphalt",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 20)
Error: started from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 5)
Error: ************************************

Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished
ERROR: script runtime error
(see console for details)
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.
PROFILES: setting server info to
Couldn't get profiles instance, are we logged on?
*** Client script VM : Local client disconnect 0
*** Client script VM : Local client disconnect 0

******* script runtime error *******
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.:
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.: (file 'clientscripts/', line 75)
 player notify("disconnect");
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 71)
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 257)
 assertEx(IsDefined(fx), "Need to define the mud footstep effect.");
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 17)
 clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "asphalt",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 20)
Error: started from:

script runtime error
(see console for details)
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.
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☭ Soviet Commander ☭
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Yea I'm having the same problem. Here is what the error says:

Here is the log that appears with developer 2 and devolper_script 1:
Spoiler: click to open...
Code Snippet
g Characters: None!
Loading Characters: None!
semtex: semtex
Error: Could not load fx "shellejects/pistol_view".
Error: Could not load fx "shellejects/pistol".
gersch: gersch
qed: qed
concussion: concussion
Error: Could not load xmodel "weapon_m1911_upgraded_boxmodel".
Error: Could not load xmodel "weapon_fmg_upgraded_boxmodel".
Error: Could not load xmodel "weapon_1887_upgraded_boxmodel".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_acid_impact".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_electric_impact".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_fire_impact".
Error: Could not load xmodel "weapon_1887_elemental_boxmodel".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_ice_impact".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_wind_impact".
Error: Could not load xmodel "weapon_fmg_elemental_boxmodel".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/elemental/elemental_explosive_impact".
electrip: WEAPON_BETTY
matchtrap: matchtrap
bear_trap: bear_trap
Error: Could not load xmodel "zombie_pickup_perk_bottle".
zombie_knuckle_crack: WEAPON_ZOMBIE_PERK_BOTTLE
zombie_d2p_generic: WEAPON_ZOMBIE_PERK_BOTTLE
zombie_d2p_pistol: WEAPON_ZOMBIE_PERK_BOTTLE
zombie_d2p_sniper: WEAPON_ZOMBIE_PERK_BOTTLE
Error: Could not load xmodel "zombie_vending_item_on".

Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Connecting player #0 has a zero GUID
****Coop CodeCallback_PlayerConnect****
****Coop CodeCallback_PlayerConnect****
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 0 guid 0)
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 0 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 1 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 2 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 3 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 4 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 5 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Received packet 6 of stats data
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
OshaPoo : dropped gamestate, resending
SV_SendClientGameState() for OshaPoo
DynEnt_WriteGameState wrote 2 bytes
Sending 21330 bytes in gamestate to client: 0
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Error: Must use a string as the name of a dvar, not a Int
Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_DownloadsComplete
ImpCount: Counting non-prod map!
Incrementing leaderboard num 3, entry 4 to 1!
impcount: 0:
impcount: 0: 0
impcount: 0: 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1:
impcount: 1: 0
impcount: 1: 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2:
impcount: 2: 0
impcount: 2: 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 3:
impcount: 3: 0
impcount: 3: 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
impcount: 3: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Patchmaps: 0
Patchmaps: 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0 0
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_InitCGame
Player 0 no longer burning at time: 0
Player 0 no longer electrified at time: 0
Player 0 no longer transporter sick at time: 0
Error: Could not load material "nightvision_overlay_goggles".
Error: Could not load material "ammo_counter_tesla".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters_glow".
Error: Could not load material "killicondied".
Error: Could not load material "killiconcrush".
Error: Could not load material "killiconfalling".
Error: Could not load material "killiconsuicide".
Error: Could not load material "killiconheadshot".
LOADING... collision map
LOADING... graphics
LOADING... maps/hellokitty_remastered.d3dbsp

