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Messages - General_101

Man, i have an issue, when i put just 1 perk the game crash with UGX 1.1, i hate this, i was trying to find an answer about a month and nobody helps  >:( :alone:
Have you tried installing T4M? I have no idea if that might do anything but it might give you help you out.
9 years ago
Yes it is related. As a test play necro city, it works with 3 people. I fixed it for necro city and i thought I added the patched files to the latest ugx mod standalone release
no and no.
I just completely cleaned out my COD: WaW. I restarted from scratch with fresh mod tools with mod tools patch 1.0.6 and UGX mod standalone 1.1.1. I also deleted the old map files and only saved the map source and a couple of scripts. After all that I'm still getting the issue where only 2 players may play at a time and the rest stay on the move your mouse a bit screen.

Any suggestions on where to go from here? I am completely lost and am sure I am doing everything right.
9 years ago

I have the exact same issue. It only worked one time. And I have still the problem that I can't play my map with more than 2 people. The other 2 stuck at the "Mouse Moving Screen". They just stand there with the UGX-Logo over their head and cant move. This must be fixed, I want to release my map so bad and I like the Mod. :'(
I am also having this issue. Only 2 people can play at a time on my map. It can't be related to weapon bob settings because when the second player leaves the third player is suddenly allowed to play.
9 years ago
Thanks for the help! My Lmaps(Going to assume light maps?) where the problem and it looks perfect now.
9 years ago
So I have ran into a problem that is pretty annoying if I do say so myself. I was wondering if anyone could explain what would cause this.
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9 years ago
I still play Doom 1, 2, 3, and am waiting for the 4th to come out. Brutal Doom is ok but I prefer the original game and a lot of the multiplayer servers hosted on Zandronum. My favorite thing to play with my brothers and friends is Complex Doom Invasion. If I'm not playing that I often dabble around with some WADs like Alien Vendetta or DTWID with something like Brutal Doom or the original game. Depends on how I feel on that day.

Currently I am waiting for WulfenDoom: Blade of Agony to come out since I do love some Wolfenstein every now and then.
9 years ago
Welcome to the topic of my first public map and technically the second map I have ever made in radiant. I have been working on this map for about one to two months now and have made enough progress to where I feel I can show something here. The whole reason for this maps existence was due to me being a bit disappointed with UGX_Requiem and the difficulty. Requiem while a fantastic looking map gave a significant edge to the players with all sorts of new tools while the zombies felt helpless at times. I have ended more matches in Requiem due to crashes at round 30-40 than I have due to actually losing.

I have no previous experience with this so everything here is first time kind of thing. Here is a full feature list of what I hope to accomplish. Some of it has already been done.

  • UGX version 1.1 (I will attempt to keep this updated with any new versions that do come out.)
  • Kino der Toten style teleporter
  • Reimplementing dogs and give them a few tweaks making them not be just a free ammo round
  • Verrückt runners
  • Ensuring a certain level of difficulty(Vague but I will attempt to expand on this.)
  • Several areas to explore
  • Eventually add several hidden easter eggs.
  • UGX jukebox (Assuming I get this to work.)
  • Hidden song
  • Hidden keys that will "unlock" perks machines.

The general setting is a type of military area with several areas to explore and hopefully plenty of detail to go along with it.

The story I have made up is that this is a sort of government building where new technologies for the purpose of warfare is shown to military types. At the dawn of the zombie invasion the area was locked down allowing only the elite and their lackeys entrance to the security of an underground vault and parts of the building. Desperate for resources teams began attempting to make wells for water unearthed an artifact. Whatever the coffin was it brought the attention of the undead and drove the weak inside mad. After a night of desperate combat and cries for mercy our heroes suddenly appear from the teleporter pad ready to relive the nightmare.

Cringey maybe but some people want stories and explanations for some reason so there you go.

Final piece is screenshots of course.
Spoiler: click to open...

Some things will look strange and broken in the pictures but they are being worked on.

As I said I would expand on the difficulty tweaks I want to attempt. I want to make the map so that camping and training happens as little as possible. A map where teammates will be the players greatest asset. I want to ensure that the player has to go out of their way to go into dangerous areas to achieve the things they want. This will entail placing the mystery box in interesting places, increasing the speed of zombies, changing some values, changing some current level geometry. I want to attempt to make sure the player can't just sit in one area and let the points roll in. I also want to make sure I keep things leveled and not make things to the point where I scare off most people. I want people to have fun making it to round 20 and beyond.

This is my my first time ever making a real map so I would be grateful for any sort of criticism you may have. Whether you feel it is personal or otherwise.

Thank you for your time!
9 years ago
I've been getting this error on my map when I try to load it with the jukebox scripts.
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I added all the files to my root directory. I have also edited my map.gsc found at this location and as seen.
Spoiler: click to open...
Call of Duty - World at War\mods\ugxm_spiral\maps\ugxm_spiral.gsc
Code Snippet


thread maps\ugx_jukebox::jukebox_init();
thread maps\ugx_weather_handle::think();
My mod.csv is as follows
Spoiler: click to open...
Code Snippet
// UGX JukeBox
// UGX Mod v1.1
// End UGX Mod v1.1
// Zombie Mode Stuff
// Zombie Mode Strings
// Mod Strings
// Edited Loadout For Zombie Heroes
// Edited LastStand For Deep Water Like Sumpf
// Edited For Developer_Script

I have checked all the items in the IWD file list and despite all of these things I still run into this error. My map worked fine before and the only configurations I have done is attempt to make the jukebox usable. Can anyone suggest me a fix? I am running UGX mod 1.1 along with all of this and used the new UGX script placer to make my map.
9 years ago
Honestly, I thought you were joking but it was rather straight forward. No issue seems to crop up as long as I keep only that door as being solid while moving. My problem was that I thought that editing the _zombiemode_blocker_new in raw\maps would do it but when I compiled it I was getting it with notsolid instead of solid so I must have been editing the wrong thing.
9 years ago
Any resources you know of that could get me started? I could just leave it as is but I really don't want to have a door that opens instantly in that area.
9 years ago
I have been working on something for a while and wanted to have a certain type of door. I have it set so that I use a trigger_use and then it moves a script_brushmodel up. I added a player clip in hopes that it would remain solid but it seems not matter what I try I can't make the gate remain solid for the duration of the opening sequence.  Here is pictures of what I am doing.

Anyone mind giving me any pointers here. I am stumped as to what to do.
9 years ago
Not sure if this has been asked before so apologies if so. I installed the UGX mod on my map and it works flawlessly so far. The mod however seems to hide the LAN option from the cooperative screen and disables the coop button all together if one does not have a connection to the internet. I have to assume that this was done to fight pirates but it makes it very annoying in my area as internet isn't always available. To top that i have less latency with my brothers playing on LAN instead of online. Is there a way to change this myself or is the UGX team going to change this?
9 years ago
I would love this for my games and random files. Playing around with images and random editors makes having extra storage handy.
11 years ago
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