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Topics - nabaro

How do I make it so that a player can't pick up any "new weapons" (wall, box, etc.)?

EDIT: Also, in the
Code Snippet
function, which statement corresponds to which in-game event: "fake_death", "death", and "player_downed" to downing, bleeding out, and being revived?
10 years ago
I made a script to turn on jug by using a turret for 10 seconds (not necessarily consecutive). There are no syntax errors, however, jug turns on within 10 seconds of my spawning in, regardless of whether I am using the turret or not. Here is my script:

Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager;
#include maps\_music;

players = get_players();
player = players[0];
activator = 0;
while(activator < 200)
firing = player IsFiring();
if(player HasWeapon("30cal_bipod_stand") && (firing == "true"))
activator = activator + 1;
level notify("juggernog_on");

Thanks in advance! (Also, another thing is that this will only work for player 1 right now (solo). This is just for testing and not a concern as of now).
10 years ago
Could someone please explain to me the functions in this script? I am trying to add thunder and lightning into my map.
10 years ago
Would it just be
Code Snippet
players[0] trigger disable_trigger();
or would I have to do something else?
10 years ago
A few questions I encountered today while scripting. 1: How does one go about turning a perk machine "off"? 2: I am quite aware of the
Code Snippet
function, but is there a way to test "if" a trigger has been activated rather than making the script wait for a trigger? 3. What are the KVPs that distinguish different Pandora's Boxes (ex. how the first and third locations are different KVP-wise)? Thanks in advance!
10 years ago
For the fun of it, I'm trying to put Reznov as a zombies character, so I changed the char_zomb_player_0 csv and gsc from:
Code Snippet
Code Snippet
self setModel("char_usa_marine_polonsky_zomb");
self.voice = "american";

Code Snippet
Code Snippet
self setModel("char_usa_marine_polonsky_zomb");
self.voice = "american";

Both Dempsey and Reznov's models include heads so I thought this should work fine. I built the mod, went into third person, and saw some weird glitch-esque thing where the camera was halfway in the floor. I even included the xmodel file in my mods folder and added this line to my mod.csv:
Code Snippet
and it still doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?

Post Merge: April 04, 2014, 12:53:41 am
Nvm, caught the obvious typo *facepalm*

Post Merge: April 04, 2014, 01:05:37 am
Well, I fixed the business in the gsc, but in 3rd person Reznov looks like this: Any possible reasons why?
10 years ago
The map that I'm working on relies a lot on timers, so I'm going to ask three questions about them. Answers to any would be greatly appreciated. How do I pause a timer? How do I extract the current value (how many seconds) of a timer? How do I make it so that more time goes down on them more or less than one second per second? Thanks in advance!
10 years ago
Rather than display the HintString I gave it, the trigger_use I made just shows that hand icon and does not perform the function it is supposed to. Here is the script (in radiant I gave the trigger_use a targetname of button_jug_trig):

Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_anim;

flag_wait("all players connected");
players = get_players();
level.zombie_cost = players.size * 200;
thread generator_process_jug();

button_jug_trig = getEnt("button_jug_trig", "targetname");
button_jug_trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
button_jug_trig SetHintString("Press &&1 to activate the generator [Cost:" + level.zombie_cost + "]);
activator = undefined;

button_jug_trig waittill("trigger", activator);
if (activator.score >= level.zombie_cost)
button_jug_trig disable_trigger();
activator.score = activator.score - level.zombie_cost;
jug_timer = create_simple_hud();
jug_timer.foreground = true;
jug_timer.sort = 4;
jug_timer.hidewheninmenu = false;
jug_timer.alignX = "left";
jug_timer.alignY = "top";
jug_timer.horzAlign = "left";
jug_timer.vertAlign = "top";
jug_timer.fontScale = 1.5;
jug_timer.x = 5;
jug_timer.y = 5;
jug_timer.color = (1,0,0);
jug_timer setTimer(12);
level.custom_jug_timer = jug_timer;
level notify("juggernog on");
jug_timer destroy();
10 years ago
Does the ChangeLevel function work in zombies? It would be awesome to have an easter egg that teleported you to the next map!
10 years ago
I used terrain patches to create this in Radiant:
It didn't exactly give the desired result in WaW:
How do I fix this?
10 years ago
I was trying to do some testing for changing dialogue, so I looked at the soundalias for Dempsey's power quote (plr_0_vox_level_start_0,voiceovers\zombie\dlc3\plr0\power_out_00.wav,,,,1,1,75,1700,2,reject,1,reject,voice,,curve2,0.8,2100,,curve2,1,1,,3d,streamed,,,master,,,,,,0,,,,50,500,0.9,0.5,,,,,,10,25,0.25,1,,) and created a .wav called power_out_00 (unsigned 8 bit pcm, no tags, mono track) and saved it under soundassets\raw\sound\voiceovers\zombie\dlc3\plr0. Then I went to Launcher and added this line to the mod builder: sound,plr_0_vox_level_start_0. Finally, I built both the mod.ff and sounds at the same time, but there is no updated file when I look in raw/sound (In fact, the folders haven't even been created)! Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Post Merge: March 21, 2014, 03:27:38 am
The problem is solved. If anyone visits this post with a similar dilemma, go to this post on zombiemodding:
10 years ago
So I just created a new area in my map (it has been zoned, path nodes and spawners have been placed and are linked to the door). Whenever I open the door and enter the room for the first time, there is lag as if the game has paused for a second and then it resumes normally. Also, after staying in this room for some time, zombies will no longer be able to make their way over to the room properly and freeze as if there were no path nodes. Even the zombies inside the room freeze! Please help!
10 years ago
So I was trying to get my zombies to crawl through a hole using the traverse "through_hole_42", but when I try to run the map, I get an error saying "Could not find label 'main' in script 'animscripts/traverse/through_hole_42'". Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
10 years ago
I want a script brushmodel with a player clip texture to move up at a certain point (so the player can access the area behind it) and go down again later (so the player can no longer go to that area). How can I accomplish this?
10 years ago
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