Congrats for 1.1 release. This one is on my top 5 custom maps ever. I dont really like that you change the camo, since that was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! already.
Version 1.1 Log: -New Game Mode has been added: Juggernaut -New Easter Egg added for Classic Game Mode -Added Black Ops 3 Death Machine, Ghosts Ameli and Ghosts CBJ-MS -New buildable has been added -Optional perk limit has been added -New options added for Kill Confirmed -Pack-a-Punch camo has been changed to be one from The Giant -Fixed the grenade pickup animation -Removed few doors, that were not needed -Aligned few models and patches -Fixed few bugs with Game Modes -New round start sounds have been added -Updated some textures in the map, like powerup shaders and round chalks -Some weapon fixes have been done
This will be last update, if there are no gamebreaking bugs. I am not going to continue modding on WaW anymore (atleast solo projects) Hopefully everything is working and you have better time with this version, enjoy!
Good... But i will stick with the older update No perk limits
Me & Crowzo played 1.1, awesome update, but we fed the dogs and I don't know what was the reward? We looked for ages and couldn't find anything, we were hoping for a Hell's Retriver, but alas, not one was found. Could you hint us as to where to look/what the reward is?
Also, found a minor bug, the MSR when reloading, the magazine you're putting in is invisible, so if you plan to update it again, make sure to fix this, but isn't much of a problem
Either way, awesome update. Though one problem I've always had is only the alarm generator nearest to the activate power door area (not the outdoor one, not at the power switch) is the only one that lights up after the first step.
Me & Crowzo played 1.1, awesome update, but we fed the dogs and I don't know what was the reward? We looked for ages and couldn't find anything, we were hoping for a Hell's Retriver, but alas, not one was found. Could you hint us as to where to look/what the reward is?
Also, found a minor bug, the MSR when reloading, the magazine you're putting in is invisible, so if you plan to update it again, make sure to fix this, but isn't much of a problem
Either way, awesome update. Though one problem I've always had is only the alarm generator nearest to the activate power door area (not the outdoor one, not at the power switch) is the only one that lights up after the first step.
Look for something that moves objects.
MSR official anims, its like that in MW3 as well.
There are 4 generators that have FX playing after first step, look harder
Me & Crowzo played 1.1, awesome update, but we fed the dogs and I don't know what was the reward? We looked for ages and couldn't find anything, we were hoping for a Hell's Retriver, but alas, not one was found. Could you hint us as to where to look/what the reward is?
Just played the updated version, and got all the new stuff. The Ameli is a beast. I was somewhat disappointed in the reward for feeding all 3 of the dogs(reward on helps if there is a perk limit.) I think the new buildable could use a damage buff(felt like it wasn't doing anything on round 24) and the cbj's paped version needs it's muzzle flash adjusted.
Just played the updated version, and got all the new stuff. The Ameli is a beast. I was somewhat disappointed in the reward for feeding all 3 of the dogs(reward on helps if there is a perk limit.) I think the new buildable could use a damage buff(felt like it wasn't doing anything on round 24) and the cbj's paped version needs it's muzzle flash adjusted.
Well, buildable is infinite ammo weapon, need to just use charge shot in group, then use some other weapon while it regenerates ammo. CBJ-MS uses same muzzleflash as any other SMG, who needs to see through sight, when they are spraying it?
Edit: Also, if you have any issues in the map, comment them and I will get back to you, when I can. I will be away for 2 weeks in China and probably wont have access to Internet at all while being in there
Last Edit: May 11, 2016, 05:24:49 pm by HitmanVere