Foliage: --------------------------
Foliage: smodelCount = 0
Foliage: foliage model count = 0 (max=16384)
Foliage: sizeof(g_modelInfos) = 16384, element size = 1
Foliage: --------------------------

vertex stream 2: --------------------------
vertex stream 2: needs 0 bytes
vertex stream 2: already allocated 0 bytes
vertex stream 2: --------------------------
LOADING... game media
LOADING...  - textures
Error: Could not load material "headicondisconnected".
Error: Could not load material "headiconyouinkillcam".
Error: Could not load material "objective_up".
Error: Could not load material "objective_down".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "objective_friendly_chat".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_enemy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_radarline".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_busy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "hud_flashbangicon".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzai".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzaigrenade".
LOADING...  - models
LOADING...  - items
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_zfuckmyass) for weapon (m14)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_vzoom) for weapon (l96a1)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope) for weapon (l96a1_upgraded)
LOADING...  - inline models
LOADING...  - server models
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_wire_spark_dl_oneshot".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/bouncing_betty/fx_explosion_betty_generic".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/bouncing_betty/fx_betty_trail".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_elec_trail_oneshot".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_short_oneshot".
Error: Could not load fx "ugx_scriptplacer_weather_efx".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mak/fx_cigarette_smoke".
Error: Could not load fx "env/smoke/fx_fog_zombie_amb".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_grain_cloud".
Error: Could not load fx "ugxm/thundergun/fx_thundergun_knockback_ground".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie_moon/fx_moon_qbomb_explo_distort".
Error: Could not load fx "1".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_american_smoke_grenade".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_flare_sky_white_10sec".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_gas_grenade_22sec".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager1".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager2".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager3".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager4".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager5".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager6".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager7".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager8".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager9".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager10".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_burn_trail".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_burn_trail2".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_wick".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/rocket/fx_trail_bazooka_geotrail".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_torso".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm_smk_2sec".
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_viewKickPeriod'
  Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
Error: Could not load rawfile "shock/zombie_death.shock".
Error: couldn't open 'shock/zombie_death.shock'.
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_dust_default".
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_water".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_white_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_black_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/jet_afterburner".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_sm".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_md".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_lg".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_object_ripple".
Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/water/fx_wake_lvt_churn".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_water_hit_player_bubbles".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_waist_ripple".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_knee_ripple".
LOADING...  - game media done
LOADING... clients
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/".
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/".
Error: Could not load material "blank".
Error: Could not load material "waypoint_targetneutral".
Error: Could not load material "waypoint_capture".
Error: Could not load material "waypoint_defend".
Error: Could not load material "ugxm_maxammo".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_fthrow_vert_short".
*** CLIENT SPAWN 0 script_brushmodels 0 script_models.
deactivating bus
deactivating bus
activating bus 'immediate_off'
activating bus 'immediate_off'
Registering zombify
Registering zombify
*** ClientScripts : Added no effects.
*** ClientScripts : Added no effects.

******* script runtime error *******
loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs.
: (file 'clientscripts/', line 17)
 clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "asphalt",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 20)
Error: started from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 5)
Error: ************************************

******* script runtime error *******
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.:
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.: (file 'clientscripts/', line 257)
 assertEx(IsDefined(fx), "Need to define the mud footstep effect.");
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 17)
 clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "asphalt",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 20)
Error: started from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 5)
Error: ************************************

Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished
ERROR: script runtime error
(see console for details)
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.
PROFILES: setting server info to
Couldn't get profiles instance, are we logged on?
*** Client script VM : Local client disconnect 0
*** Client script VM : Local client disconnect 0

******* script runtime error *******
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.:
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.: (file 'clientscripts/', line 75)
 player notify("disconnect");
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 71)
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 257)
 assertEx(IsDefined(fx), "Need to define the mud footstep effect.");
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 17)
 clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "asphalt",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
Error: called from:
(file 'clientscripts/', line 20)
Error: started from:

script runtime error
(see console for details)
assert fail: Need to define the mud footstep effect.

Should be in clientscript/<mapname> in the footsteps function.

Code Snippet
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "asphalt",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "brick",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "carpet",     LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "cloth",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "concrete",   LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "dirt",       LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "foliage",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "gravel",     LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "grass",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "metal",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "mud",        LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_mud" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "paper",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "plaster",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "rock",       LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "sand",       LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "water",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_water" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "wood",       LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
Last Edit: June 07, 2016, 02:44:01 pm by daedra descent
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Should be in clientscript/<mapname> in the footsteps function.

Code Snippet
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "asphalt",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "brick",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "carpet",     LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "cloth",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "concrete",   LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "dirt",       LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "foliage",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "gravel",     LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "grass",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "metal",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "mud",        LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_mud" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "paper",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "plaster",    LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "rock",       LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "sand",       LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "water",      LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_water" ) );
   clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "wood",       LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) );
lol this is what mine looks like:
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lol this is what mine looks like: (Image removed from quote.)

That is GSC, not CSC. GSC is server while CSC is client(hence clientscripts folder).
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That is GSC, not CSC. GSC is server while CSC is client(hence clientscripts folder).
For some reason, when I opened it with Notepad, it considered it .gsc, but when I opened with Notepad++ it says the same thing:
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For some reason, when I opened it with Notepad, it considered it .gsc, but when I opened with Notepad++ it says the same thing: (Image removed from quote.)

Well, either the UGX mod tools patch has it somewhere else or it doesn't have it all(pretty sure its required so this can't be the case). What about <mapname>.csc? Mine looks like this:

Code Snippet
#include clientscripts\_utility;
#include clientscripts\_music;
#include clientscripts\_fx;

   level.DLC3_Client = spawnStruct(); // Leave This Line Or Else It Breaks Everything

   // Must Change These For Your Map
   level.DLC3_Client.createFX = clientscripts\createfx\Goliath_template_fx::main;
   level.DLC3_Client.myFX = ::preCacheMyFX;


   println("Registering zombify");
   clientscripts\_utility::registerSystem("zombify", clientscripts\dlc3_code::zombifyHandler);


   thread clientscripts\_audio::audio_init(0);

   // Change For Your Map!
   thread clientscripts\Goliath_template_amb::main();

   level._zombieCBFunc = clientscripts\_zombie_mode::zombie_eyes;
   thread waitforclient(0);

   println("*** Client : zombie running...or is it chasing? Muhahahaha");

   level._effect["snow_thick"]   = LoadFx( "env/weather/fx_snow_blizzard_intense" );
Last Edit: June 07, 2016, 05:58:08 pm by daedra descent
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Location: usTexas
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I make maps for fun, they are mostly crap.
oshawat750's Groups
Donator ♥ Benevolent Soul who has our eternal gratitude and exclusive access to betas and the donator section of the forum.
oshawat750's Contact & Social LinksOshaPooOshawat750Oshawat750

Well, either the UGX mod tools patch has it somewhere else or it doesn't have it all(pretty sure its required so this can't be the case). What about <mapname>.csc? Mine looks like this:

Code Snippet
#include clientscripts\_utility;
#include clientscripts\_music;
#include clientscripts\_fx;

   level.DLC3_Client = spawnStruct(); // Leave This Line Or Else It Breaks Everything

   // Must Change These For Your Map
   level.DLC3_Client.createFX = clientscripts\createfx\Goliath_template_fx::main;
   level.DLC3_Client.myFX = ::preCacheMyFX;


   println("Registering zombify");
   clientscripts\_utility::registerSystem("zombify", clientscripts\dlc3_code::zombifyHandler);


   thread clientscripts\_audio::audio_init(0);

   // Change For Your Map!
   thread clientscripts\Goliath_template_amb::main();

   level._zombieCBFunc = clientscripts\_zombie_mode::zombie_eyes;
   thread waitforclient(0);

   println("*** Client : zombie running...or is it chasing? Muhahahaha");

   level._effect["snow_thick"]   = LoadFx( "env/weather/fx_snow_blizzard_intense" );
Code Snippet
#include clientscripts\_utility;
#include clientscripts\_music;
#include clientscripts\_fx;

level.DLC3_Client = spawnStruct(); // Leave This Line Or Else It Breaks Everything

// Must Change These For Your Map
level.DLC3_Client.createFX = clientscripts\createfx\hellokitty_remastered_fx::main;
level.DLC3_Client.myFX = ::preCacheMyFX;


println("Registering zombify");
clientscripts\_utility::registerSystem("zombify", clientscripts\dlc3_code::zombifyHandler);




thread clientscripts\_audio::audio_init(0);

// Change For Your Map!
thread clientscripts\hellokitty_remastered_amb::main();

level._zombieCBFunc = clientscripts\_zombie_mode::zombie_eyes;

thread waitforclient(0);

println("*** Client : zombie running...or is it chasing? Muhahahaha");



level._effect["snow_thick"] = LoadFx( "env/weather/fx_snow_blizzard_intense" );

Loading ...